Across the Bridge
by Laura JV

Archive: SWAL, Master & Apprentice
Disclaimer: Lucas and them. I only own this piddling little story.
Pairing: Q/O
Posted: May 30, 1999
Rating: PG
Summary: Obi-Wan's adventure with sentimentality is still annoying Qui-Gon.

Obi-Wan sat back on his heels in frustration. "It won't come off, Master."

"What do you mean it won't come off?"

"I can't figure out how to remove it."

"Obi-Wan, I'm warning you..."

"Oh, come on, Master. Think of the marketing potential! Jedi Mind Tattoos--incredible detail, exquisite color--"

"It had better not be in color, Obi-Wan."

"Uh, no, Master, it's not."

Qui-Gon twisted in his seat. "You're lying to me, Padawan."

"I wouldn't do that!"

The taller man stood up and towered over his apprentice. "Yes, you would, Obi-Wan. And you must be punished."

"Uh, Master--" Obi-Wan scrambled backwards frantically, but slipped on the floor and felt his master grab him by the front of his robes. He yelped as he was hauled to his feet and walked to the couch. "Master, what are you doing?"

Qui-Gon sat down and slung the younger Jedi over his lap. "You, young Padawan, are going to get the spanking of your life." He flipped Obi-Wan's robes up to reveal the younger man's bare bottom, and brought his hand down sharply.

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