by Amy Fortuna

Archive: master_apprentice, SWAL; anywhere else, just ask, I won't say no.
Archive Date: February 12, 2000
Category: A/U, POV
Disclaimer: I don't own the Jedi, George gets the money.
Feedback: Is the bread I work for.
Rating: PG
Series: Sequel to 'An Explanation' and 'There Is Another.' It would help to read those first.
Spoilers: For everything SW, except JA.
Summary: Obi-Wan realizes something.
Warnings: Slightly Dark!Obi.

I have failed utterly. Anakin has turned--my sweet, beautiful Padawan is now a monster, a tool of the Dark Side in human form, 'Emperor' Palpatine.


At last I know who was behind Qui-Gon's death. And I am amazed that I could not see it before.

Palpatine and Ani--I mean Vader--are now systematically eradicating the Jedi from the galaxy. I finally understand--too late of course--the motives of the Sith. And what a game our lives are...that we flee our greatest fear, only now to find terror in the hiding places we chose.

I'm not sure why I'm still alive. Perhaps they want to torture me. Or maybe they just don't think I'm important.

Qui-Gon, what do I have to live for? Nothing. But I don't want to die and face you with my failure...

At least the children are safe, though I was not able to save their mother. Amidala, along with just about everybody I know, is dead.

What is my purpose here? To become a backwater hermit on the planet snow forgot? Why?

I have hidden Anakin's blue lightsaber in the depths of a chest I brought--the only relics of the glory of the Republic and the only tangible memories I have.

I heard Anakin often say, laughing, to me and his wife, that his son should someday be a great Jedi and carry his lightsaber. And once he turned to me in a merry mood and asked me to give his 'saber to his son, should he not survive.

Well, Anakin, to all good purpose, is dead. Though the request was made without any inkling of what was to happen, I'll fulfill it. Stay here and someday give Luke his father's lightsaber.

He was a good man and a great Knight. And as far as I can, I'll forget what he became and remember only my beloved padawan.

For now, all I can do is wait. My dreams are still filled with terror, past, present and future mixed aimlessly together, a red lightsaber the only continuity.

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