A Master's Gift
by Pumpkin

The information for the template will spoil this story, so I have placed it at the end of the fic. I will say that this is not your "typical pumpkin fic" and leave it to each reader's discretion as to whether they want to read the spoilers first.

"Think of it as my gift to you." Sidious' words were as clipped and careful as ever, but his hand stroked across Vader's faceplate, his power making the touch feel as if it were flesh upon flesh.

"My master honours me," replied Vader.

"You have an hour - use it well."

Vader inclined his head and stood, striding toward the chamber Sidious had been working on in secret for over two years. He stepped in and turned, pressing himself into the moulding that fit him perfectly. The front halves swung closed, sealing him in a tight cocoon. All his sensors were cut off - the chamber would have killed anyone else, but his suit breathed for him, generating oxygen, as it would for up to several days if needed. It nonetheless felt uncomfortable, being cut off even from the Force - he hadn't felt so vulnerable since the days Sidious had first taken him on as an apprentice.

Suddenly a vortex of the Force shivered around him, growing stronger with each passing moment. Pain built with its power, exciting nerves long dead. It startled him; he had expected the pain of course - this was a device of Sidious' making after all - but this was different. It didn't seem to centre in his mind, flashing instead over nerves and skin and body that no longer existed. It persisted, building stronger, higher until everything ceased and he gave into the absolute darkness of unconsciousness.

When he came to the front of the chamber opened and he spilled out from it, stumbling like a new born yearling. The floor was cold and hard beneath his feet.

"Wha?" the word was startled from him, the sound strange, quiet in his ears. He looked down at his body - at *his body* - flesh and blood hands sliding over more flesh - bare flesh. He breathed deeply, filling his own lungs with air, fuelling the living heart that beat in his chest. It had been so long...

He held his hands up, looking at them, turning them this way and that, flexing and wiggling trembling fingers. He touched his head, the hair short and soft beneath his fingertips. His face, eyes and ears and nose and mouth - cheeks smooth, soft and warm. He licked his fingers, wetting them and the taste of his own skin exploded across his tongue and for a single, fleeting moment he wanted to find food and eat, to experience the feel of it in his mouth, the taste of it on his tongue. But he only had an hour - slightly less now; the awareness of the time solid at the back of his mind.

He quickened his examination, unable to keep from touching the body so long lost to him. Looking down he watched as his hands moved over his own chest, sliding over muscles and across his abdomen. His penis was full, erect and ready and he could feel it pulsing with need. He wondered briefly if Sidious had given him anything or if it was simply a reaction to stimuli so long gone from his life.

His body looked like it had before...before Kenobi had sent him into the pit.

With that thought came the memory of why he had been sent here. His revenge and Sidious' gift to him. He would rape Kenobi, break the Jedi while he himself was still a boy - enough that Sidious' influence could be stronger throughout his time with the Jedi and so that Kenobi would be too weak to best him in their penultimate duel. Vader would then strike Kenobi down without nearly losing his own life.

He would remain whole, his son would be left unhidden and unprotected, taken and trained by himself and the resistance would be crushed as if it never existed.

Sidious never gave a gift that didn't benefit himself first. Vader grinned, enjoying the feeling of his lips moving over his teeth and curling up at the corners. His master had indeed been generous - this return to a living, breathing, completely biological being was an unexpected perk - perhaps a reminder, too, of what he had to gain.

He shivered with cold and finally turned his attention to his surroundings. The common room of the quarters he and Kenobi had shared at the temple. Judging from the contents of the room it was fairly early in his apprenticeship.

He strode to the hooks by the door and pulled a cloak that hung there off its hook and shrugged into it. He was assaulted immediately by the scent. Master Obi-Wan. He had been enfolded in this cloak more than once, the scent of his former master a reminder of comfort and affection.

Obi-Wan had cared for him.

He pushed the memories from his mind, filling himself instead with the more recent memory of Kenobi training his son to hate him, of Kenobi disabling the death star and the old man weak and dying, trying to fight him, to finish off what had been started at the melting pit.

Vader strode into Kenobi's sleeping chamber, intent on raping the Jedi, breaking him as Sidious had planned.

The door was open and Vader made no noise as he moved into his former master's sleeping chamber. He stopped just inside the door, breath catching at the sight. The room was small, the Jedi had no need for lavishly appointed rooms and Master Obi-Wan had few possessions to dress up the spare space. But the windows were clear -he remembered that Master Obi-Wan had rarely engaged the privacy shields, preferring instead the light of the planet's moon and of the passing traffic. The effect made the room sparkle, like a trinket he'd seen in Sidious' rooms once -a small globe containing a tiny replica of Amidala's palace. It had been filled with water and silver dust that caught the light.

Amidala. He hadn't thought of her in years, not even when he'd realised Luke was his son. Funny that he'd put Kenobi and the boy together in his head. Luke would have lost his parents even earlier than he himself had lost his mother. Shmi - another face from a distant past that seemed closer at the moment than it had in a long, long time.

Shaking his head of its memories, he moved to the side of the bed. Kenobi had tossed the cover off while he slept and wore only his leggings. He lay on his back, one arm flung up over his head, the other curled across his chest. The faintest hint of a snore marked the beginning of each new breath.

He seemed so young - the last time Vader had seen him he'd been old, frail, ravaged by time. For the first time he wondered how much Kenobi had crippled himself keeping the boy hidden; how much of his life energies had gone to protecting the son of the padawan who had betrayed him?

Kenobi made a soft sound and shifted restlessly, face pulling into a frown. Vader leaned down and smoothed the line between his former master's eyes. "Sleep," he said softly, the quiet sound of his own voice seeming louder than the mechanical reproduction he was used to. He pushed gently with the Force and Master Obi-Wan sighed and relaxed into a deeper sleep.

Vader's erection was beginning to ache - he was pretty sure that Sidious had given him something to ensure he couldn't back out, and the cloak scratched against his skin, stimulating him almost unbearably. But he didn't relinquish it, instead pulling the material more tightly around himself, unconsciously huddling into its warmth.

He touched Kenobi's skin, fingertips fluttering over the light dusting of hair that covered the lightly muscled chest. Using his whole hand this time, Vader made another pass over the lax muscles, his palms itching at the sensation of skin beneath his touch.

He stopped at the top of Master Obi-Wan's leggings, dipping a single finger beneath the waistband. A little bit of force or a little bit of the Force and the material would rend, giving in to the pressure upon it and tear apart, exposing his former master to his hungry gaze.

A soft whimper carried from the open door and Vader froze.

Despite the Force-induced sleep Kenobi was under he dragged himself to wakefulness, and Vader masked his presence in his younger self's signature. He felt Master Obi-Wan reach out with the Force and direct the boy's dreams into a more pleasant direction, felt the wave of love and affection that helped soothe young Anakin into a deeper sleep.

As he watched, Master Obi-Wan turned onto his side and curled up around his pillow. Another Force push sent the Jedi back into the depths of slumber and Vader walked slowly backward into the hall.

He couldn't remember the last time his nightmares had been soothed by a kind touch of the Force, and the echo of the love sent to Anakin just now was with him still. He knew suddenly that he could not rape this man who had been his master.

His erection pulsed urgently and his body ached, a dull throb reminding him that he was running out of time. A flash of insight told him that the only person he would injure by raping Kenobi was himself and he turned resolutely from the master's chambers, facing now the room assigned to the padawan.

He had to expend the energy building inside of himself, had to rut, of that there was no question. And there was no time to wander the hallways of the Temple, looking for another victim. It would have to be Anakin. He would tamper with the boy's mind when he was done - keep the memories of this night from him; it shouldn't be a problem to twist the mind of his younger self.

The boy's room was dark; the single window shaded with the privacy shield and the only light trickled faintly in from Kenobi's room. It took a moment before his eyes adjusted and he stood by the small bed, listening to his younger self breathing in the darkness.

When he finally looked down at Anakin, the light and shadow teased him, shifting along the boy's face so that now he looked like a child and now like the man he would become.

Sinking down on the edge of the bed he tenderly cupped the boy's cheek. "I'm sorry," he whispered, "but I serve a higher power."

The boy was waking now and Vader hastily threw up a shield to keep him from waking his master again before leaning forward and licking the skin behind the boy's ear. "It won't be all bad," he murmured. "I promise."

He took Anakin's mouth in a kiss, pushing his tongue past the barrier of the boy's lips and tasting himself there.

The padawan was waking up in earnest now, beginning to struggle as he realised what was happening. Vader held him down easily, one hand holding the boy's wrists over his head, the other pressing across Anakin's mouth to keep him from calling out. He trailed biting kisses down the slim chest, feeding on the flavour of skin and sweat and the occasional metal tang of blood.

Pulling apart the lacings on the boy's leggings with his teeth, Vader mouthed the semi-hard shaft, bringing it to fullness as he closed his mouth around the slim length and sucked. Anakin jerked beneath him, his shock palpable, body caught between pleasure and fear, responding automatically to the unfamiliar stimuli. Vader let him come, let the taste fill his mouth and the pour into his belly; a gift to the boy before he took what he needed. It seemed he had learned well from Sidious.

He kissed Anakin gently, tenderly and whispered again "I'm sorry" before turning him over and spreading him open. He held firmly to the slender hips and pulled Anakin back onto his cock with a single long stroke.

It was brutal but quick and when it was over he felt no satisfaction, though his body had eased its pained call to mindlessly fuck. He pushed the boy back deep into sleep, wiping away the tracks of tears and realising that his own cheeks were wet as well.

He caught his breath and placed his hand over the boy's head, trying to sort out the memories; which were Anakin's and which were his own? He could feel his cock being sheathed by the tight heat of Anakin's body but could also feel the invasion in his own body. The memories of then and now were twisted together, looped hopelessly.

He could feel time running out on him, could feel the need to return the chamber and make the journey back to his own time calling urgently to him and he redoubled his efforts, concentrating and sorting out the memories in his-Anakin's mind. Isolating the threads, he quickly wiped all memories of Vader from Anakin's mind and fled the room.

The chamber had already begun to pulse quietly and he quickly fit himself into the mould, trying not to panic as the front closed and total blackness smothered him once again. It was worse this time, losing his ability to see and hear and smell and taste and feel; losing his ability to draw a breath until he once again lost consciousness.

When he stepped again from the chamber he was more machine than man; his mind encased in a black prison of duraplastic, leather and machinery, Sidious' gift squandered.

He walked toward Sidious, the memories he'd suppressed inside his younger self breaking free and twining once more with his own more recent memories; if he still had the face he'd worn, he would have smiled bitterly. He knelt in front of the Emperor, unafraid of the man's wrath.

"You're a fool," Sidious told him.

"You were the one who erred, my Master." He could feel Sidious' rage, like a snake, winding around him. "You gave me a body, made me human again. Compassion is not a vice mechanics are burdened with."

Sidious stood and lightning raged around the room, but none found a home in him, though Vader couldn't find it in himself to care one way or the other.

"You are a fool," repeated the Emperor before walking away, not looking back.

Vader could only agree with him.

Spoiler space...
















Archive: Yes
Archive Date: October 4, 2000
Author's Webpage: https://www.squidge.org/~pumpkin/
Disclaimer: Lucasfilm, Lucasfilm, Lucasfilm
Feedback: is always appreciated
Pairing: Vader/Anakin
Rating: NC-17
Summary: A master offers his apprentice a gift.
Warnings: Underage and rape/self-inflicted, sort of

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