Title: A Gentleman's Agreement
Author: LadyHawksshadow
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: All credit goes to Tolkien. I do not own nor profit from the use of these characters.
Special Warnings: Explicit sexual content. Slash. PWP (If you break out a magnifying glass you might find a smidgeon of plot.)
Beta: larian_elensar
Cast: Éomer/Legolas Faramir/Legolas
Timeline: A/U but after the fall of Mordor
Archive: http://www.geocities.com/ladyhawkslair
Summary: Éomer and Faramir make a wager.

A Gentleman's Agreement
by LadyHawksshadow

Faramir's wounds had healed enough to allow him to spend a few hours a day on the walls of Minas Tirith. He liked walking there with the afternoon sun shining on his face. He used the time to reflect on the changes that had overcome him of late. He mentally worked through the death of his father and brother. He grew accustomed to the return of Elessar as King of Gondor. He made an unexpected friend in Éomer, the new king of the Rohirrim.

Lately, Éomer had taken to walking with Faramir as they talked about the changes sweeping across Middle Earth. Together, they watched as people returned to their homes. They worried about the upcoming winter and how harsh it would be on the peoples of Middle Earth. They marveled at the mix of races who'd come to defend Gondor and Rohan.

Though war still raged in Mirkwood and though most of the elves were there, three elves remained in Minas Tirith. Elrond's sons, Elladan and Elrohir and Legolas, Prince of Mirkwood remained in Gondor. They had ridden with Elessar's Grey Company and sailed up the river to defend the white city.

One such elf was strolling the lower wall as Faramir and Éomer stared down from the top wall. His blond hair whipped in the breeze and his blue eyes constantly scanned the great stone fortress as if never having seen anything like it.

Éomer shrugged when Faramir mentioned the elf's unusual preoccupation. "According to people who saw him at the Hornburg, he reacted in a similar fashion when he first entered that fortress." Faramir could not help but admire the elf, for he was tall and clean-limbed and bore about him a quiet strength and determination. "I would like to get to know him."

"Would you?" There was the faintest suggestion of innuendo in Éomer's voice.

"He defended my city instead of rallying to his father, the king of Mirkwood. I would think it perfectly natural that I would want to thank him in person." Faramir turned his head to hide his blush. In truth, he found the elf more than handsome, though he refused to give Éomer the satisfaction of knowing that.

Éomer leaned close and whispered in Faramir's ear. "He is as handsome up close as he is from a distance."

Faramir's head whipped around and his nose nearly collided with Éomer's chin. Green eyes met brown. "I did not mean to imply that I fancied him, Éomer."

Éomer nudged Faramir's leg with his knee, drawing the younger man's attention downward. "Put aside your false piety, my friend. He is a fine specimen, male or no. You would not be the only one to lust after him."

Faramir tugged sharply on his thin tunic. "Tis still not what I meant."

"Liar," Éomer grinned. "I bet you can't get him, though. He seems to have no such inclinations."

"You mean he does not lie with other males." Faramir made it sound as though he thought the idea quite unnatural. In reality, he felt anything but.

"I mean he does not have a libido." Éomer growled. "None have been able to attract his attention, and I know of several, of both genders, who have tried."

Unable to resist, Faramir grinned at the horseman. "Speaking from first hand experience, are you?"

Éomer's jaw set in a hard line. "Nay, I am not. If I wanted him, I could have him. I simply do not wish to become the talk of my troops."

Faramir's laughter rang the length of the walls, causing even Legolas, several levels below to look around. "Now who lies?"

"Do you not think I could?"

"If all you say it true, I think you would be hard pressed to get his attention." Faramir studied the elf as he turned back to whatever held his attention before the laughter coming from above distracted him. "T'would be a novel evening, I am sure."

Éomer rubbed thoughtfully at his bearded his chin. His deep brown eyes were highlighted with amber glints that signaled his amusement. "I bet I can get him to notice me."

"Perhaps he does not favor brunettes," Faramir reached over and ruffled Éomer's brown locks. "Mayhap he prefers blonds."

"Is that a challenge?"

"I have made my supposition, King of the Rohirrim." Faramir hedged.

"What will you wager that I can seduce the lovely elf?"

"An Oliphant," Faramir said without pause. "I shall give you two of the great beasts and you can ride the length and breadth of your kingdom atop the damned beasts. And if I win, you must give me a foal."

Éomer gave Faramir a startled glance from the corner of his eye. "Ah, so my guess was right, you do fancy him. Very well, my friend, if you succeed in seducing Legolas of Mirkwood before I, then I shall grant you the finest gelding in the Rohirrim stables."

"Nay, I said a foal, or the bet is off."

Éomer compressed his lips. He wasn't sure he wanted Faramir to have one of his prize horses for stud or brood. Then he shrugged. He had no intention of losing. "A foal, then, in the spring."

Faramir stuck out his hand. "Tis settled. You and I have a bet."

The men shook hands, each satisfied that they would be the first to seduce Elessar's boon companion. As the sun set the duo went their separate ways, neither one ever noticing that they're wager had been observed.

Elladan and Elrohir burst into laughter once they were sure the men were out of earshot. Hurriedly they made their way to the lower levels to seek out their friend, Legolas. When at last they found him, he was with his horse in the stables. The Prince lowered the currycomb when Elladan and Elrohir entered the stables.

Elladan came into the stall and stood behind the blond elf and clasped him on the shoulders. "Legolas."

Legolas' bright eyes shifted from one twin to the other, noting the sparkle in grey eyes and the barely concealed smiles on full lips. He gave them an answering smile. "Well met, my friends. What mischief have you gotten into?"

Elrohir just managed to look offended. "Mischief? Us? Nay, Legolas, tis not we who have been up to mischief."

"You may be in for some, though," chimed Elladan.

Legolas turned back to his horse to hide his smile. The twins were notorious for their pranks and trouble making, yet they were harmless for there was never any malice in their hearts. "I am not interested in whatever games you two are about."

Rubbing the horses' nose Elladan only smiled more. "Nay, Legolas, you mistake us."

"Wound us greatly, in fact," Elrohir stroked the animal's neck. "We overheard a conversation that involves you and a wager."

Legolas stopped combing and looked from one twin to the other one more time, searching for a clue that they jested or were playing some prank. He could see nothing in his long time friends' faces that would indicate they were trying to play a prank upon him. "What did you overhear that has given so much amusement?"

"You have become an object of lust, my friend," Elrohir draped an arm over Legolas' shoulder. "Two have wagered that one will seduce you before the other."

Legolas' mouth dropped open and he stared for a long moment, unable to formulate a response. Then he laughed. "Who has dared such a bet?"


"And Éomer."

A funny look came over Legolas' face. "The men have wagered for me?"

"Yes, they did, cousin." Elladan gave Elrohir an 'oh-oh' look.

"Then I shall have to help them win, won't I?"

Éomer walked slowly to the dining hall, uncertain of how to best approach his prey. Surely, that was what the Prince was to the King of the Riddermark: prey. More than a foal was at stake; Éomer's pride was also in the balance and he would not lose to Faramir of Gondor, friend or no. His only problem was, how. How did one seduce an elf? Would Legolas allow himself to be seduced by a mortal man? By any male, for that matter?

Still thinking about his problem, Éomer was paying little attention to where his feet led him and he collided with the one who so occupied his thoughts.

"Legolas, I was looking for you." Éomer lied, sort of.

"And I, you, my friend. I have not had time to express my sorrow over the loss of your uncle, King Theoden." Legolas placed his hand over his heart and bowed. "Many of the old kingdoms have suffered much upheaval of late."

Éomer saw his opening and took it willingly. "Thank you for your concern, Legolas. My burden is great for not only have I inherited a throne, but an ailing kingdom as well. The Rohirrim are tough, but many wives will find their beds cold this winter and many children will miss their fathers."

"Arda will heal in time from the darkness that has marred it. Men shall again flourish and crops will again be planted when the cold winter gives way to spring."

"But the land will be without elves, for I understand your kind are leaving Middle Earth and passing over the great ocean. Twil be a sadder world for your passing." Éomer felt every word he spoke, for though his knowledge of the elvenkind was limited, he had learned during the last months to appreciate them. They were ethereal in appearance, but hearty in spirit. Their wisdom would be sorely missed in the coming years.

"Now is not the time for melancholy, my friend. The Rohirrim have survived and the line of the Kings remains true. Elessar has reclaimed Gondor and the White Tree shall again flourish. Will you join me later for a quiet celebration?"

Éomer could hardly believe his luck. Legolas was inviting him to a celebration. Celebrations usually involved wine and everyone knew the effects of too much wine. "What do you intend to celebrate?"

Legolas smiled serenely. "New friendships, of course."

"Then I shall be honored to among those you honor in celebration."

"After the watch changes come to my rooms. Bring nothing but your thirst and friendship, King Éomer." Legolas bowed again and stepped around Éomer.

For his part, Éomer only managed to resist gleefully rubbing his hands together.

Legolas smirked as he walked away from Éomer. The mortal was too easy, really, and he was almost disappointed with the ease that the King of the Rohirrim fell so neatly in to his trap. The only consolation was the knowledge that the evening would promise to be entertaining, on many levels. If all went well, he would spend the evening being heartily satisfied by two men. And, if nothing else, he would have a good laugh.

Legolas' feet took him in the direction of the healer's quarters where Faramir still rested. He intended to break out the Steward's son from the confine of his nursemaids. He easily eluded detection and entered the single room that served as the men's dorm. Faramir, being a high ranking man in Gondor, was appointed a bed at the far end of the room surrounded on three sides by a heavy curtain. The curtain was to offer Denethor's son privacy. Legolas hoped to use it to disguise the fact that Faramir was not present.

"Faramir," Legolas whispered to the figure lying in the bed. He wondered if the injured man was, in fact, capable of engaging in the type of games Legolas had in mind.

Faramir instantly sat up and the covers slipped around his waist, revealing a bare, well- muscled chest. His dark blond hair was sleep tousled. "Legolas of Mirkwood?" Faramir's green eyes grew round.

"So you do know me," Legolas sat at the foot of the bed. "I was afraid you would not. I have long wanted to meet Boromir's brother, but thought to wait until you recovered fully."

"I am well enough, though the healers treat me as an invalid." Lamented Faramir. "I am allowed only a few hours a day out of their clutches and I chafe at the confinement. Truly, I am relieved to meet you at last. Long have I wished to meet you and hear of my brother."

Feeling somewhat guilty for his ruse, Legolas took a moment to collect his thoughts. He remembered Boromir, the proud warrior and defiant companion. Boromir was a source of pain for the elf, for the man had been the second to fall in their company, though, in reality he was the first for he succumbed to the Ring that led to his downfall.

Finding his determination by reminding himself that Faramir and Éomer had begun the whole affair by betting on who would seduce him first, Legolas brought the conversation around to the true reason for his visit. "I find this place dark and confining. I would enjoy our conversation more if we were in comfort. Do you fear the wrath of the healers enough to remain here?"

Faramir pushed aside his blankets and rose from the bed. "Nay, for they will not come until much later to check on me." He turned to the bed, giving Legolas a view of his bare backside, as he groped in the dimness for his breeches.

Donning breeches and tunic quickly, Faramir bent to the task of making up his bed so that it appeared someone slept in it. Amazed, Legolas moved away from Faramir and watched him work. Noticing his reaction, Faramir grinned wickedly. "Boromir and I performed this trick many times as youths. We gave our nurses much grief, I fear."

"It has served you well, I should think." Legolas found his role easier and easier. "Hurry, for we shall be caught 'ere we get away from your bed." He knew time was passing and he had only until the watch changed before Éomer would show up at his door. He needed to be certain his plan was well nigh completed before that happened.

Once Faramir was dressed, the pair flitted from shadow to shadow until they were away from the healer's house. Then they were able to move more freely and both Faramir and Legolas were able to breathe a sigh of relief.

The moved to the level for guests of Legolas' status and went unchallenged among the guards. They entered a stone courtyard and then into the elf's appointed chamber. The walls, floor and ceiling were of dark gray stone. A wooden table and a couch dominated the small room. A curtained doorway separated the sleeping chambers from the main room. In one corner a charcoal brazier offset the perpetual stone chill and sweet-smelling herbs burned over the coals.

The table was covered with a cloth and a bank of candles blazed in the center, adding a deep glow to the room. A bottle of wine and several goblets and a variety of fruits graced the table.

Legolas ushered Faramir in and closed the door. "Would you like some wine, my friend?" He hefted the stone bottle and waved it towards Faramir. "From Lord Elrond's cellars. The twins brought it with them."

"Twins?" Faramir sat down at one end of the couch, wondering if he could really go through with the crazy notion of seducing the elf. Now that he was in the room with him, Faramir had doubts. Legolas was dazzling in silver and white tunic and matching leggings. His blond hair was elaborately braided and revealed the delicate points of his ears. By comparison, Faramir felt ungainly and he kept brushing self-consciously at his shaggy blond locks.

"Lord Elrond's sons, Elladan and Elrohir. I know you have seen them." Legolas poured two glasses of the potent elven vintage and offered one to Faramir. He allowed their hands to touch as the man accepted the wine.

Faramir felt the tingle of Legolas' fingers as they brushed his. "Yes, I have. They came with King Elessar and the rest of the Gray Company. I have yet to be introduced to them."

Taking a seat beside Faramir, Legolas leaned back. "I will introduce them to you as soon as the healer's release you from their care."

"I would be delighted to meet the sons of Elrond," Faramir admitted.

Unconsciously, his green eyes traveled the length of Legolas' lean body. He was a fine specimen, indeed, and Faramir again felt the overpowering sense of futility that had plagued him earlier. What would this handsome elf want with him?

Legolas felt Faramir's eyes rove over him like the warmth of the noon sun. He felt oddly excited by that. He was attracted to the men, of course, but not really because of the way they looked so much as their novelty. He'd never men with men before, though he had, on occasion, taken a male elf to his bed. Men smelled differently and their hairy bodies seemed squat and bulky to his eye. Yet he had to admit to himself, now that he was up close with Faramir and resolved to beat the two men at their own game, there was an appeal that he'd never noticed. He lowered his eyes and then raised them back up to meet Faramir's gaze squarely. "I feel I should make a confession, Faramir." Faramir stared in to the blue depths and felt a momentary dizziness.

Recovering quickly, he asked. "A confession?"

"I have deceived you by bringing you here. I was not simply eager to make the acquaintance of Boromir's brother. I have noticed you as you strolled along the walls in the afternoons. I find...please, forgive me...I find you attractive." He paused, as if waiting for some outburst from Faramir.

Faramir's breath caught in his throat. He could not believe Legolas had just confessed a physical attraction to him. To him, Faramir. Plain, mortal, Faramir. He could find no words to express himself and so stared mutely at the beautiful elf.

Legolas waited for a response, but when none was forthcoming, he wondered if perhaps the twins had not been mistaken or even misled him. Something in the green depths told him otherwise and he played on a hunch. "I have offended you. Forgive me for speaking my thoughts aloud." He made to rise, keeping his head turned away as though embarrassed.

"Nay!" Faramir instinctively reached out and grasped Legolas' arm. "I mean, nay, Legolas. I am not offended. To the contrary, I am flattered. I never expected such a confession from you and, I admit you have taken me by surprise." He tugged lightly on the arm in his grasp.

Legolas allowed himself to be pulled back down beside Faramir, secretly delighting in the response. "I am relieved that you are not angry, my friend." He leaned forward just a little.

Warm, wine flavored breath brushed Faramir's cheek and he inhaled deeply. He desperately wanted to kiss those lips, taste the sweet mouth so close to his own. He wanted to run his fingers through the straight blond hair and over the hard shoulder and chest muscles. He wanted...Faramir stopped the thoughts before they entered his head. He could all ready feel the strain against his leggings and had no desire to humiliate himself by leaping atop Legolas like a dog after a bitch. "Why should I be angry? You are handsome and strong. You are a hero not only among your own people, but also among men."

Legolas dropped his hand on Faramir's, feeling the warmth of the strong, calloused fingers. He could feel tension radiating from Faramir's body along with incredible heat. Slowly he leaned forward, watching intently as Faramir licked his full lips, and gently placed his mouth over the man's. Faramir moaned softly into him and Legolas pressed harder, feeling the rough beard scratch his tender flesh and the sensuous lips part beneath his. He pushed his tongue past Faramir's lips and tasted wine and heat. His nostril's flared, as he smelled Faramir's sex.

Faramir's hand came up and clasped Legolas' neck, pulling him closer and swept his tongue around the wet cavern of the elf's mouth. In the back of his mind, he wondered at the ease with which he'd surrendered to the elf, or perhaps how the elf surrendered to him. He did not dwell on the thought but rather focused on the intense sensations sweeping over his body. He could feel his cock beginning to strain against the laces of his leggings and his heart rate doubled.

Dragging his mouth away from the intoxicating kiss, Legolas pressed his mouth to the man's jaw, delighting in the feel of the coarse facial hair on his own swollen lips. He licked and nibbled along the strong jaw, down the thick column of throat, until he felt a strong pulse beneath his tongue. He sucked at the vein, alternately biting and licking, until Faramir's hands tangled in his hair and arched his back. Legolas released the pressure against Faramir's throat and, with trembling hands, unlaced the man's tunic. His hands roamed beneath the cloth, feeling the soft hairs on Faramir's chest and surrounding his flat nipples. The elf pinched and twisted the dark circles, watching them in fascination as they peaked beneath his fingers. Pushing Faramir back, he kissed a path downwards, tracing the darker blond whirls of hair all the way down to the top of his leggings. Legolas could taste salty sweat on his tongue and lapped it as a drowning man laps water.

Clenching his fingers tightly in Legolas' hair, Faramir allowed his head to drop back and he gave himself willingly to the sensual ministrations. When he felt Legolas' mouth press against his erection through the fabric of his leggings, Faramir arched his hips, silently begging for more intimate contact. The soft hair clutched in his fingers felt of silk and smelled of sunshine and Faramir kept twining the strands ever tighter around his hands.

Rising up, Legolas took a deep, calming breath. His internal clock told him that the evening watch was soon to change. Leaning over Faramir he extracted one last kiss. "Come, sweet Faramir, let us be more comfortable." He took Faramir by the hand and pulled him willingly from the couch and led him beyond the curtain.

Faramir offered no resistance as he was led into the bedroom. Candles lit the room, staving off darkness. A carved oaken bed dominated the room. Heavy curtains draped it on all sides and a matching coverlet lay neatly over pillows and sheets. He felt himself being pushed backwards on to the bed and, at the last minute, clutched at Legolas' waist and pulled the elf with him. They collapsed together on the soft feather ticking, Legolas atop Faramir. Their cocks were pressed together beneath the layers of clothing and Faramir lifted his legs and wrapped them around Legolas, holding him even closer so that he could grind his hips against the elf.

Legolas all but ripped Faramir's tunic from his broad shoulders and did with his mouth what he'd previously done with his hands. His lips sought the overly sensitive nipples and he captured them between his teeth and sucked mercilessly at each one. His head traveled back and forth over Faramir's chest, licking and kissing a trail that grew wetter with each passing. The flattened nubs swelled beneath his tongue. All the while, Faramir's powerful legs stayed locked behind his back and the man rocked harder and harder, grinding their bodies together.

Reaching between their bodies, the man tugged at his leggings, desperately trying to free his aching cock. His moans became louder and more frantic as Legolas' tongue administered their brutal ministrations upon his tenderized nipples. At last he managed to unlace his breeches enough to free his cock. As it lay flattened against his belly, pearly drops of his seed dripped into his navel.

A knock on the outer door brought both men up right. Faramir's flushed face revealed fear and longing. Legolas simply looked dazed.

"Tis the healers, come searching for me," hiss Faramir in a rising panic. Someone must have seen him leave with Legolas.

Getting his bearings, Legolas remembered at last why he'd brought Faramir to his rooms. "Be at ease, my friend. I will not let the healers take you from me until we have both satisfied our needs. Stay here and I will get rid of who ever is at my door."

Faramir sank back against the mattress as Legolas adjusted his clothing and went through the curtain. He was careful to close it behind him so that no light spilled through. Reaching the door, he smoothed his disheveled hair as best he could with trembling hands and he took several deep breaths to still his racing heart. There was nothing that could be done about the flush on his cheeks or his obvious arousal. Those little details mattered not at all. More importantly, they would aid him well with the one waiting on the other side of the door.

Pulling open the heavy wood portal, Legolas smiled warmly at Éomer. "Come, King of the Riddermark." He ushered Éomer into the chamber and quickly closed and secured the door.

Éomer noticed the flushed cheeks and slight bulge beneath Legolas' tunic and thought for a moment he'd made a mistake. Two wine goblets, still bearing untouched wine, sat abandoned on the table. "Perhaps I misunderstood and have come at a bad time?" Éomer was disappointed, but there was no sense in antagonizing the one he hoped to seduce by being petulant.

"Nay, Éomer, I would say your timing is perfect." Legolas whispered in Éomer's ear. He reached around and grasped Éomer beneath his leggings and gently squeezed while pressing against the tight buttocks.

Éomer gasped, completely caught off guard by Legolas' advances. Not that he did not want the attention, but somehow he'd expected more subtlety from the elf. "Tis more than I hoped for, Legolas." He leaned back, enjoying the pressure against his ass.

Legolas laughed softly and placed a gentle kiss on Éomer's cheek. "I have a surprise for you, elf-friend. Come. Let me show you." He stepped around the king and, taking him by the hand, led him to the curtain.

Faramir could hear voices, though he could distinguish no words. Then he heard the outer door close. He heard more whispering and then, again, silence. All the while he lay atop the bed, lazily stroking his stiff cock and praying whoever it was would not stay long.

The curtain opened and Faramir quickly sat up with a smile on his face. He expected to see Legolas, and therefore, was unprepared to see Éomer.

Éomer gasped when he stepped in to the room and saw Faramir, nude and sexually aroused, sprawled wantonly across the elf's large bed. He would have turned but Legolas stopped him.

"Nay, King of the Riddermark. I have yet to claim my prize." Legolas' voice was soft but edged with steel.

"What do you mean?" Éomer tried his best to sound affronted but realized that someone must have overheard his conversation with Faramir, and subsequently, Legolas must know about the wager. Faramir looked around for his tunic as he tried to lace his leggings. "Forgive us, Legolas. We meant no disrespect. Twas a harmless bet, nothing more, and reflected on your beauty."

Legolas smiled and placed a hand over Éomer's shoulder. "I am not angry, my friends. I did not bring you here to chastise you." He looked meaningfully at Faramir, who could not seem to get his distended cock back inside his pants. "I brought you here to collect my reward."

Faramir froze and Éomer carefully turned his head and shared a look with the younger man. "Prize?" Éomer managed.

"Ai, indeed, elf-friend. For neither of you have managed to seduce me, yet I have managed to seduce the both of you. I claim a prize." Grinning from ear to ear, Faramir shook his head. "Nay, Legolas of Mirkwood, you have earned no prize this evening for Éomer remains dressed whilst I remain unfulfilled."

"Correct you are, Faramir. I must remedy this." Legolas slipped his arm around Éomer's shoulder and pulled the man until they were pressed together.

Éomer turned his head and stared with round eyes at Faramir. His mouth formed the word no while his body replied yes. His confusion danced across his features and his brown eyes were dark with lust and fear. He nearly twisted his head off his neck as Faramir approached. He stiffened as the younger man pressed against him, forcing him closer to Legolas.

"I am not so sure this is a good idea," he managed just before Legolas' mouth captured his own. Then all thoughts fled from his mind as his mouth was possessed and devoured by the elf.

Faramir held Éomer's dark head still as Legolas plundered the soft mouth. He ground his cock against Éomer's ass, forcing a moan from the king. He lifted the dark hair and nipped the sensitive skin of Éomer's neck.

Éomer opened his mouth wider, inviting Legolas to explore to his heart's content. The tongue swept the inside of his mouth and danced with his own tongue. His hands came up and clutched double handfuls of Legolas' tunic and he pressed harder to the elf, grinding his erection against the bulge in the elf's leggings.

Hands found his laces and Éomer sighed as his staining cock was released into Legolas' palm. Pulling his mouth away from Éomer, Legolas slowly knelt and licked at the sweet precum beading the head. Éomer grasped Legolas' hair and thrust against him, seeking the wet heat. His leggings were pulled down to his knees and Faramir's hands made swift work of his boots. Meanwhile, Legolas pushed his hands under Éomer's tunic and raked his nails over the furred chest and belly.

Éomer's knees buckled when he felt Faramir's bearded chin brush against his crack and suddenly he was lying on the floor, staring up in to green and blue eyes. Éomer and Legolas grinned down at him as they simultaneously begin divesting him of his tunic.

Éomer raised his hands to cup each of the faces above him. Faramir's rough beard was as fascinating as Legolas' smooth one. Faramir leaned into the caress and then slowly lowered his head until his lips touched Éomer's.

Éomer pushed his tongue past Faramir's teeth and swirled his tongue against the younger man's, teasing and tasting, and plundering. He pulled away slightly and sucked Faramir's bottom lip between his teeth.

Quickly, Legolas began removing his clothes, shedding the confining leggings and tunic as though they burned his skin. When his cock sprang free, Éomer quickly grabbed it in his fist and pulled, forcing Legolas to scoot closer. Éomer raised his head and took the cock in his mouth and flicked his tongue roughly over the head.

Faramir stripped off his own leggings and placed his mouth on Éomer's taut nipples. He sucked and nipped each one, anointing them with saliva. Éomer groaned around Legolas' cock and sucked even harder as the ministrations upon his chest intensified.

Legolas thought he would burst and pulled back from Éomer, breathing heavily. He placed himself between the king's legs. He knelt and ran his tongue slowly up the length, from base to tip and back down, pressing his tongue against the throbbing vein. He smiled as he felt the distended flesh jump. He heard rather than saw Faramir come up behind him and he wondered what the man had in mind. He did not have long to wait.

He felt hands on his ass, pulling him open, revealing the small, puckered opening. He tensed for a moment, and then forced himself to relax. One difference he'd noticed between him and the men was size. Legolas' own cock was long and slender while theirs was much thicker. He took a deep breath and slowly eased Éomer's cock into his mouth, waiting patiently for Faramir to make up his mind.

He nearly squeaked in surprise when he felt Faramir's beard brush between his cheeks and his hot tongue flatten against his hole. Faramir did not push his tongue inside, only held it flat against the opening and flexed it. He reached between Legolas' legs and fondled the heavy sacs.

Éomer raised his head and watched as Legolas' head began to slowly bob up and down over his groin. Behind him, Éomer could see Faramir, kneeling with his face pressed against the elf's wriggling ass. He grabbed the elf's head and pushed him harder down on his cock while he thrust hips up. He felt the head of his cock hit the back of Legolas' throat and a deep growl erupted from his throat.

The tongue poised at Legolas' opening suddenly curled and pressed deeply in to him. Unable to help himself, Legolas wriggled his bottom furiously, pushing back against the scratchy beard. The tongue delved in and twisted and then quickly withdrew. Faramir straightened and stared over Legolas' shoulder for a moment, as if thinking.

He watched for a moment as Éomer thrust against Legolas' face. Reaching down, he snatched a hank of the elf's hair and stilled his head. "Come, the floor is uncomfortable." He helped Legolas and then Éomer to their feet and led them to the bed.

The three collapsed in a heap of tangled arms and legs and long hair. They snuggled close and kissed and stroked each other for several long minutes. Finally, Éomer pulled himself from beneath the tangle and turned Legolas over on his back. He pressed his fingers to Legolas' mouth, offering them to him like succulent fruit. The elf took the fingers and sucked them deep, coating them as he watched Éomer's eyes turn amber with passion.

Taking his fingers from Legolas' mouth, Éomer spread open the white mounds and gently inserted both fingers at once. He watched Legolas carefully, noting how he winced and bit his lip. He paused giving Legolas a moment before pushing his fingers all the way inside and curling them. His long fingers brushed a bundle of nerves and he was rewarded when Legolas cried out and arched his back. He spread his fingers, forcing the tight opening wider, preparing him as gently as possible for the invasion.

"Ai," hissed Legolas as the fingers spread him wider while continuing to hit that spot deep within him that turned his insides out. He spread his legs wider.

Another set of hands joined Éomer's and Legolas felt another pair of fingers enter him. Together Éomer and Faramir slowly fucked the tight hole, twisting and twining their fingers together. Legolas twisted his hands in the sheets and rocked hard against the fingers inside his body. He shook violently with each thrust.

The fingers ceased their movements and slowly withdrew. Faramir pulled Legolas' legs up and back, spreading him impossibly wide. Éomer gently nudged the tiny opening with the head of his cock, slowly forcing the muscles open, gaining entrance to the elf's beautiful body by degrees. Legolas keened as he was breeched. Try as he might, he could not force the tense muscles to relax. The thick cock pushing inexorably to his core pulled him wide open, leaving him feeling ripped and exposed. He felt Éomer drive home and the nerves were once again brushed and spots danced before Legolas' eyes. He felt Éomer slowly pull out and he exhaled as the cock left his body. Éomer slipped out until the head just breached the tight ring and then slowly pushed back in. Legolas inhaled. Slowly they found a rhythm that began to pick up speed. Legolas grunted as Éomer slammed against him. Éomer pushed Legolas' legs up as far as he could and began riding him harder and harder.

"Open you eyes," he snarled. "Look at me."

Legolas' eyes opened and he stared deeply in Éomer's brown orbs. He was amazed at the look of concentration on Éomer's face as the man pushed in to him again and again. Beneath him the bed rocked and shuddered and he could feel his body being scooted across the bed with each thrust. With a shout, Éomer's back arched and he spilled his semen deep inside the elf. He fell forward and lay panting atop Legolas for a moment, waiting for his heartbeat to slow. He kissed the elf and pulled away, making room for Faramir.

Nearly at his breaking point, Legolas could only stare as Faramir straddled him. Reaching around behind him, he took Legolas' cock and pushed it against his own opening, sliding it deftly inside his body. Legolas grasped Faramir's hips and helped him settle more comfortably atop his thighs. Without preamble, Faramir set a brutal pace, bouncing hard up and down on Legolas, driving him deeper and deeper.

He threw back his head and his blond hair brushed Legolas' knees. "Touch me," he pleaded as he thrust down on the elf.

The elf grasped Faramir's cock with one hand and matched his pace to the man's. He could feel the tension building in his own body and knew he did not have long before he exploded.

"Cum for me," he whispered as he felt the sac beneath his cock tighten.

Faramir placed his hands against Legolas' knees, using them for leverage. He moved harder and faster. His breath came in short, punctuated gasps. Suddenly his eyes darkened and his back arched and a cry was torn from his throat.

Legolas pumped furiously at the cock in his hands and he felt Faramir's muscles clench around him. Seconds later, he spilled his seed with a loud cry of his own.

Afterwards, while they were curled comfortably in each other's arms and sharing the wonderful elven vintage, Éomer turned to Legolas. "How did you know, really, about our wager?"

Legolas laughed and shook his head. "I cannot tell."

"I can." Faramir smirked. "The Peredhil twins were hiding behind some crates."

Éomer raised his head and stared at Faramir. "How do you know?"

"I saw them, of course. Remember, I am used to spying on the enemy. I am used to seeing without being seen. The elves do not have a monopoly on such skills you know."

Éomer felt his face flush. He'd been manipulated by Faramir all along. Not only he, but Legolas, as well. The elf and human exchanged smiles and began laughing.

"I believe you have yet to claim a prize, Legolas," Éomer managed at last.

Legolas thought about it for a moment. "Turn over," he answered.

