

Deck the Halls    M/Sk   NC-17    43k
Another holiday season, an unusual gift from Scully - Fox and Walt celebrate the season.

Payback's a Bitch     M/Sk    NC-17    8k  
No good deed goes unpunished; Skinner pays for Scully's kiss.

Dinner at Eight       M/Sk    NC-17     15k    
Skinner practices his hobby and invites Fox over to dinner.

Mad, Bad, and Dangeros to Know - Smallville, Clark/Lex   R    10K
Basically a missing scene from "Nocturne" which poses the question that Clark showed his book of limericks to Lanada, what would happen when he showed it to Clark.

The Tears of a Friend - Beastmaster, Beastmaster/Tao    NC-17    17K
Missins scene from the episode "A Terrible Silence"



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