Diplomacy In Action
by Iaga

Archive: Sith Chicks, SWAL, AllMaulFic, my site
Archive Date: October 3, 2000
Author's Webpage: http://www.angelfire.com/scifi/theglobe
Category: Ficlet, POV (Obi-Wan), AU, humor
Disclaimer: Lucas owns them, I'm just having a little non-profit fun.
Feedback: Is always welcome!
Notes: I've got several little images and ideas for Obi and Maul's life, but a lot of them don't really work as full-length stories. So I decided to write them up as vignette type pieces instead and put them in a series.
Pairing: O/Maul
Rating: G
Series: A Life Less Ordinary
Summary: A field mission gets a little off-course.

Branches whip across my face and out-stretched palms, flaying my skin as I pelt headlong through the verdant forest; my leg muscles are burning with strain, and the sweat running down my face and coating my palms is causing each welt raised by the lashing branches to sting. My breath is coming in heaving gasps, my lungs are threatening to collapse, and frankly, I'm surprised I haven't swallowed a bug yet.

I haven't run this far or this fast since trying to outrun the battle droids in the swamps of Naboo. I can hear Maul's labored breathing as he runs behind me, and I belatedly realize this is probably not an accident on his part considering I'm getting the brunt of the foliage damage by taking the lead. I'd turn around long enough to glare at him, but that would waste energy, and I'd probably end up running into a tree.

Behind Maul, I still hear the sounds of furious yelling, outraged cries, and the unmistakable sound of a large group of people crashing through the woods. They're further away than they were, but they're still too close for my comfort.

Thankfully, our ship isn't far now, and Maul gave orders over the commlink to the pilot to be waiting and ready to go.

I feel my strength flagging, and I call on the Force to help me, letting it flow through me, and I'm rewarded with a burst of speed that helps me burst through the underbrush into the clearing where our ship--beautiful sight!--waits with the ramp lowered and the pilot standing guard, armed and ready to cover us.

I dash up the ramp without once looking back, and I hear Maul's booted steps echoing on the metal surface behind me, commanding the pilot to get inside, close the ramp and take off, his voice harsh and broken from exertion. No smooth and mellifluous tones now! Oh, no--he's as winded and weary as I am, which is a good thing, because one comment about how this wasn't nearly as rigorous as some Sith training he endured, and I would've left him to the mercy of the natives.

Still panting, I collapse in the nearest seat, clutching my stomach and wondering if I want to exert the energy needed to peel off my boots now or wait until I had recovered, by which time my feet would probably be hot... well, hotter... and swollen. Maul drops into a seat across from me, and despite the fact that he's as exhausted as I am, he finds the strength to scowl at me.

I lean my head against the wall behind me and muster a sheepish smile.

He continues to glare.

I shrug a little and spread my hands. "Oops."

He continues to glare.

Finally, he speaks.

"Next time, let me do the talking."

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