The Ghost of Madison Square Garden

by Tommy Dinardi

Disclaimer:I don't own the Ghostbusters. I don't own Limp Bizkit, either. I am a huge fan of both. There are some slang terms like rollin' (according to a teacher from a school it's a drug reference, even though me and my friends don't think so), nookie (slang sexual term, Peter and Ray use it because they have no idea what it means and it's funny how they use it), amd the only other language problem I can think of is one damn. As for archiving:sure, it wouldn't hurt.

"We got a call," Janine said to Egon, going around the Headquarters to tell the guys about there next assignment, "and you're never going to believe who it's from."

"How about you tell me who it is from, and I will tell you if I believe it or not," Egon responded.

"Okay, if you really want me too." Janine took the pad of paper that she had written the information on out of her pocket. "Limp Bizkit called from Madison Square Garden. All of the band members reported seeing some type of ghost sneaking around."

"Hm....." Egon started thinking. "Did they say what classification the ghost was?"

"Um...I kind of forgot to ask that," Janine answered.

"Did you say we got a call from Limp Bizkit?" Peter overheard Janine talking to Egon and poked his head in.

"Yeah," Janine answered. "So?"

"SO?!?" Peter exclaimed. "They're the greatest band ever! What do you mean 'so'?"

"I mean 'so' as in 'so what? it's just another call.'"

"We should head over right now. I've got tickets to their concert later and I might be able to get backstage passes!"

"Whatever, Peter," Janine sighed as she left. "Whatever."

"I'll go tell Winston and Ray to get ready. I can't wait!" Peter hurried out of the room.

"I wonder whatever happened to the good old days, when classifying molds was a day of fun," Egon said to himself.

Peter was frantically searching for Ray. After a few minutes of searching, he ran into him in the kitchen.

"Hey, Ray," Pete started, "get this: Limp Bizkit called us from Madison Square Garden!"

"Really?" Ray asked, in awe.

"Yes, really!" Pete shouted.

"Oh my God!" They started screaming and bouncing around. They looked like the equivalents to girls at a teenybopper concert.

"But that's not all," Pete said, after they were slightly calmed down.

"What else could there possibly be?" Ray asked, almost shouting.

"There's some-sort of ghost that's bugging them, so we get to go help them!" Pete shouted.

"You mean..." Ray started.

"Yeah!" Pete shouted.

"We get to..."


"Go backstage..."




"LIMP BIZKIT! AH!" They started bouncing around again. "Let's go tell Winston!"

"Right!" Pete said. They rushed down to the garage to find Winston, putting the last finishing touches on shining the Ecto-1. "Hey, Winston! Guess what?"

"I can't imagine," Winston said. "Oh wait, I can. Limp Bizkit called and we get to go to Madison Square Garden to bust a ghost for them."

"Huh? How did you know?" Ray asked.

"It's a little invention called the air-vents." Winston pointed above his head and, low and behold, there was an air-vent that led to the kitchen.

"And, before I forget, you should stop sneaking the cheesecake, Ray."

"Uh...heh-heh. My bad," Ray started to blush as Peter gave him a "give me a break" look.

"Ray, we need to get ready!" Peter shouted.

"Oh my God, this is going to be so cool!" He shouted.

"Hey, guys?" Winston started. "There's no room in Headquarters for teenyboppers." Peter and Ray both gave him one of "those" looks and walked away. About 10 minutes later, Egon and Winston were in the Ecto-1 with their gear.

"I wonder where Ray and Peter are," Egon said.

"I have a feeling I know," responded Winston.

"They're wasting time. We need to see the classification of the ghost and if it has left an ectoplasmic residue so we can find a solution," Egon told Winston.

"Uh.....sure," Winston said.

"Okay guys, we're ready." Egon and Winston looked out the car windows to see Peter and Ray. However, they weren't in their normal Ghostbusting attire. They both had matching outfits: black and white Adidas shoes, khakis, and a Limp Bizkit shirt. They both had sunglasses, a hat, and a clip-on earring, but they differed. Ray had silver outlined sunglasses with a red, backwards New York Yankees hat and a gold earring on his right ear, while Peter had on normal black sunglasses, a red New York Yankees beanie, and a skull earring on his left ear.

"What did you do?!?" exclaimed Winston.

"We gettin' ready to go do some Ghostbustin', dawg," Ray said in a failed attempt to be hip.

"Uh, Ray?" Egon asked.

"What?" Ray responded.

"The earring isn't on the right ear," Egon told him.

"Yeah it is," Ray answered.

"No, it's on the right ear, but it's not the right ear."


"I mean it's on the right ear as in direction, but it's not on the right ear as in test answer right."


"It signals something if it's on the right ear and something else if you're on the left ear," Winston told Ray. "Peter has it on the left ear," Winston pointed to Peter, who was also trying to act hip, complete with the hand near the crotch, "signaling he's straight and very attracted to girls. You, on the other hand, have it on the left ear, signaling the opposite."

"Opps," he said as he quickly changed it.

"Now let's get rollin' and get the party started, homies." Peter was definitely failing.

"We'll get going as soon as you guys get into the car," Winston said.

"All right, all right," Peter said as he shoed Ray into the back seat, and then did the same. Egon was trying to figure out what Ray and Peter were doing and halfway through the ride, he noticed something on their Proton Packs.

"What did you guys do?" Egon asked.

"What do you mean?" Ray answered.

"I mean what did you do to your Proton Packs?" Peter and Ray looked down and started smiling. "Oh, those! We're down with the Bizkit, and we just wanted to show our appreciation."

"Well, you didn't have to tape pictures of that guy..." Egon started.

"His name is Fred Durst!" Peter yelled, not appreciating that Egon didn't know his name.

"Whatever. You didn't have to tape his pictures on to the Proton Pack and put Limp Bizkit stickers all over it." Egon said.

"We didn't have to, but we wanted to," Ray retaliated. Egon let out of a sigh and turned around. Soon after, they arrived at Madison Square Garden.

The number of people waiting in line to get into the concert was already huge, about 200 people, and the gates wouldn't open for another two hours. Everybody saw the Ghostbusters going to the back of the arena, and everyone started cheering. Peter and Ray did a west side sign with their hands, and everyone started swearing at them and giving them gestures. Someone even went as far as throwing their soda at the car.

"Jeeze, come on! I just washed and shined the thing earlier!" Winston started complaining. When he parked the car, they all got out and walked to the door leading into the arena. It was marked "Authorized Personnel Only."

"What do we do?" asked Ray.

"Let's knock," said Peter. He then knocked hard on the door. When it opened, Fred Durst stepped out.

"Oh, hey, Ghostbusters, glad you came...uh, who are your friends over there?" Fred asked, pointing to Peter and Ray.

"It's Peter Venkmen and Ray Stanz. You know, the other two guys? They're really hyped up because they've got tickets for your concert." Winston said. Fred looked over at them again and they started acting hip again.

"Alright, that's cool, I guess. That frickin' ghost is starting to bug us and we need to practice now so maybe if you could make it an in-and-out job, that'd be all right with us."

"Okay but first, do you know what classification the ghost us?" Egon asked.

"What?" Fred asked.

"Never mind," Winston said. "Egon doesn't know what he says a lot of the time. Where was the last place it was sighted?"

"The last person to see it was John Otto in the dressing room. It's down the hall, make a left and it's the second door on the right." Fred said.

"All right, we're on it," said Winston. "Peter, Ray, let's get going."

"All right," said Peter as they started walking in. "Hey my homie! We chillin', aight?" Peter said to Fred.

"Yeah," said Ray. "Nookie all the way! We'll be rollin' outta here."

"God, they need a life," Fred said after Peter and Ray had gone down the hall. Egon made it to the room first. When he opened the door, a vase of some sort came flying at him. He ducked, and it crashed against the wall.

"Oh, hey dude. Sorry about that," John said. "I thought I saw the ghost."

"Really? Do you know what classification it was?" asked Egon.


"Egon, just shut up with the classifications," Winston said as he got to the room. "Why don't you take out the P. K. E. Meter and find out.

"Brilliant idea!" Egon exclaimed as he took the P. K. E. Meter out. He turned it on, but there weren't any readings. "Shoot, it's not here."

Meanwhile, Peter and Ray were exploring the backstage area when they ran into Sam Rivers.

"Hey!" Peter shouted.

"Uh....hey. Who are you guys?" asked Sam.

"We're the Ghostbusters, Peter Venkmen and Ray Stanz." answered Peter.

"Oh, right! I just heard something come from D.J. Lethal's changing room. You might want to check it out. It has his name on the door. Only one out of everyone who actually took out that annoying name thing," Sam said.

"All right but first, we have to go get our homies to help us. Later, dawg!" said Ray.

"God help me," Sam muttered as he went back into his dressing room.

"Egon, Winston, Sam Rivers told us something is going on in D.J. Lethal's changing room. Let's check it out," said Peter.

"Right, I might finally be able to find out the classification," Egon said. They walked down to where Peter and Ray had met Same and walked down the hall and found Lethal's locker room. They went in and found D.J. Lethal and Wes Borland lying on the ground, slimed.

"WHOA!" Peter exclaimed.

"What happened?" asked Ray.

"The damn thing slimed us, what do you think happened?!" D.J. Lethal said, not in the best of moods.

"The thing said he was going on stage. Something about it being his act," said Wes.

"Hey, guys, I have an idea," said Winston. They all huddled up and agreed on how they would catch the ghost. The all went onto the stage. The arena was still empty, and it was huge. Peter and Ray took two of the electric guitars set up on stage and Winston sat down at the drums. Peter and Ray counted to three and strummed the guitars.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Egon started, "introducing the Limp Bizkits!" Egon went off stage and waited. Peter, Ray, and Winston started playing "Rollin'". About two minutes after they started, the ghost appeared in the rafters and prepared to dive bomb the 'Busters. Egon got his Proton Pack ready and turned it on. When the ghost came towards the stage, he fired. He caught the ghost dead-on. Ray and Peter saw this, turned their Proton Packs on, and fired as well. Winston stopped drumming and set up the Ghost Trap. He started banging away on the drums and on the last beat, set the trap off. There was a bright light from the Proton Packs stopping and the Ghost Trap going off. There was the sounds of the ghost trying to struggle free, and there was silence.

"We caught it!" Ray exclaimed.

"Wow, that was easy," Ray said.

"Great job, guys," Fred came on stage and congratulated the guys.

"It was nothing," Winston said.

"So, what's the fee?" asked Fred.

"It's on the house," said Peter.

"Awesome! Hey, you guys wanna stay backstage for the concert?"

"SWEET!" Ray shouted.

"EXCELLENT!" Peter exclaimed.

"I think that's a yes," Winston said. Later that night, Limp Bizkit brought the house down in Madison Square Garden, and the Ghostbusters were backstage to see it all.

"Hey, wait a minute," Egon said in the middle of "My Way". "I never found out the classification of the ghost!"

The End

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