
by Winds-of-Dawn

"Cranberries, Chief?"

Blair grinned. "Yeah, they were so fresh! I just had to buy them!"

Jim leaned back against the wall and crossed his arms, watching bemusedly as Blair continued to stir the bubbling cranberries in the pot.

Oh my life - Is changing everyday - In every possible way

"And what," he inquired, "are we going to do with all that cranberry sauce?"

"Oh, come on, Jim," Blair laughed, "Poker night is tomorrow. We take this with us to Joel's, it'll be gone in a flash, man."

"Oh, yeah?"

"Yeah, they are good. Here, come here, taste some."

And my dreams - It's never quite as it seems - Never quite as it seems

Blair held up the spoon toward Jim, a hand under it to catch any drips.

Jim moved leisurely forward, a wry smile on his face as he reached out to clasp Blair's hand. His eyes never left Blair's as he guided Blair's hand to bring the spoon to his mouth. Blair's eyes twinkled merrily as he watched Jim deliberately lick the spoon.

"Well?" Blair bounced.

Jim crooked his head, as if he were seriously analyzing the taste. "Well," he said deliberatively, "it's sweet. And tangy."

I know I've felt like this before - But now I'm feeling it even more -
Because it came from you

"Good, isn't it?"

"Oh, yeah," Jim agreed, as he reached out and turned the fire off, "and just about cooked enough." Drawing Blair close, he pulled the spoon out of Blair's unresisting hand and tossed it into the sink.

And then I open up and see - The person falling here is me -
A different way to be

As Jim bent to suckle his throat, Blair let out a low moan which promptly turned into a chuckle.

"What," Jim asked, without stopping the gentle nuzzling.

"Oh, man," Blair breathed, still chuckling. "I just never thought, it would be like this, you know."

Jim pulled up, looking quizzically into Blair's flushed face. "No?" he said, running his fingers through Blair's tussled curls.

Blair raised his arms, bringing his hands together behind Jim's neck, and leaned slightly away, letting his body hang loosely on Jim's supporting arms around his waist.

I want more (impossible to ignore) -
Impossible to ignore (I want more)
And they'll come true (impossible not to do) -
Impossible not to do (and they'll come true)

"Not really," he said. "I mean, I was looking for a Sentinel, a subject for my dissertation, and..."


"I found you."


"Well..." Blair pulled himself closer to Jim, burying his head against Jim's shoulder, "You were nothing like I imagined, man."

And now I tell you openly - You have my heart so don't hurt me -
You're what I couldn't find

Jim run caressing hands up and down Blair's back, pressing his cheek against the top of the smaller man's head. "I imagine that wasn't a bad thing, Chief?"

Blair threw back his head in a startled laugh. "Oh, no," he chuckled, "not bad at all. Not at all."

Jim took advantage of Blair's tilted head to start nuzzling again at the exposed neck.

Blair moaned and sagged back against the sink.

A totally amazing mind - So understanding and so kind -
You're everything to me

"Jim," he whimpered, "How did I find you? How did I ever find you?"

"Amazing, isn't it?"

"It keeps going and going," Blair mumbled. "I keep falling and falling, further into you, man, like I don't ever ever want to stop."

"Don't, then."


"Never, ever, ever."

"Oh, yeah," Blair murmured, dizzy with the feel of Jim's arms the soft sure strokes of his tongue the shifting dreams before his eyes the sweet-tangy taste of cranberries...

Oh my life - Is changing everyday - In every possible way
And my dreams - It's never quite as it seems - Never quite as it seems

-- Dreams, by The Cranberries --

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