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Come To Grief
by Wildy

"How cold it is in this underground
vault! That is natural—for it is deep."

"Do you remember?"

He spat the words down, I couldn't see him. I only saw the floor, grey poured concrete spattered with dimesized polka dots of blood, black in this light; I only felt the weight of his knee on my back, the pull of his hand in my hair, the tearing there. It was contact, familiar—painful.

He came into the cell like the angel of Death, there was so much hate and anger in the air around his eyes that all the sparks between us fell dead and frozen to the ground like razored snowflakes. Enough to wade in. Enough for me to drown in cuts.

There was a guard outside and five cameras with audio pickup in there, but he still jumped me, snarling, and broke his hand on my face over and over. I heard it only, the bones snapping, popping. I couldn't feel. The blows were all muted by the cold lockdown inside me. My nerves couldn't move anymore. I froze open. I couldn't look away. His eyes were leaking, he had a rictus on and foam at the corners of his mouth. My head bounced against the wall and I sprawled, on my belly like a snake and he twined his broken hand in my hair and slammed my face down hard and kicked at my crotch, harder. I shrieked it all out, then, when I had the excuse. Once.

And he growled and muttered, calling curses down on me, all the maledictions I'd ever heard and some new, terrible, unspoken one that belonged only to me. Frozen soul, toppling, breaking... heart rolling in the shards. Not mine. Don't have one. All gone.

"Krycek, you bastard, do you remember what it was like? Do you know what you've done?"

Oh, I knew. And my crazy brain locked into the loop, remembering helplessly, and I snuffled against the floor, smelling industrial cleaner and old dirt, and said—

"I remember, Mulder. I remember everything."


The Bolvangar Compound
Tunguska, Siberia
March 1999

Kolyai is grinning. That is bad news. His face is narrowly, nastily handsome, high cheekbones and a good chin; even the long vertical scar going down from his left eye to the corner of his mouth does not detract from that (a prisoner tried to take his eye out once. And lost both of his own.) Blond hair, blue eyes, a black glitter of poisoned charisma. But when he grins he's all rigid teeth and lopsided, bloodthirsty cheer and the grin is so close to my face, so close. The Boogeyman Is Here.

I push into the wall behind me, staring at the bridge of his nose. If I do that it looks like I am staring back into the blaze, and it helps me to not blink or gulp or flinch or whimper, because god help me if I do ... there is no god. And never mind the knife at my throat and the hand on my chest, never mind those, he's showing teeth... bright white flat fangs and we're of a size; if he decides to snap at me I'm gonna be minus a lower lip. Or worse. Wolf, wolf, black wolf, don't eat me yet again, don't eat me once í more....

"You're going to, little one. You're going to do this for me, Alexei Andreijevich. I'm telling you so, golubchick."

I don't say anything. I wait. I think about time, the past—the future. His breath is hot on my frozen face, his hand heavy on me. So heavy.

"I. Want. Him. You brought him here once. He came back last summer, escaped again with a whole case of the vaccine. You tricked me. And if you don't get him for me, you're not done being mangled. I'll make what happened to you so far, all eighteen years of it, feel like a sweet dream. Do you believe me, Sascha?"

"I believe you."

I keep my voice low, my breathing even, my heartbeat steady. It's been a long, long time since I showed him any raw meat. Any raw me. That's how come I'm alive and missing only an arm. And a heart and a soul and any guts at all, but that is another ballgame and I've never been in the park. I've been devoured, I'm down to old bones, I'm safe. I'm alive, I'm alive.... He ate me all up long ago. Wolf, black wolf... Nikolai Chenderovich, chornij volk dlya Tunguska. Careful, now. Speak softly, Alex.

"Why don't you go for him yourself, Kolyai? What you want, only you can get, after all."

"Because they won't let me, little brother. Because the motherfuckers won't let me leave the country. They don't want me near him. And they need me here. But you're an American citizen. You can be there and back. You can be my little carrier pigeon..."

"... And bring him your message."

"Yes. Write it on him. I don't care that he got those kids vaccinated, I don't give a fuck what Consortium plans he sabotages, but he got away from me. He can't do that! And you can't protect him! You don't have the right. I want him, and you. Are. Mine."

"Look, you had him in the basement already. You had your pet guards go at him, you flayed him, fucked him and ripped him up—what more can I do?"

Even before he moves, I know my mistake. Mentioning that night in the basement, what folks here fondly call "the Therapy Room," is rubbing Kolyai's nose in his own failure. Mulder didn't give him an inch. Mulder almost took his throat out and then bit his dick, for fuck's sake. Why'd I go and remind him—

Then he's gripping my jaw and I'm breathing around the blade, mustn't flinch. He never cleans the thing and I taste long-dead meat and blackened steel... Relax, relax then it won't hurt as much, and I maybe won't make noise. My tongue sizzles, I swear I hear it open with a hiss...

Then he's grunting through his nose and lapping at my tongue and the roof of my mouth and biting down. He chews. I freeze my long silence around the mouthful of lightning and pounding nails and I don't blink; don't blink, Alexei. Don't breathe. Hush. You're okay. You're safe. You're gone.

"You can do what I tell you to, baby brother. Now. Because you're my boy. Aren't you? Mine."

I nod, wiping my face. Saltwater and dark red drool.


He smiles then, the daubed, sated one. The blooded smile, not the bloodthirsty grin. His hand closes on the back of my neck. He pushes me down to my knees. The gravel of the courtyard bites at my kneecaps. The hand that's not cradling my skull unzips his black pants, then grips my jaw again. I taste blood along with the hard flesh of his cock. He pushes in, the whole huge length of him at once, butting at my shredded, chewed- up tongue. Kolyai does not get off if it's not a bloodfuck. He plugs my throat and crushes my face against his belly. I close my eyes. He moves, hungry, and once more and a third time and a sound escapes me. I let it resonate and draw out. I rub my bleeding tongue on the underside of his dick. He wraps warm hands around my head and comes. I swallow hard, once, twice. It tastes like life or death, ongoing, obdurate. All one.

He lets go and nods at me.

That wasn't so bad. I got off light. Mulder—Mulder won't.

I'm a coward.

Hegal Place
Alexandria, VA
3 days later
Night time

He's asleep on the sofa, long limbs thrown every which way, neck stretched out. He's tousled and defenseless, his face a pale blob in the light from the fishtank. He's flung the blanket off. He must've fallen asleep right after a shower, because he's naked and I know by dint of surveillance he doesn't leave his back uncovered anymore. There's a little pout on his lips, and lines on his forehead. He looks like sleep might be hard work... It probably is, what with the stereo pounding out, loud, insistent and subtly alien, some alternative rock thing.

What I catch of the lyrics makes me snort. '...finally found a reason, I won't need an excuse, I got this time on my hands, you are the one to abuse. You are the one to abuse. You are the one to abuse.'

Maybe it's 'amuse', but I think not. You're a freak, Mulder.

It's a good song, really.

His hair is brutally short, and darker than it used to be. New phobias, Fox? What a collector you are, what a magnet for maniacs. Look at you now with your whip-scars and your new nightmares, your no-grip haircut and your black dye job. You resisted. Was it worth it to you?

I hear Kolyai's voice down the tunnel of time, "it's only a fucking mutt— stop carrying on." I could kill my dog because he said so. I can horsewhip a naked, sleepy man. And really, whether Mulder knows it or not, it's the only way he's going to be even a little safe for a little while. Not very, not for long.... He'd never believe my take on what I'm doing. I don't believe it myself. But he hates me anyway. I'll just be the monster come in the night, it's a lot simpler. Grendel is here and Beowulf nowhere in sight. Unless that's him asleep on the sofa there. I don't think so.

I put my gun down on the coffee table, and uncoil the horsewhip.

It's the same one we used on him last summer, the rawhide still has his blood on it. Memory Lane in Hell. Rise and shine, Mulder. The alarm is a whistling arc and a flat snap; it will wake all those scars out of their uneasy doze and make them cry. Mulder shrieks and convulses. He stares at me blankly, making panicky fists. He's back there, all right. Post-traumatic stress is a wonderful thing. I know.

I don't pull my blows; I watch him open up into liquid truth.

"If you... were going to.. fuck with the... Herod Project... Mulder... you'd have been better off... buying vaccine from the devil... rather than going back to... Tunguska." I let the whipcracks rhythm my words. I watch the blood well up from the crisscrossing welts on his skin. I don't think beyond. Step back behind the egowall, inside the deepfreeze. Gone.

He's screaming. Naked. Helpless. Screaming and bleeding. Rolling around bleeding screams. He sounds like anyone at all. He sounds like I used to, long ago. He's young.

"What the hell do you want...! What do you think this is going to accomplish? You—you get off using a whip on me—is that it?... You got a taste for it from last time, right?"

"No, Mulder. But you resisted in the basement. So the Wolf sent me to get back at you."

It's only half the truth and he's bleeding lies...

"I don't know what the fuck you mean, Krycek! All that happened in the basement is... They tried to make me torture and rape a boy—a little kid!... I refused... and they knocked me out. That's all!"

I drop my arm in surprise and stare at him. He absolutely means that. His eyes are indignant, his voice almost steady. He doesn't remember the rest of it.... He has no memory of the gang-bang at all. How could he just... forget? How—

He lunges at me, and I beat him back off. Or I try. He's fighting like a demon, snarling and bucking, in full berserker mode. Like he's having a seizure of some kind.

I think maybe you remember more than you want to, Mulder....

We end up in the bathroom, slammed up against the tub and I get my arm hooked around his neck, bang his head on the tiles, cinch cuffs on his wrists while he's groggy, and tip him in. Then I turn on the water, full force and very cold. After some of that he slumps in soggy surrender, looking black knives at me.

"Do you remember when it was blood drenching you like that, Mulder? Blood and sweat and come? Do you remember how much your back hurt when they dug their nails into the wounds? Leave it alone. Don't mess with the Russian vaccine anymore, OK?"

He spits in my direction.

"You know that Herod was just a peanut-sized practice run, don't you? Five thousand kids infected with the virus and we saved them and it was only a test—"

I nod in weary confirmation. "—a test run for Operation Seven Veils, I know. Half of everyone under twelve in the US to be subjected to same. I know all about it. It's not your business, Mulder. Leave it be. You can't change the world. It's not happening to you or yours, and if you want to live at all, drop it."

It might be entreaty or threat, how do I tell the difference? I know what Mulder is hearing, though.

"You worthless piece of shit, Krycek, they're children, don't you know they're just kids? Don't you have feelings at all?"

I shrug. Kids are old enough to bleed, scream and die. Like anyone. Sure I have feelings. I'm not indestructible. But Mulder indulges feelings the way a horse tangled in a barbed wire fence will try to struggle free.

He sees his little sister everywhere. How does that make him better than me? Or do I want to know whether it does?

I don't care. I've bled all I can.

I drag him out and throw him down. He's wet and floppy like a dead fish, and still he tries to move, still he tries to feel against all the thorns metallic in his trembling self, drawing much deeper blood than I can with my measly whip. He twists his head back, wanting to catch my eye, to breach the wall. Snowball's chance.

"I thought you wouldn't do this... Laugh at me if you want, but even after everything you did, I still thought you'd have some decent impulses... I was wrong. You're less than vermin, someone should kill you like a dog, Krycek."

At that I drop onto him, crushing him to the floor, forcing the air out of his lungs. The smell of his wet hair fills my nose. Water soaks through my clothes, chilling me. Mulder? Just shut up, Mulder.

She was a small black-and-tan mongrel bitch, just a pound mutt. Her name was Alicia, pronounce that 'Elitsia', the Russian way. She was the last birthday present I ever got on the last birthday I ever had. I smashed her head in when I was twelve. Kolyai told me to, or he would do something to me.

"I like dogs, Mulder."

Then of course he did something to me. Something that involved my cherry and that goddamned black commando knife of his, the blade not the handle, one vertical cut and one sideways—and my dog was dead. The look in her eyes when I brought the hammer down for the second time. That was a lot worse than Kolyai fucking the wound. I loved her. That's life, Fox. Your only choice is to make the first blow count so nobody looks at you like that. Like you look at me always. You're the puppy I never can kill, Mulder. Or maybe I am, when you train those eyes on me—if only then. Let's drop the hammer now, either way.

But even with his face pushed into the floor, the idiot must work his mouth.

"That sadistic bastard with the scar lets you have so much power in the camp —I wondered about that. Your brother. The son-of-a-bitch is your brother. No wonder you have the run of the place. No wonder you manoeuvered so I'd take you there the first time. Sadism runs in the family.... How deep does it go, tell me? Do you rape and torture young boys for kicks, too? Does he have you hold them down? Join in? Or just watch? Do you have your fun together?"

"Kolyai's my half-brother, Mulder. And what he does for fun never was any part of what I enjoy. I don't enjoy much of anything by now. But if you took advice, I would tell you to stop now. You're on shaky ground here."

I told you a truth, Fox. Will you notice? It's hard for me, doing that. Kolyai taught me to keep secrets. He taught well. I'm calling from very deep down, here. Will you hear me or just the roar of your own self?

"Your threats stopped scaring me a while back, Krycek. You're losing your edge. Aren't you supposed to intimidate the backbone out of me? You're not doing much of a job. Things are getting pretty boring here."

That sends something reaching beyond the ice, that goes straight to what crouches there watching and I'm feeling something now. Yes I am.

Bored, Mulder? Let's give you a life. Let's see if you really have no memory of what came to pass in the basement room with the restraints bolted into the floor, with the blood on the walls, uncounted layers of a palimpsest with childhood the first text ever scraped away. The little room where I was born, where I retreat from worse things, that makes us brothers too, Mulder. An accident of blood or one of fate, what's to choose between them, after all?

So I rear back on my knees and pull my zipper down—just for the sound effect, this is still an experiment. You wouldn't believe it, but I like my guys willing. I have good cause.

Everything Kolyai did is on me—because I could've taken him out almost every night for years and I was too cowed to do it. Too fucking broken down. Anyone else, yeah. Not him. And he was my best candidate of them all.

It's true.

I dream about them.

Everyone in Tunguska. Everyone in Bolvangar. Not the prisoners, or not often them, but the boys from the barracks the guards call the Joy Division— that one is a classic, look it up. Dates back to the Nazi konslagers during World War Two.... Everyone he took, over the long years, and had me help. Or just sit there and fucking watch and drag the bodies to the lime-pit after.

And mom. Because I told her a secret once.

You think you're better than me. I won't forgive you that, Mulder. You want to know about righteousness? It stains. It tears. It dies. We can't have you bored. Nuh-uh, can't have that. Can't disappoint your expectations of me.

He's already screaming, how strange is that? The simple sound of a zipper and he's howling names of deities he doesn't believe in and begging for mercy, and something in me laughs out loud like a breaking bone in the soul. I'm as hard as I ever got and something slow is pounding too fast inside me, shaking me. I can't breathe. I spread Mulder's ass one-handed and his shriek escalates into full-blown hysteria. I would worry about the neighbors but for the stereo still pouring out that lullaby from hell he has playing on repeat... If they haven't reacted to that, we're fine.

Mulder's ass clenches shut like a fist against the tip of my dick prodding him there, and he's sobbing pleas in broken Russian now—whaddaya know. Souvenir from the Therapy Room.

It's gonna hurt, Mulder. Shall I tell you a secret? Everything does. The trick lies in not feeling it.

If he didn't have that stupid-ass haircut—he understands the finer points of it now, I bet—I would pull his head back for more leverage. The better to flash you back with, my dear. But the crook of an elbow around his throat will work as well.

I'm the pounding hammer now—and the dog too.

xx I was lying down in my cell when Skinner came. I didn't move. If he was going to shoot me, what the hell. I hurt. I was tired. Instead, he started talking, and what he said was so far from what I expected to hear that it took a while to register.

"What Mulder did to you last night is going to save your miserable ass, Krycek. Your lawyers—the Syndicate's lawyers—will have you out of here in a flash. He assaulted a federal prisoner and bribed a guard to look away. I wish he had killed you."

I just lay there looking at him. He looked back with revulsion in his eyes. Boo-fucking-hoo. I mind so much I can't stand it, Baldy. There's nothing in your eyes I haven't seen in the mirror twenty years ago. Get over it.

"You're a murderer, a traitor, a rapist and worse. And if Mulder doesn't get over this, I will track you down and kill you. But first I'll—"

He bit his lip and took a deep breath. I could fill in the blank. I know the look. He'd, what? Shove a .45 in my crotch and pull the trigger? OPR would love that.

His face hardened a fraction more.

"I know things about what you are that you thought nobody would find out, Krycek. I read the file on Marfa Arntzen. The uncensored one."

He stared at me.

"Spender kept a copy."

I stared back.

"I know how she died, Krycek."

No you don't.

"I know how your mother died. "

You don't have the right to.

... missed some of what he said...

"—you're not a human being. You weren't even human as a thirteen-year old, and someday somebody will take you down. I hope it's Mulder because you owe it to him. But if we ever meet again—see me first."

He spun on his heel and walked out.

The barred door clanged shut.

How cold it is in here.

I did rape Mulder.

It's strange, because I didn't mean to—and yeah, I know how that sounds. The truth is weird that way. Because rape is not my thing at all.


I slam into him and it burns, it hurts and he screams. I heard him scream just like that once before. Last summer in the basement.

I slam into him again and I was going to stop and pull out but something grabs at my guts and clicks and I—


He feels so good. Oh shit. He feels so good, skin so silky-soft and muscles so hard, he is so warm and I loosen all up and hear myself moaning and swearing, I'm turning into this monster of noise, I can't get close enough and it's wailing out of me like a sob through my dick, like calling into dark night for someone who won't come, like like like sweet lost home crying, crying, crying, and I collapse through lightning crashes into the shape where I belong, that his body defines... you call it perfection and I don't believe in it. Except it's right here.

And for three seconds there, it does not hurt.

I didn't know.

I didn't know the pain could ever stop.

I pull back and stare at Mulder like a deer in the headlights of an oncoming car. Mulder on the floor with blood running down his thighs, Mulder curled up, sobbing, sounding like—

—I used to—

Then he turns his head and I see his face.

The look on his face.

I hear Kolyai.

"If you don't, I'll do something to you."

Back when I still had a voice and said, please.

Please don't make me do this to her.

But Alicia and mom are dead, and I raped Mulder too.

And Kolyai says: "Mine."



Disclaimers: The X-Files people belong to the devil. Kolyai's all mine and I ain't proud. I'm not making money off either.
Rating: NC-17 for non-con sex, torture mental and physical, incest and heartbreak. SQUICK WARNING. Duh. Stop child abuse.
Pairing: K/O,M/K
Spoilers: This is AU after "Tunguska/Terma". The recounting of Mulder's second trip to the gulag is at the MTA site under the title "An Exhalation of the Dark". It's not mine, but I've got encouragement and permission. The basement scene has been written by the same author, is called "Incident in the TR", and is unhappily not posted anywhere, yet. But this stands alone. It's for NeoFox again, don't say you didn't ask for it. I love you, babe.
Thanks to Deb for superlative beta above and beyond the call. I'm en-Deb-ted.
Thanks to SB, gemcutter extraordinaire, for sustained sleepless abyss-gazing, lucky mojo blues and the silences between words. The stars are impressed.
Insult me at KrysaW595@netscape.net—my evil twin wrote this.

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