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by Raven

"Alex is stretched out in front of the fireplace, totally nude except for these thin white gold chains snugly around his neck, wrists, biceps, thighs, ankles and waist. He's sprawled on these lovely lambskin furs, the white picking up the fire colors and he keeps squirming on the softness.

"He's drowsing, not really asleep, not really awake. He's got a plug in, a gentle cream colored peachskin one, full of very warm water, it sloshes when he squirms and does this faint rocking motion within him, just enough to keep him softly erect. His cock's been lightly creamed, and there are these little shivery white gold tassels hanging from the bud clamps on his nipples. They aren't tight at all, but he can feel the constant pressure, however subtle, and if he breathes deeply, there's a small tug that makes his lazy eyelids flutter.

"He was spanked earlier, so the lambskins's caressing a very warm, still a bit tender backside. He's feeling no pain, I assure you. He's waiting quite contentedly for Walter to come in.

"The big man's going to part Alex's legs, remove the plug and enter him so slowly Alex will think time has stopped. Then the clamps will come off, and Walter's tongue will soothe and rub those little nubs until they're scarlet. One of his big paws will be wrapped around the warm slickness of Alex's cock, a feather light touch no matter how the boy lifts his hips and begs with brilliant eyes.

"It'll be a long, slow, very languid fuck, and both of them will be reduced to lassitude when it's over. Alex can hardly wait, but he's a good boy, lying there with his arms stretched out over his head, body in a slow erotic holding pattern, just simmering until his Master comes and takes what's his."

(a loud snapping sound, three times)

Mulder sat up a bit more in the chair. He rubbed at his eyes and stretched, looking around curiously. Skinner's face was the color of a tomato, and Scully was even more flushed. Doggett was nearly purple, and Alex was just sitting there, a complete absence of color anywhere on his face, eyes darker than Mulder had ever seen.

"What did I say? Or -- or do? C'mon, I can tell it was something, what happened? Scully didn't make me cluck like a chicken, did she?"

Mulder, face alive with his need to know, started to ask again what had happened, when Scully spoke, standing quickly.

"Okay, we'll leave you with the tape. It's getting late, we'd better go. Have a good night." She all but ran from the room, with Doggett nearly knocking her over in his haste to leave.

Skinner had come around from his spot standing against the wall. He went to the video camera, rewound the tape just a little and then sat down on the arm of Alex's chair.

Alex, his color more normal now, spoke in a voice that sounded like it had been dragged across gravel.

"You went under fine, Scully regressed you a hundred years, like you wanted. You gave us all the normal things, but a lot of detail. Then...then, as she was finishing, Walter passed her a question. She read it out loud. He doesn't believe in this stuff, not really, and he...he wanted to know if we were around then. I-I think he was going to ask about himself next, but there was no need."

"What did she ask me?"

"'Where is Alex?'"

"And what did I say?"

Skinner pushed play.




Title: Remembering
Author: Raven
Email: raven@aeneas.net
Pairing: K/Sk and K/M/Sk
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Graphic sex with b&d elements.
Author's Notes: My Domestic!Alex Muse was tired of being seen as just a housewife. [g] He wanted to do something...different.
Additional Author's Notes/Spoilers: Okay, Peach has written a very beautiful series about K/Sk and regression. It spans several lifetimes, and I adored it. I would like to acknowledge those stories as part of the inspiration for this piece.
Summary: Mulder is remembering... Hey, it's a very small PWP, okay?
Disclaimer: The characters within these stories belong to Fox, 1013, CC et al. There is no profit made or intended from these stories, and they should be considered as being for entertainment purposes only.

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