Culture Shock

by Singe

J.R. Dyer asked for a Janine companion piece for my Winston POV. Ask and ye shall receive!!
Note: This one's kinda long and I think I'm copping Robyn Thurman's style. Sorry, Robyn.
Feedback: Please! 

We came down hard on poor Winston. Hey, it's not every day a dignified church-going man gets transformed into Shaka Zulu's Big Brother, Shima Buku. I think the Panther's "Umgowah! Black Powah!" chant was going a bit far but it sure was fun to do. You can blame Dr. V for starting that one. You can blame Ray for following that up with the "YMCA!" song and dance and you can even blame Egon for laughing so hard he couldn't say anything at all. A miracle.

So Winston turns to me, with his arms crossed and a vein in his forehead starting to pucker up, and he says "Well, what did YOU think?!"

I started to fan myself with a file-folder. "I woulda SOLD MY SOUL for a camera! Woo!"

"Oh, really?" Winston stood up a little straighter.

"Yeah. I could've had the pictures made into calendars for Grandmama Zeddemore's recipe club! They'd have LOVED it!"

Winston rolled his eyes and stomped away, shouting about the peasants showing No Respect For The King and the guys were right behind him, doing their best Elvis impressions.

I'd seen it, though, his disappointment.

I'm all for stoking my friend's egos from time to time. They love it. Egon, you're so smart! Ray, you're so sweet! Peter, you DIRT-BAG! You're the WORST! So on and so forth...but I'm gonna have to start leaving Winston out. He puts too much meaning into everything I say these days. He haunts my desk. He laughs at all my jokes. He's never away from Ecto. That car is so fine-tuned, now, it could slip through dimensions. He's taken to working on it without a shirt. God, how did this happen? Why is he doing this? I love him, he's my dearest friend, and now I have to reject him? Treat him like dirt? Ignore him?

Yeah, right, just try ignoring a six foot tall ex-marine medic with muscles out to HERE. Ignore the years we've been friends. Ignore his decency and his humor. Just try forgetting his honesty, buddy. His bravery. The warmest laugh you've ever heard...a King...

You just try it.

Just...try it!

I dare ya.

The End

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