At the Luau

by Winds-of-Dawn

Sing a joyful song, dance a glad dance,
let the fire burn bright tonight,
let our laughter echo in the night air,
let our voices drift across the endless ocean,
let our feet stomp in frenzied rhythm over the warm earth.

For our dead walk with us tonight,
their breathes caress our hair,
their hands flutter over our thoughts,
their eyes stare at us from the firelight,
their voices call us within our hearts.

Unseeing, we see them in each other's faces,
unhearing, we hear them in the waves lapping the shore,
unsmelling, their fragrance saturates our souls,
untasting, their memories flow bitter-sweet across our tongue,
unfeeling, we feel them with us always.

Sing a joyful song, dance a glad dance,
eat, drink, laugh, cry, and make merry.
For our dead walk with us tonight.

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