After Monday's sudden passing, I continued to ride Samson.  However, the costs of leasing Samson was very high and I could not afford to buy him as much as I wanted to.   I really, really wanted Samson to be mine.   I could not afford to buy any horse period.  So, my other option was part-boarding.  Since the place I was at only offered leasing, I had to go out of my element and on my own to find the perfect horse to part-board.  I saw an ad for Griffen and decided to try him out.  The owner warned me that he was not an easy horse and if I was looking for a push-button horse, Griffen was NOT it.   Was she ever right.  The day I met Griffen, I knew he came from an abusive background -- he was literally freaked out over everything.  Granted, it was nothing like Monday, I don't think I would ever meet a horse that had it as bad as Monday but he was a challenge.  A challenge I decided to take on.

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