Text Box: Tommyboy's Fan Fiction
Man From UNCLE



What I didn't know


They returned to their office to study the brief that was given to them by Mr. Waverly.

Illya sat down at his desk, reviewing the notes on the scientist that was they were to follow.  Napoleon was looking over the notes that they had in regards to the project that made him shiver.  A drug that would turn someone into a sun fearing, dark loving person..

"What does he expect from these people?"

"He wants to have a cult following.  He's quite taken with Gothic religion and such.  Some people might even accuse him of being a vampire."

"What?" Napoleon had no idea what Illya was alluding to.

"Never heard of Goth?"


"People who have a pull to the feeling of the darker side of life.  They dress in dark clothes, have kind of a morbid feel of life.  Sometime they are alluded to being vampires, for they are more mobile in the night than day it seems."

Napoleon looked at his partner dressed in his black slacks, and black turtleneck and agreed the Illya was the morbid thinker of the group.  "Sounds like you my friend."

Illya gave a sly smile then answered, "They say the Goth culture is rooted from Eastern Europe."

"So the best man to follow this gentleman seems to be you."

Illya nodded.  "He hangs out a club down in the village."

"A place you had been before perhaps?" Napoleon asked.

Illya replied with a typical non-answer of his, "perhaps."

Napoleon looked across his desk to his partner.  This was something he hadn't seen before in Illya.  He didn't know that his partner's dark personality had a name to it.  Now he did.  He was going to have to do some research on this style of life.

"What type of back up will you need for this assignment?"

"Mark should be able to help me out here."

"Mark?"  Napoleon couldn't understand why Illya would pick Mark to back him up.

"Napoleon, look at yourself."  Napoleon looked as he was asked.  "You are conservative America in its glory.  I don't think you could even get past the bouncer at the door."

"I could learn."

Illya shook his head.  "It's a way of life Napoleon, not a disguise that you can trick someone for a time.  If it makes you feel better, you could man the communications and back us up incase we find any birds in the area."

Napoleon nodded.  If he couldn't go in at least he would be nearby to help. 

"Sounds like a plan then.  Tonight?"

"I think we can get set up for it.  Let me find Mark and see what he has for the mission." 

Illya closed the folder and stood.  "We'll meet here at seven."

Napoleon nodded and watched as his partner left to work on preparing for the evening's work.




@ 2005 Tommy Boy fan fiction * design and content by Paula C. *