Mortal by Surreal E-mail: Website: Feedback: Is appreciated! Status: Complete Category: Missing scenes, 'Dosed.' Mild slash for now. Rating: R for language Summary: Deaq realizes Van is mortal, after all. Archive: Candy Store and my site. Disclaimer: Fox has them for now, we're just playing with them because that's what they would want. Notes: My first story in this fandom, written spontaniously. *** I've settled on the fact that he's *going* to live because as soon as we get him fixed I'm going to goddamn fucking *kill* his ass for scaring me like this. Glancing over at him sitting in the passenger seat, watching him struggle to appear calm even though I know he's fighting just to keep breathing sets my heart racing again. He's staring out the window, his face paler than usual and his eyes rimmed in red. For the second time since all this shit started, I realize just how sick my boy is. The first time was when we were in the bar. I looked up at him, saw blood running down his upper lip and that was when I knew this was more serious than I'd thought. I asked him if he was okay, he looked away with a weak smile and told me 'no.' My foot can't seem to press on the gas petal hard enough. *** Skidding to a halt at the emergency entrance, I turn the car off and fly out of my side and around to Van's. Opening his door, I crouch down and undo his seatbelt. He's leaning back against the seat, his eyes closed and his breathing even worse than before. My hand on his cheek brings him around. "Van, baby, we're at the hospital. Come on, grab onto me and stand up, okay?" "Mmm," he sighs in reply, but manages to flop his arm around my shoulders and move with me as I help him stand. He sags against me and I fight to keep us both standing. I see a couple of people in white coming out the doors toward us, thank god. "Hey, I need some help here!" Van groans and buries his head in my neck. "Shh, baby, hang on, you're gonna be fine." I let one of the guys take his other side and we pretty much carry Van inside. There's an empty gurney waiting inside and we lay him on it. His doctor from earlier shows up out of thin air and before I can question that we're moving down the hall fast. The doctor is saying stuff about not enough oxygen but I'm not listening, because Van is looking so lost it breaks my heart. "I'm sorry, you have to wait here," the doctor says, his words finally sinking in. "Deaq," Van's weak, shaky plea cuts into me and it's all I can do not to cry right there. "Don't worry, I'm staying right with you," I assure him, ignoring the looks from the medical team. Come on, Billie, don't let me lose him. *** Van looks terrible and I'm shaking so bad I have to sit down. He's barely breathing, his face so pale it's nearly transparent, his eyes red and shining with tears. I don't know who is more scared, him or me. "There's nothing more we can do right now. I'm sorry." "Doc," I plea, his words SO not what I want to hear right now. "He can't help me, huh?" Van pants, his eyes following me. "It's gonna be all right, Van. Billie's out there." Please, please, please let her call. We're losing him fast and all we can do is keep feeding him oxygen and false hope. "Billie," he says softly, his breath coming in short, harsh gasps by now and I just wish I could hold him. " you think she's..gonna get to replace me?" "Nobody," I nearly snarl, too shocked by his question to even think about that. "You my partner, Van. YOU." I don't even want to contemplate being on this job without him at my side. He struggles for air and all I can do is stand by and watch helplessly as he reassures *me*. FUCK, I can't stand this! "Just do me one favor," he says in that voice that is killing me. "Whoever it is, make sure you're as big of a pain in the ass to them as you are to me." I can't even reply, my throat is too tight for words to escape even if I could think of something to say to that. By the time I can look at him again he's already unconcious. The machines stuck to his chest are beeping way too fast, his heart is racing. Thank god, thank *Jesus*, the phone rings and it's Billie. The doctor and nurses jump into action finally, talking too fast and doing things to Van's IV line. When Van starts to breathe again, so do I. And I'm gonna fuckin' KILL him. *** End.