Life Hates Me

Disclaimer: Paramount owns Tom and all the nasty things that happen to him. I just get creative with them.

Life hates me... I know it sounds self-pitying, and all. But it's *not*. Life really does hate me and It's out to get me. Sure you think I'm just exaggerating. After all, you're thinking... I did so well out here in the Delta quad. A Lieutenant, chief conning officer. But then look what happens busted back to ensign, and a month in the brig on top of it.

You see I wasn't doing well on my own... oh no. You see Life was just trying to build me up a bit so It could crush me back in to my place when It felt like it. And there are all those other things like Caldik Prime and getting captured on my first mission with the Maquis.

When I actually manage things on my own Life takes them away. Like Harry... my friend. Life killed him... sucked him out in to space. Okay that one didn't end so badly... that time the fates intervened on my behalf.... Brought him back to me... sort of. They don't help me out to often... and some time I'm not sure if it's them or just Life taunting me again.... Like Caldik Prime. Crashing me like that and killing every one on board but leaving me alive, so It could keep tormenting me later. And It did. A dive, the Maquis, treason was a fun one, prison.

Then at last at long last something seems to be going my way I'm getting out of prison even if it's only for a little while. And I end up 70,000 light years from home. With a Commander who hates my guts and a crew that would just as soon see me dead. Things with Chakotay have been getting a bit better lately so I'm just waiting for some thing to happen to destroy that.

And B'Elanna... we're together now, some how I doubt it will last... maybe she'll run off with Chakotay that'd kill to birds with one stone from Life's point of view, very convenient. Oh well time for dinner... Neelix's cooking... something else I'm sure Life had a hand in. But not much I can do about it... maybe I'll get lucky and sometime soon Life will just get bored of me and kill me or something... Nope I'm not stupid enough to think It will just forget about me and ignore me... no way... Life will want It's final shot at me.

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