Everything I Ever Needed to Know About Undressing a Jedi I Learned from My 12" Qui-Gon Jinn Doll
by MonaR.

Notes: Another ABC from me, Wal-Mart made me do it. And no, I haven't stopped playing with my Qui-Gon doll (who looks *so* much like Liam I almost wish he was anatomically correct) yet - still rubbing his nipples, trying to get him to do the Jedi Hand Trick (tm). . .
Pairing: Q/O
Posted: June 03, 1999
Rating: PG
Series: Nope, but part of the ongoing ABC challenge at SWA-L.
Summary: Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan discuss the finer points of Jedi fashion - and other things. . .
Warnings: I don't use betas. :( Any mistakes are solely my fault and the fault of my *#^&@ spellcheck.

"Master," Obi-Wan grunted, giving a mighty pull, "don't you think that there must be an easier way of doing this?"

Noting the perfect curve of his Apprentice's ass - upon which his booted foot was propped, pushing as his Padawan pulled - it took Qui-Gon a moment to answer. "Of doing what, Obi-Wan?"

"Pulling off your boots," Obi-Wan said, finally yanking the left one free and tossing it indelicately to the floor of their private room in the Jedi Temple.

Qui-Gon smiled at his Padawan, flushed from the effort he had taken in their now-nightly ritual of undressing. Rubbing his now-bare foot gently and sensuously against Obi-Wan's ass, he slipped the other foot, still boot-encased, between his Apprentice's legs, asking, "Did you have something in mind?"

"Something like - zippers, or buckles, or the like. This way has its good points," Obi-Wan added, smiling over his shoulder, "but it does a real number on my ass."

"Uh-hmmmmm," Qui-Gon growled, low in his throat, "it does, at that."

"Velcro would be ideal for the robes," Obi-Wan continued, prying the other boot free and reaching for the hidden fastenings on his Master's tunic. "We practiced for four months just to get our tandem, 'get-ready-to-kiss-your-ass-good-bye' shed-the-robe-and-grab-the- lightsaber maneuver down."

Xanatos had mastered that move in a week, Qui-Gon thought, but felt better not mentioning that fact to his sometimes-touchy, yet beautiful, Apprentice. You never knew quite how the volatile young man would react, especially where Qui-Gon's other Apprentices were concerned. "Zippers, snaps, velcro - any other 'important matters' I should ask Master Yoda and the Jedi Council about?" he asked, with an indulgent smile for his Favourite.

"As a matter of fact," Obi-Wan said, slipping out of his own tunic with a hungry gleam in his eye. "Bending the rules about 'no fraternization with the Padawan while on assignment' would be much appreciated, as well." Clasping Qui-Gon about the neck, he rained soft kisses down his Master's face, ending up at his mouth.

Disturbing silence and a singular lack of response followed Obi-Wan's assault, however; he pulled back and regarded his uncomfortable Master, his eyes narrowing as Dark thoughts crept in. "Every Master and Padawan follows that rule, right?" he asked.

"Forgive me for my little white lie, Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon said, knowing he would be unable to shield his thoughts from the Force-perceptive young man for long. "Going at least a few days without your presence in my bed is painful, but I felt I had to insist upon it; otherwise I'd be worn absolutely out when it came to our work."

"How could you tell me it was part of the Code when it wasn't?" Obi-Wan asked, shocked.

"I didn't intend to deceive you, Padawan," Qui-Gon soothed, "but I didn't want to hurt your feelings, either."

"Just wonderful!" Obi-Wan groaned, shaking his head. "Keep me in the dark about the 'Celibacy Rule', so I ask the other Masters about it, working myself up to asking Master Yoda; no wonder they've been laughing every time I pass - they must all think I'm a sex maniac!"

"Laughing, Padawan," Qui-Gon said, his eyes sparkling, "believe me, they aren't: it just explains why I've had seventeen offers to take your apprenticeship off my hands since we arrived yesterday!"

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