By: Cherokeegirl

All my life I have searched for you,
The other half of me, that which makes me whole.
Together you and I are the words and the music
Combined to make this beautiful melody of love

All my life I wished for Sunny days
an end to the rain in my soul.
But without the storms I could never have seen
the rainbow of our love.
The colors of you and me blending in perfect harmony.

Where I once walked alone,
now I look to the future.
A life time of our days together,
loving and living, growing and giving
sharing and caring.

Sharing the good times, and the bad.
For our love doubles the joy and divides the sorrow.
I now look forward to all my tomorrows.

You are everything my heart desires,
My strength and my courage.
You posses me and hold me.
But you do it gently enough so that I don't smother,
And firmly enough that I can lean on you
When I can't go on alone.

So, now our we will grow together
Live and laugh and love forever.

Cherokeegirl's Index