JAOA - Unexpected Surprises
Year of the Republic 25,014
by BlackRose

Archive: m_a, SWAL, the JAOA page
Archive Date: February 12, 2001
Author's Webpage: http://digitalmidnight.net/garden/jaoa.html
Category: AU, drama with a touch of silly
Disclaimer: George would be horrified. They're his. I'm just having fun.
Feedback: Always yes pretty please with chocolate covered jedi on top! ^_^
Notes: Very small snippet. ~_^
Pairing: Han, Anakin
Rating: PG
Series: JAOA
Summary: Anakin gets an unwelcome early morning surprise.

It was the smell of brewing tea and the sound of movement within the quarters that dragged him from the depths of sleep, but it wasn't until a cup, steaming gently, was placed on the tiny shelf beside the sleeping couch that he forced open his eyes.

Han was leaning over him, the younger man's gaze bright, a broad grin on his lips. "Good morning. Get up."

Anakin closed his eyes again and snarled something unintelligable, but reached for the cup. Han moved away and the older man could hear him rummaging through the packs stashed on the shelf above the other sleeping couch. Moments later something - several somethings - were thrown to land across his chest. Cracking an eye open, Anakin eyed the clothes suspiciously. "Get up," Han repeated. "I have something to show you."

Half of the cup, swallowed despite the scalding temperature, returned the ability of speech. He spent the first words of it on swearing, which Han habitually ignored. The rest of the cup chased the first swallow down and Anakin pushed himself up, thrusting the cup out for a refill and snatching at his tunic irritably.

Han turned away to retrieve the pot and came back with a full cup as Anakin threw back the covers and twisted to sit on the edge of the couch, jerking on his trousers. The older man accepted the cup, then nodded sharply towards the glowing chronometer display set in the wall. "Local dawn isn't for another hour," he growled. Sleep narrowed eyes glared at Han's already dressed figure. "How long have you been up?"

"I haven't been to sleep," Han replied cheerfully. "Come on. You'll like this."

Anakin didn't bother to answer, the disgusted look he cast the other man eloquent enough. Reaching under the sleeping couch, he pulled out his boots, stamping them on as he stood. "Where have you been all night? And what is that all over you?"

Han swiped the back of his hand across one dusty cheek, peering at the results without surprise. "Oh. It's just circuit weld."

Anakin looked at him sourly, draining the cup and handing it back. "Out at the ship lots? I suppose it's better than gambling..."

The grin slipped slightly. "I did that earlier." Han shrugged, then smiled again, ignoring the way Anakin was glaring at him. "That's why I was out at the lots."

Anakin folded his arms across his chest. "You won." It was a statement. "How much?"

The grin became broader, and terribly smug. "I got us a ship."

"What?" The exclamation slipped out, furious. "Han! How much did you win?" When no answer was immediately forthcoming Anakin grabbed at the other man's arm, giving it a hard shake. "Don't you dare tell me you were gambling high stakes..."

Han met Anakin's eyes, the grin turning a bit wry. "Fine. Then I won't. Anakin, do you honestly think I'd lose a high stakes game?"

The older man didn't relent. "If you're caught..."

"I didn't cheat!" Han protested, pulling away. "Besides, what are you worried about? If it was good enough for Master Jinn..."

Anakin, however, was having none of it. "Then you're still a Force damned idiot." Blowing out a breath, he scrubbed his hands over his face and across the sleep flattened fringe of his short hair. "What did you win? A ship off of some junk dealer..."

"Better then that." Han grabbed at his wrist, all boyish enthusiasm and bright eyes once again. "You're going to love it. Come on."

Reluctantly, Anakin let himself be pulled towards the door of their small rented quarters. "I have such a bad feeling about this..."

[...to the next stage]

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