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Finishing Moves II

The Money Shot
by The Spike

"So tell me about it."

"Mmm. 'Bout what?"

"The rasslin'. What's the crank-turner?"

"You still don't see it?"

"I can't see doing that guy."

"Mr. Venis. Yeah, well, he's no Chris Jericho but he can... never mind. I was actually thinking of it in a larger more philosophical sense. Not entirely philosophical though. That's more Roland Barthes take on the oeuvre: Wrestlers as modern archetypes. Reconstruction of Greek tragi-comedy form for the catharsis of angst into action. What I'm talking about is a more visceral reaction."


"Sweat. Tights. Grappling. Crowds."


"A Titantron."

"A what?"

"The big screen there. Everything 20 feet high."


"And... and you really have no imagination, do you?"

"I beg to differ. I have a very... vivid... imagination."

"Alex, that's not your imagination..."

"Well, I'll be damned. And I guess that's not my imagination either."


"Mm-hmm... mmmmm..."



Disclaimer: sigh. Mulder and Krycek belong to CC, Fox and 1013. "The Money Shot", "Val Venis" and "Titantron" belong to Titan and Vince 'Mr. McMahon' McMahon. Chris Jericho belongs to the WCW and Turner Broadcasting.
Summary: Did you know that the new trend in Hollywood is 'professional wrestling flicks? Uh-huh. Look for 3 major feature films on the subject next year. Or don't look. In fact, maybe cover your eyes and run screaming into the night...
Author's notes: Second verse, same as the first: a little bit louder and a little bit worse.

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