Rating: PG Romance/ implied m/m
Summary: Jim writes Blair another poem
Disclaimer: This story is written purely for entertainment purposes no copyright infringement is intended.

A New Beginning
By: Cherokeegirl

When two people fall in love,
they join hands and hearts,
They are always together
never to be alone again,
they become one.

Yet they remain different from each other,
each unique in their own way.

They give their love to each other,
they are always open and honest with each other.
One never tries to change the other,
for it was their differences that brought them together.

They always respect and accept
what the other has to say;
even if they don't agree with them.

We will always remember
that we are two separate people;
yet we are one.
We are partners, living the same life
even though our own lives may be different.
We have ourselves and we have each other.
We are taking the time to enjoy every day.
And, we will always remember that each day is:
A New Beginning.

Cherokeegirl's Index