The First Night

Diclaimer: Voyager and her crew belong to Paramount what I choose to do with them is my own. This story is NC-17 for Male/Male sex

Tom Paris sat in his newly assigned quarters. Well, they weren't as new as for some of the new crew members, he'd had his since DS9 but they were new enough. But they were defiantly nicer than anything he'd had in a couple of years anyway. Bigger than the ones he'd had before he got thrown out of the fleet the first time, and better than anything he could afford after that. And while he'd been with the Maqui, now those had been beyond small, four of them in a room smaller than a shuttle. It had actually been eight since they were double bunking, but he'd only ever see four of them. After the Maqui... well prison was hardly known for its luxury accommodations. No, these quarters where really quite nice, and they were his own no sharing here.

He began to contemplate the advantages of having your own quarters when he was interrupted by his combadge.

"Chakotay to Paris."

"Paris here."

"Tom would you like to join me in my quarters for a drink?" The newly made Commander asked.

"I don't know Chakotay, are you going to try to pound me in to the deck again if I get close."

"I'm sorry about that Tom, I just... I thought."

"I know what you thought Chakotay. I be right there. Paris out." The Pilot said, then tapped his combadge badge again. "Computer one to beam to Commander Chakotay's quarters.


Chakotay felt a grin spread across his face after Tom cut the comlink. He'd been afraid his reaction on the bridge yesterday might have scared Tom off. Heading for the replicator he ordered Tom's favorite beer.

When Tom materialized he looked around. "Nice." He commented taking in the size of the quarters. "Almost as big as some of the Maqui ships." He added sprawling back on the couch.

"Nice to see you too Tom." Chakotay said handing him the beer, and dropping in to a chair.

"It's always good to see you Cha'tay you should know that by now." Tom said lazily.

"I know, same as it is to see you. I really am sorry about that on the bridge yesterday." The older man apologized.

"It was hardly your fault. That's I would have reacted if I thought you'd betrayed me." Tom smiled, then he turned serious "I wouldn't have signed on, but I had to get out of there, to get off the ground. And to be honest I never thought she had a chance of catching you."

"She told me about getting you out of Auckland." Chakotay said. "I figured that was why you agreed."

"Don't know if anything could have stopped me if I'd seen Voyager first. I was speechless when I first saw her." Tom admitted

"She really is a beautiful lady isn't she."

"She's a dream, I think I'm in love."

Chakotay resisted the taunt that sprang to mind. Too easy almost beneath him that one. Chakotay didn't taunt people often so when he did it had to be a good one.

"Now Chakotay what was the real reason you asked me over?" The pilot said setting aside his empty beer mug.

"Why would you assume there's an ulterior motive?"

"Because I know you."

"Well actually I was wondering if you wanted to help me break in these quarters."

"Or more specifically the bed?" Tom smirked.

"Well I don't know the floor has definite advantages, the desk in the other room looked nice too." Chakotay continued ticking off the different parts of the quarters on his fingers. "And the shower's a pretty decent size." He concluded finally.

"You've had these quarters lees then a day and you've already picked out the top twenty spots you want to have sex." The younger man said half questioningly, at the other mans nod, he sighed. "Chakotay you seriously worry me at times."

"So you up to it?" The Commander asked ignoring Tom's comment.

"Only if we do mine tomorrow night." "Deal." Chakotay said.

"Wait a second Cha'tay." Tom said. "There's a second condition, I want dinner, a good one. Out of your rations."

"What's wrong with yours?"

"I've plans for them." He said mysteriously. "And don't ask because I won't tell you."

"Fine, I'll find out eventually."

"Yes you will eventually. Now about dinner..."

"What do you want?"

"Roast chicken, baked potato, salad, and cherry cheese cake for desert." Tom recited the list as though he'd been studying it for hours.

"Gods Paris, trying to use all my rations I one shot." Chakotay groused as he walked over to the replicator.

"Just so long as you have enough left for lube." The younger man said with a glowing smile.


"Come on Paris you eat much more and you're going to explode." Chakotay complained.

"Are you worried I'm gonna mess up your quarters? Or just getting a little impatient?"

"Tom I've been sharing quarters with Tuvok for a month and a half..."

"All right, say no more I take pity on you." Tom said pushing his plate away and rising.

"'Bout time."

Tom moved to stand very close in front of the older man. "Chakotay... Shut up." He said putting a hand to the back of the Commanders head and pulling him in to a deep kiss his tongue delving in to the warmth of the other man's mouth.

"Gods Tom." Chakotay moaned when Tom released him. "I missed you."

"I know you Cha'tay, now I believe we were going to break in a bed."

"We'd break the bed if I had my way."

"Would you really like to explain that one to the Captain. She'd be sure to ask why you needed the rations to replicate a bed." The pilot teased his blue eyes sparkling.

"I could fix it."

"I know you could, but that would take time away from more important things." Tom said with a playful leer. "Come on lead the way I don't know my way around your quarters yet."

"I do better then that." Chakotay growled and the next thing Tom knew he was hanging over the other man's shoulder.

"You know, I can walk Cha'tay."

"But this is more fun." The Commander laughed as he unceremoniously dumped Tom on to the bed.

"Oh nice. I want to be a Commander so I can have a bed this big."

"To bad only one Commander on this ship."

"I don't see..." Tom trailed off in a gasp as Chakotay suddenly dropped down pinning him under his broader frame.

"You were saying?"

"Who cares." The pilot said pulling his lover's head down to kiss him. Though it started out the same as their earlier kiss the end result was different this time in that it was Tom moaning a protest when his mouth was released.

"So am I to take it you missed me too."

"Cha'tay." Tom whimpered, squirming under the Commander letting the man above him feel his arousal. "I need... It's been..."

"A long time." Chakotay finished for him as rolled to one side and reached for the zipper of Tom's uniform.

Within a few moments they'd discarded their uniforms with a series of well-practiced moves. "Well we haven't lost our touch." Tom chuckled, sprawling back on the bed and looking at Chakotay invitingly.

Looking at the lean body laid out before him the former Mauqui couldn't resist bend to trail kisses across the fair skinned chest. But then he didn't really try to resist either, with Tom he never did. Who could?

In a lightening quick movement he flipped Tom on to his stomach pinning his slender writs over his head with one large hand. With the other hand he reached under one of the pillows pulling a tube of lube out of its hiding spot. He opened the lid using both hands but managing somehow not to release his grip on Tom for an instant.

Tom watched his head turned sideways. "You planed this." He accused. "Before you even knew what I'd say."

"Oh I knew what you'd say." Chakotay said and Tom could hear the smirk in his voice.

The younger man was just opening his mouth with a retort when he felt a slick finger enter him. The smart comment became a low breathy moan. "Gods Cha'tay..."

The Commander smiled at the sight Tom's face marveling at Tom's ability to keep his face under the flyboy mask most of the time, seeing it now there was no trace of the bratty pilot. Just a beautiful man his face suffused with pleasure. "You're so beautiful." He murmured as he continued to stroke his fingers first one then another in and out of his lover, taking his time. It had been along time since they'd been together, he didn't want to hurt Tom.

"Chakotay will you get on with it." Tom moaned desperately as he twisted trying to free his hands from the strong hand holding his wrists.

"All in good time Tommy, in good time." Chakotay said using the nickname even though he knew it irritated the pilot to no end. This couldn't last much longer before he lost it but Tom didn't know that.

"Gods Chakotay you are so cruel." Tom whimpered, when that brought only a deep chuckle he switched tactics. Laying still he spread his legs farther apart and murmured in a hoarse whisper "Please Cha'tay, I need you." Hearing then stifled groan behind him the younger man continued. "I need you now, please now Chakotay." This time the Commander couldn't cover his response to Tom's words. With another groan he slid his fingers out of his lover's body and lowered his body on to Tom's back.

Tom moaned softly in anticipation as he felt the other mans weight settling on him. A moment later he moaned again, louder this time as Chakotay entered him filling him slowly, pressing him down in to the bed. "Gods Cha..." Tom whispered his voice giving out as his lover started to thrust in and out of him.

Chakotay paused in his rhythm releasing Tom's arms and pulling him up to his heads and knees. Then he picked up where he'd left off, warping his arms around the other man's waist so he could wrap his hands around Tom's cock.

The younger man had already been teetering on the edge, the moment his lovers' hands closed around his cock he gave a wild shout and surrendered to his orgasm coming into Chakotay's hands, his whole body shaking with pleasure.

The sensations of Tom pouring in to his hands and clenching around him overwhelmed Chakotay and sent him tumbling over the edge and he surrendered to his own release as Tom's began to subside, they both collapsed limply on to the bed.

When Chakotay's mind had finally cleared enough to form coherent thoughts he shifted his weight of the man beneath him. Tom moaned softly. "Well we didn't break the bed." He said with a weak smile.

"No we didn't." Chakotay laughed softly then rolled to one side and drew Tom in to a loose embrace.

"Don't forget, my quarters tomorrow." The younger man mumbled sleepily.

"How could I?" Chakotay replied but Tom was already asleep.

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