The Great Gas Out
By: S'Belle

"Hey, Jim, come here and read this, I think it's a neat idea." [smiling bouncing guide]

"Huh? What?" [smiling, confused Sentinel]

"Well, some friends of mine have decided to protest the rise in the gas prices. 'Cause you know it's just greedy billionaires wanting more than their share of cash. There is no real shortage, ya know." [happy smile]

"Yeah, so? How can you or anyone else stop them from raising prices?" [still in confused state]

"Well, read this:" [Sentinel follows pointing finger to Blair's laptop screen]

It's time we did something about the price of gasoline in America! We are all sick and tired of high prices when there are literally millions of gallons in storage.

Know what I found out? If there was just ONE day when no one purchased any gasoline, prices would drop drastically. The so-called oil cartel has decided to slow production by some 2 million barrels per day to drive up the price.

I have decided to see how many Americans we can get to NOT BUY ANY GASOLINE on one particular day! Let's have a GAS OUT! Do not buy any gasoline on APRIL 30, 1999!!!!! Buy on Thursday before, or Saturday after. Do not buy any gasoline on FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 1999.

"So, whatcha think?" [bouncing hopefully]

"Ok, and print me a copy out, ok?" [slow grin]

"A copy? Why?" [now adopting the confused guide mode]

"So I can copy it, of course." [wide grin]

"Copy it, what for?" [dawning enlightenment causing a slow grin]

"So, we can post it at the station." [gonna get a hug, the guide mode grin]

"Cool, thanks Jim, maybe we should send a copy to all our list sibs and get an even greater response, huh?" [hug the Sentinel grin, followed by said action mode, with huge grin]

"If you do that, you have to write a watchad, and you know I'd love to help but I gotta get those copies made." [quick sly grin]

"But Jim........" [start to pout]

"Later, lover....." [avoiding pout]


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