The Real Truth

by Julie LaTurner

AAAAAAGGH! I cannot believe this! I am so furious...! I work for them all day, and I get nothing in return!

Peter's stupid pranks--I can't believe he brought me a bug's antenna! Then, as I'm trying to have a very important conversation--with my best friend--all of them are playing some sort of game with me.

This day has gone sooooo wrong. I can't find my photo album anywhere. Where did I put it? I was sitting at my desk looking at it...I wonder if one of the guys snatched it as a joke? Wouldn't be suprised, after all they did today.

I mean, sure, when Ray came by my desk still wearing his ectoscopes, hat was strange. Yet, with Ray sometimes, I can almost believe it. But Egon with his PKE meter? And then, the last straw, Slimer with a measuring tape hovering around me! What kind of sick joke was Dr. V. trying to play on me?

Well, that's it! I am not going to hang around where I'm not wanted anymore! Sure, the streets were cold and lonely on my way home, but I don't need any of their so-called comfort! Not in the way they treat me--I'm sure they're still at the firehall snickering at me.

Me. My looks, my appearance. Maybe if I were just a few pounds lighter, or a couple inches taller. Then maybe they wouldn't laugh.

Uh-huh. I don't need them. Not after the way they treat me. I don't need to sit around eight hours a day so I can occasionally wipe off slime-coated office materials or take irate phone calls. They can do that themselves...I don't need them.

What am I saying? Of course I need them, they've always been there. They've protected me, saved my life. Cared for me as no one else has.

But not Egon. He's the one that mattered most, and he hasn't paid an inkling of attention to me! Nothing! No flowers, no dates...Sometimes I can't even believe the man even exists. Why doesn't he notice me?

Because I'm not good enough. I'm too lanky. My eyes are too pale of a green, my hair is too curly. Maybe I should ask for some longer locks...I don't have a graceful enough gait. Face it, I'm not pretty enough. I have to be perfect! Perfect--if I were, then Egon would like me. Then they all would. They'd have to--that's what men like, perfection!

What?! What am I thinking? Oh, god, guys, I've lost control! Somebody, help me before these thoughts take over me! Why do I feel this way? Egon, I don't know what's going on...please help...

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