Go to notes and disclaimers

by Raven

"Thank God!" Skinner muttered it with great earnestness, as he felt the pulse in Mulder's neck.

Doggett, guarding the men, spared a moment to say an equally silent prayer of thanks. Working with as little noise and as much speed as they could, Skinner and Doggett quickly cut the restraints holding Mulder to the floor and the one around his neck. Doggett helped Skinner get the unconscious man into a fireman's carry, and then led them carefully out of the pitch black corridor, the night vision goggles barely having enough secondary light to function.

They had to stop several times, crouching and waiting for the hall to clear, and Skinner prayed that Mulder would stay out until they could make their full escape. The slightest sound could be disastrous.

Mulder was already cold, nearly too cold, and Skinner shivered in his own cold suit. Doggett, too, would be severely chilled, but it was necessary. The facilities had begun to use thermal scan alarms, anything within normal human body range would trigger the sensors, so the flap packets in each man's uniform now contained cold packs, and they'd modified the Aussie hats, too. It wouldn't have been so bad, if they hadn't needed to concentrate the cold on the most heat generating portions of the body. Namely, head, torso and groin. It was one of the few times male physiology wasn't a help. Now, crouching behind a door, Skinner winced as the cold was forced even tighter against his already cringing balls. God, he hated aliens.

Shifting the limp form over his shoulders, Skinner spared the thought that sometimes, he really hated Mulder, too. Especially when the man went renegade, ignoring intelligence and everyone around him, Alex included, to go off on his own, investigating what only Mulder had refused to see as a trap.

They'd gotten a report of a cloning facility on a small island to the west of their position. Alex had seen the reports for that island, and nothing in them had indicated that it had ever been used in that way. It had, however, been used to hold prisoners and as a storehouse of alien technology. Knowing that it would be hot, and that the security was intense, Alex had forbidden even a recon check of it. Mulder had insisted that they make a cursory check at least, simply because of the possibility of clones. They'd had a fight, brief but loud, resulting in Mulder's agreement that it was too dangerous and the nature of the cloning information suspect at best.

And Mulder had lied. Two days later, telling Alex that he was going with Convers and Danville to investigate a possible supply stop, Mulder had driven out of the gate.The three men had left together, but some miles down the road, Mulder had faked a radio signal and after an equally fake conversation with headquarters, told the other two men to go on to the supply stop, that Scully was on her way to pick up Mulder, Alex needing his help with some intelligence that had just come in. They bought it, of course, and soon Mulder was on his way to check out the forbidden facility.

About the time that Convers and Danville showed up minus Mulder, a report came in that he'd been captured, from no less than three reliable sources. One of them reported that he'd been killed in the capture.

Alex had turned to stone while they watched, eyes going as dark and empty as a cave. He'd managed to work out a rescue plan and see it off, but Alex was hanging on by a thread, anyone could see that.

As Skinner stood to creep down the hallway again, the reclaimed man swaying against his back, he prayed desperately that they'd make it out alive, not wanting to think about what would happen to Alex if they didn't.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, the two men made it out of the facility and headed for the pick up point, a tiny finger of land that stretched into the water on the north side of the artificial island. It wasn't much, but it was the only place where they had a prayer of safely docking for even a few minutes.

Now, as they neared it, they saw the low-lying boat approach. It was nearly flat, lying more like a raft, but it was the best they could manage and the only vessel that didn't trigger its own set of alarms, the scans not seeing it as a boat, but as debris.

As soon as it was close enough, Doggett helped Skinner get Mulder into it, and then both men lay down on either side of him. The refugee piloting the boat barely raised her head from her own prone position, and began to steer them toward safety.

It was nearly an hour to a safe pick up point, and Skinner and Doggett shared worried glances the entire way. Mulder was still out, though they could find no reason for him to be. His pulse and respiration seemed okay, but nothing made the man stir.

Silently cursing, Skinner took advantage of the fact that he was lying practically on top of the smaller man, and let one hand close on Mulder's. He noticed that Doggett had done the same thing, and with a faint nod of reassurance to each other, they lapsed into prayerful waiting.

Once at the pick up point, Skinner and Doggett got Mulder off the boat, and into the back of a heavy truck. Scully was waiting for them, and she wasted no time in beginning an exam. She drew blood, took every sample she could, knowing that every second could count.

Finally, about fifteen minutes from camp, she gave a sigh of relief, looking at a bright yellow test tube in her hand.

"It's okay. They just sedated him, plain ordinary human drugs. He'll sleep it off, and aside from a slight headache and some residual grogginess, he should be just fine when he wakes up."

A sigh of relief echoed around the truck, and in its cessation, Skinner's muttered, "At least until Alex gets a hold of him," sounded clearly. There was a moment when everybody thought about that, and then with a group shudder, they all turned their attention to other, more pleasant topics.


Alex was waiting for them at the entrance to the camp. It had taken every ounce of his not inconsiderable will power not to go along, but he hadn't dared. He simply couldn't risk it. With Mulder already missing, known captured and presumed dead, Alex would have put the entire resistance at risk, had he gone. Instead, though it ripped his heart out, he'd sent Doggett and Skinner, knowing that Doggett was one of his best men, and that Skinner, in addition to being extremely skilled at recovery missions, loved Mulder, too. Not the same way, certainly, but Alex knew that Skinner would willingly die to save Mulder, wouldn't hesitate for a moment to do whatever was necessary to bring him back.

Now, hearing the truck pull up, seeing that it was his men, hearing the all clear, Alex didn't even wait for the vehicle to stop. As soon as it slowed, he took a few running steps, caught the side and jumped into the back.

He took in the limp form lying under the blankets, and his pale features lightened even more.

"Alive. And fine, Alex. He's alive and he's fine," Scully hastened to say, and Alex, now kneeling beside his lover, reached out a shaking hand, eyes frozen to the quiescent features.

"He's okay?" It was as though he couldn't bring himself to touch Mulder, the trembling hand simply hovered about Mulder's body, and Scully couldn't help herself. She knelt down beside him, and pushed his hand down onto Mulder's chest. His warm, beating, rising and falling chest.

Alex actually gave a little cry, and tried to pull back instinctively, but Scully was holding his one hand with both of hers, and she didn't let him ease up.

"He's okay, Alex. Alex, he's fine. They drugged him, but he's just sedated. Sleeping, Alex, he's only asleep." She said the words firmly, looking at the stricken features. If she'd ever doubted that she did the right thing locking them in together, the look on Alex's face would have absolved her. The face was in anguish, and as she felt Alex's hand relax, the fingers now pressing lightly over Mulder's heart of their own volition, she moved one of hers up to Alex's shoulder, squeezing.

"He's okay?" The words were a desperate whisper, and the eyes full of desperate need.

"Yes. He's okay. Alive and well, not harmed at all. They drugged him and tied him up for later. He's not harmed in the least. He'll be awake soon, and perfectly normal. Well, normal for Mulder." She smiled gently at this last, and Alex's mouth quirked slightly, and then he closed his eyes, the relief coming over him visibly.

And then, for the first time in front of anybody but Mulder, Alex began to cry. Not just tear up with emotion, but cry. He laid his head down on Mulder's chest, collapsing across the slumbering form, and began to cry, not caring that his top three people were witnessing his breakdown.

Scully felt the last, tiny resistant piece of her resentment shatter at the sight, and again, gave into instinct. She reached out, putting her arms around the shaking shoulders and holding tightly. Alex let his head be dragged over to her lap, and she held and soothed and rocked him, until he'd calmed.

When the truck had stopped, Doggett had moved to the back, guarding their privacy, ensuring that no one interrupted or saw. He stood there now, giving them time, a subtle motion enough to let the camp know to back off until further notice. Alex needed this, and Doggett meant to see that he wasn't rushed through it.

"Oh, Alex! It's okay, shhh, hush now, easy..." They were nothing words, meant just to comfort him, and they did. After just a few precious moments, Alex took a couple of shuddering breaths, and eased back. Skinner handed over a handkerchief without comment, though he did let his hand rest on Alex's bent neck for a few moments, until the man was back in control.

"Better?" Scully asked it gently, knowing Alex was liable to resent her comfort, as much as he'd needed it before. She was relieved when he only gave her a tiny smile.

"Yeah. Thank you, Dana. Walt. And you, too, John. Sorry about the waterworks, when it comes to Mulder..." Alex gave a tired sigh, and swallowed hard. "Anyway, thank you. I owe you, each of you."

"You owe Mulder, and I hope payback's a real bitch." Skinner muttered it thickly, and Alex's eyes darkened, the pain flaring in them again so brightly that Skinner regretted his words at once. "I'm sorry, Alex. You don't need that shit from me, especially not now."

"No, Walt. You have every right to complain, to want to make sure he's dealt with. You just risked your life to save him, that gives you some bitching rights." Alex slumped a little, reaching out and trailing the back of one finger down Mulder's face, his near worship of the man clearly visible. "He's this amazing, incredible man, his mind alone leaves me in awe. But his heart is even bigger, and he listens to it, follows it, makes these incredible leaps of intuition and faith. It's like his soul has a homing beacon, and no matter how many times Fox puts it at risk, it always comes back to him, better than before. It's one of the things I admire about him the most."

Alex swallowed, the others remaining silent, knowing he was more or less thinking aloud, and feeling somehow privileged to be allowed into his private ruminations this way. While they'd all become friends over the years, they'd never really been close with Alex. Nobody but Mulder could really claim that. Since he and Mulder had become lovers, Alex had made an effort to open up more, to reveal himself to them, but this was the first time he'd ever shown them his pain.

"I could stop him, you know. I know exactly what buttons to push, and how to push them. I could stop him from ever pulling another stunt like this again. I could fix him so that he'd never dare step a toe out of line again. But not without breaking him. Not without killing his spirit, taking away all those things that make him who and what he is. It would ruin him, leave him completely useless."

Alex raised weary eyes to the others. His voice had a pleading quality that made it impossible to ignore.

"I can't take away his fire, his drive, his need, no matter how many times it nearly takes him away. I can't ask him to be anything but Fox William Mulder. I'd rather see him dead than a husk, a shell, some mindless automaton."

"We don't want that either, Alex. And no one wants to see him broken." Scully's voice was gentle, and her tone let Alex know she was speaking the truth. "But somewhere in the middle, Alex, something between letting him run wild and breaking him completely. There has to be middle ground, Alex. We can't afford to lose him, not even to himself. He has to be made to see what this is doing, he needs to feel the pain he's handing out so thoughtlessly, the risks he's taking with everyone, not just himself."

Alex sighed, scrubbing a hand across his eyes. He looked like a very tired three-year old, and Skinner couldn't help but grin, even as Alex's words moved him. "I don't know middle ground! Camp punishments I can deal out, I know how to do that, but none of that works for Mulder. He doesn't care. Other than taking him away from me, putting him in isolation. And that's no good for this either, it just makes him more likely to do something wild to get my attention."

That was true, and they all knew it.

Alex saw the nods, and continued, more calmly. "Look, I agree, something has to be done, you're right. He has to be punished, and it has to be severe enough to get his attention, but without killing his drive, his spirit. But I don't have a fucking clue what that punishment should be. Please, if you can think of anything, I'm wide open here. Walt? You were his boss for years, how did you get him to behave?"

Skinner shook his head sadly. "I didn't. I never could, not on something like this. Nothing I ever did worked, he still ran off the minute you..." Trailing off, Skinner shrugged apologetically.

"The minute I called. I know. Dana? Did you ever have any luck?"

"No, not with something like this. He ditched me so many times and in so many ways that I had my own litter patrol. I'm sorry, Alex."

Gritting his teeth, Alex felt like screaming. He was just about to snap, when Doggett spoke up. "Beat him."

"What?" Three people said it in unison, and they all three looked at him like he was crazy. Swallowing hard at the faintly menacing tone in Alex's voice, Doggett repeated himself.

"I said, beat him. Look, not beat him up or nothin', but well, when we first locked you two up, and you got into that fight, what stopped him, what made him think?"

"I slapped him." Alex looked thoughtful, though reluctantly so.

"Exactly. You didn't hit him hard, hell, it was just barely more than a tap, but it got his attention. Words don't work with Mulder, and guilt trips just make him run harder. You could confine him, but you're right, Mulder doesn't give a shit about anything like that. He used to live in confinement, self-imposed, but it was nearly the same. The only thing I've ever seen get to him, actually snap him out of himself was a physical blow. Granted, I haven't known him as long or as well as you people, but I've seen a lot of shit thrown his way, and this was the only thing that ever stuck."

"That time his water was drugged and he took a swing at me, he didn't talk about any of what was going on until after I pinned him, shook him a little." Walter offered it while chewing the bottom corner of his lip.

"Those fights you used to have, the only thing that ever made Mulder back off was when I threatened to shoot him, and when Walter could get a hand on him." Scully offered this regretfully.

Alex looked miserable. "Jesus, it does makes sense. Especially if you look at his profile. He'd respond to something physical." Alex sighed and then growled, "Oh, fuck, I hate this! I hate this war and I hate aliens and I fucking hate, hate, hate all this emotional bullshit!" The anger fled as quickly as it had vanished, and now, with another deep sigh, Alex looked back down at Mulder. "I swore I'd never hurt him again, not intentionally. I'm his lover and I'm supposed to beat the crap out of him? What the hell kind of logic is that?" There was an achingly sad note in his voice, and Scully put her hand on his arm again.

"Not logic, Alex. Love. Tough love, the kind you've always had for Mulder." Scully offered this earnestly.

"The bad guy. Again. Christ, he'll probably go back to calling me Krycek." Alex couldn't help the spasm of pain that crossed his features at this, and he closed his eyes briefly. Skinner reached out, putting an arm around Alex's shoulders in support.

"No, he won't. In fact, he'll probably love you more." Scully said this with an odd note in her voice, and when Alex looked at her questioningly, she gave a sad smile. "I shot him once, remember? I was his partner and his best friend and he was half in love with me at the time, and I put a bullet in his shoulder to stop him. I figured he'd hate me, bring me up on charges, something. He bought me a stuffed hamster with vampire fangs. I'm still working through the deeper implications of that."

Alex gave a low chuckle, and Scully's smile grew more genuine.

"The point is, he knew I only did it because I cared. He knows you love him, Alex. I'm not saying he'll take it gracefully or without a fight, but after, when he thinks about it, I'm willing to bet Mulder's going to be damn grateful that you cared enough to stop him."

Alex reached out, taking her hand and briefly kissing the back of it, not trusting himself to answer. "Okay, so how do I do this? I mean, what exactly do I do? What's middle ground?"

There was a moment's silence, and then Skinner spoke quietly, "Alex, I have to get personal here, and I'm sorry for that, but I might have an idea."

"Go for it, Walt, please, ask anything."

"Do you guys ever role play? I mean, we've all seen you smack him on the ass, and it's fairly common knowledge that you spank him sexually sometimes. But do you ever roleplay a discipline scenario?"

"Oh, Jesus and fried cats..." Doggett muttered it with a furious blush, closing his eyes tightly at what he was listening to, and while Skinner was a touch pink himself, he and Alex shared a grin.

"No, we never have. It's always just been for sex."

"Have you ever used anything but your hand on him?"

"No, his tolerance is only low to mid-range. Besides, I never wanted it to hurt, I only spank him hard enough to make him feel good."

"Is he always over your knee?"

"For more than a couple of swats, yeah."

Skinner made a gesture of summation with his hands. "Then I'd say you need to bend him over a table and take a paddle or a belt or a switch to his ass. It won't be erotic for him, and it won't interfere with your erotic play, either, not if you change up the position and the implement. Besides, you'll be scolding him while you spank, and that'll make it different, too. It'll hurt, but you won't have to worry about harming him, and it'll still be relatively mild, a dozen or so strokes should do it. I mean, at the worst we're talking a couple of bruises, a welt or two. I doubt you'd have to go that hard even."

Alex had been chewing on his thumbnail, and thinking furiously. He loathed the idea of using physical punishment on Mulder, but he honestly couldn't see a way out of it, and Skinner's idea had merit.

"It would still be loving, too. He wouldn't associate it with anger, I don't think, not like a punch or something. It's intimate, still something just between the two of us." Alex sat up straighter, nodding. "Yeah, okay. I can do that, a dozen, just past his comfort tolerance, maybe one or two way past, to make sure he knows I'm serious."

"Alex, what if he does hate you?" Skinner asked it cautiously, but knowing somebody needed to ask.

"Then he hates me. But he's alive and safe while he does it." There was a tidal wave of emotion behind the dam of those few words, but it held.

Alex had been holding Mulder's hand still, and now he felt a squeeze. Looking down, startled, he saw hazel eyes looking up at him with genuine regret. "I won't hate you." The words were hoarse, Mulder's throat dry from the drugs.

Scully was reaching for a water bottle, cursing mentally as she realized that Mulder's susceptibility to drugs was getting shorter and shorter with every dose. Soon, she doubted she could put him out if she wanted to. Or needed to. Thinking hard, she handed him the bottle, as Alex helped Mulder to sit up.

"Oh, Christ, Fox, you scared the hell out of me. Us."

"Sorry." He took a long, deep sip, and then cleared his throat.

"Are you okay? Really okay? Dana didn't find anything."

"I'm fine. They gave me a shot and tied me up. That's it."

"Thank God." Alex reached out, holding Mulder tightly, feeling the slightly lethargic arms hold him back. Alex eased back enough to kiss his beloved, and shuddered as he thought of never doing this again.

"I'm here, Angel." Mulder said it quietly, and Alex nodded into his shoulder, needing the comfort that only Mulder could give him.

After a few moments of needed reconnection, Alex asked quietly, "How long have you been listening?"

"I was out, but I was aware of everything being said around me. I knew what was happening, the whole time, I just couldn't respond until the drug wore off." Scully made another note in his medical file, hand shaking slightly as she did so. Damned alien hybrid technology, if she ever had to actually operate on Mulder he'd know every minute of it, and that was unthinkable. She turned her attention back to the scene before her, needing time to figure out how to deal with Mulder's changing physiology.

"Then you know." Alex said it with defeat, and Mulder, fully awake and recovered now, sat up on his own, nodding.

"Yeah. And while I hate it, I don't hate you. Any of you. I can't, not when I just realized what I've been doing to you. I always thought, it was just me, you know? I'm risking myself, so what? It's my choice, my life. But that's not true anymore. I guess it never really was true, not for years, I was just too selfish to see that. What I did, put everybody at risk, I put the Resistance at risk, and for what? Why? Because I'm failing Samantha somehow if I don't follow up every single lead, however false?"

Mulder shook his head, the familiar weight of grief for his sister settling on him like a shawl. But then, he threw it off, sitting up straight again.

"Maybe. Say a lead comes in and I don't follow it and Samantha dies. How does that compare to me following a false lead and dying myself? And because I'm dead, I leave you, shattered, and the Resistance wounded and so on. One girl, one woman that's probably been dead for over a decade, against the rest of my life with you, trying to defeat the alien bastards that started the whole thing? I can't do that. I can't justify it anymore, going off on my own. I never could, I just didn't care before. I care now."

He reached out, pulling Alex to him for a kiss, sweet and soft, if brief. Mulder then turned to look at the others.

"I'm sorry. I put all of you at risk for my own selfish needs, and I thank you for saving me when I didn't deserve it. It won't happen again. I'm not saying I won't do something equally foolish," here he grinned, and Alex could have cried again at the sight of that beautiful, wonderful movement, "but I can say it won't be like this. That's not good enough, I know that. You do have to punish me, Alex. The camp has to know you don't play favorites. If I'd been anyone else, you'd have just kicked me out. They understand you can't do that, but they need to know that you're not letting me get away with it, either."

"I know. I've got a list of camp punishments to go with..."

"My spanking?" Mulder grinned again, and Alex closed his eyes.

"Jesus, Fox, I'm gonna have to hit you, how the hell can you grin?"

"Because I don't mind. I don't like the idea, and my dignity is already outraged, but in my heart, I know it's right. It's fair and it's what I need. Doggett was right, I don't care about the rest, and rhetoric bounces right off me." Mulder turned slightly, looking at Skinner. "Not to say your lectures weren't effective, Walter. When you were just pissed I could ignore you. But once in a while you'd stop yelling and start scolding. That always got through to me. I didn't care if you were mad, but when you sounded disappointed, it was hard to take." He then turned back to Alex. "You do need to scold me, Alex. But not for me. For you. Scolding me and spanking me is your punishment."

"My punishment? What the hell did I do?" Alex looked completely bewildered, and Mulder reached out, taking his face in his hands.

"Baby, you're the leader. You should have stopped me the last time I pulled this shit. You have to keep these people safe, and that includes safe from me. You can't let me keep risking us all for my own petty needs. It's harder for you, because you love me. But that makes it even more crucial, too. You failed, Alex. You let me go too far, and now you have to pay the price, by being the one to punish me."

Doggett thought that dealing with Mulder's shit on a daily basis was punishment enough, but wisely kept his mouth shut.

"You're right, Fox. If you'd have been anyone else, I'd have never let it get to this point. I won't again, my word on that, even if I have to bust your ass in the middle of camp to get through to you."

"That's my angel." Mulder was flushed, but he managed a look of tender regard. He kissed Alex on the forehead, then sighed. "And now, I've been about as noble as I can be. I've used up all my courage, and I'm about to have a complete panic attack at the thought of being punished like that. I need to piss like a racehorse and I could use some food, so could we please get out of this truck, and back to our tent? And then could you punish me, and get it over with? Please, Alex, don't make me wait for it."

Alex hushed him with a kiss, then stood, holding out his hand. "I'll take care of you."

"You always have." Mulder let Alex help him up, taking the hand and standing up. He paused, then turned to Scully, hugging her tightly. With an almost shy hesitation, Mulder then hugged Skinner equally tight, smiling as the strong arms that had literally carried him to safety more than once, squeezed back. A mischievous look took over his features and before the man could voice the protest visible on his face, Mulder had hugged Doggett, too. "Fried cats?"

"Alex, please?" Doggett whined it at Alex, and the man chuckled, before taking Mulder's hand again, and helping him down from the truck. They walked to the tent that way, holding hands, and Alex radioed the kitchen to send a tray to their tent. It was waiting for them when they got there.

Mulder used the latrine tent, washed up and ate. While he was tending to his personal needs, Alex was looking through their possessions. He didn't want to whip Mulder, it just seemed wrong somehow. He thought about one of their hairbrushes, but that didn't seem right, either. He didn't want to use anything personal, but the thought of a switch made him cringe. Finally, he moved to their "office", a corner of the biggest tent used for camp work. There was a ruler there, heavy and solid. It was a good eighteen inches long and quite thick. Originally part of a carpenter's tool kit, it was a three inch wide length of oak, and Alex hefted it experimentally. It was good, impersonal and yet representing the camp, in a symbolic way. It would do.

Turning around with it in his hand, Alex saw Mulder looking at him with wide eyes. The man swallowed hard, but only stood, wiping his suddenly sweaty palms on his pants.

"Where do you want me?" The man was practically quivering, and Alex didn't hesitate. He pointed to the table holding some maps, and Mulder made his way over. Alex cleared the top, and then turned to Mulder.

"Take down your pants, Fox. Underwear, too." Mulder clenched his jaw, but obeyed, and then stretched himself across the table top. He took a firm grip on the sides, knowing that Alex might be dreading this, but that wouldn't stop him from following through with merciless justice. "Fox, you know what you did. You know why it was wrong. But I'm going to scold you anyway, because I think you need to hear it from me, not just yourself. I'm going to start, Fox. I'll give you twelve, and I talk while I do it, understood?"

"Yes, Alex." The voice was husky with nerves, and Alex took a deep breath, placing one hand in the small of Mulder's back. The other he drew back, raising the ruler high, and then brought it whistling down on the center of the pale backside.

Mulder sucked in his breath, releasing it in a grunt of pain. He hadn't expected it to hurt that much, and now he panted, trying to get ready for the next blow, but Alex had already started the arc down. Another bright red rectangle bloomed across his backside, covering half the first stripe, as well.

Alex ignored the sound of pain this drew and began to speak. "Fox, I love you. What you did hurt me on every level. That's not why you're being punished, but you need to know that. As your commanding officer, as your fellow soldier, as a member of the Resistance and as your lover, what you did wronged me."

A pause, and now Mulder's entire rear was reddened as two more licks landed.

"You were selfish, self-centered and self-absorbed. This isn't just your fight anymore, Fox, it belongs to all of us. And we can't afford to lose you, it's going to take all of us to win. I can't do it alone, Fox, I don't have your mind. Nobody has your mind. We can't replace you, Fox, don't you understand that?"

This time Alex brought the wood down with virtually no time between licks, and Mulder gave a small cry as the sensations from the four blows built one atop the other.

"For the next month, you are restricted to camp. You are on partner leave only for the month after that. You will, by yourself over this next month, dig the new latrine ditch, and fill in the old one. You are on half- rations for the next two weeks. Tomorrow morning, you will be confined to the holding pen, where you will remain for the next three days. You will think about what you could do to help avoid this situation in the future. You will write me a full paper on the subject, and you'd by God better be honest, Fox."

Alex laid down two more spanks, and Mulder groaned past his clenched teeth.

"And you will never—," Alex paused and, with a deep breath, landed a near full strength blow to the undercurve of Mulder's rear, "—ever—" another, the last lick, and just as hard as the one before it, fell in the same spot, "—lie to me again."

Mulder couldn't help it, he'd cried out loudly as the furious sting and burn of the last two seared his already tender flesh. Now, with silent tears running down his face, Mulder sniffled, but didn't move. His backside was screaming, but he couldn't deny it, he felt better.

"Are we clear on everything, Fox?"

"Y-yes, Alex." It came out shaky as hell but it was intelligible, and Alex dropped the ruler down on the desk, before leaning over and very carefully placing a kiss on each of Mulder's abused hind quarters. Mulder winced, but he relaxed, too, knowing his punishment, the physical part anyway, was over.

"Finished." Alex helped his lover to stand, and then took Mulder into his arms.

"I'm sorry, Alex, so damn sorry."

"Me, too, babe. It's okay, it's okay, Fox. It's over now, beloved." Mulder didn't protest as Alex knelt down, helping him take off his pants, then led him over to their bedroll. Lying down, with Mulder lying in his arms, Alex finally relaxed.

They held in silence for a long time, and then Alex asked softly, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. My ass is killing me, but I'm fine."

"Do you forgive me? For beating you?" Alex asked it through a tight throat, and Mulder raised his head from Alex's chest, turning the man's face to look at him.

"Alex, Angel, there's nothing to forgive. In the first place, you didn't beat me, you spanked me."


"No, it's not semantics. Alex, were you hitting in anger? Was your purpose to hurt me? Were you getting revenge, seeking to inflict harm? Were you trying to control me? Make me afraid of you so I'd bow to your will? No, none of those things. No, baby, you were punishing me. Trying to help, trying to save me. You were acting with love, Alex. There is a difference."

Alex nodded. "I know. I just feel awful. I made you cry, Fox. I never wanted to hurt you again, not ever."

"Just like I never wanted to hurt you again. But I did. God, Alex, I hurt you much worse than you did me. If you can forgive me, then I can damn sure forgive you. What do you say, babe? How about we forgive each other?"


Mulder yawned, just as Alex was about to kiss him. "Sorry. There must still be a little bit of that drug in my system."

"Not to mention you're emotionally exhausted. I am too, for that matter. C'mon. Let's get you ready for bed, okay?"

"Sounds good."

They saw to their needs, and then Mulder stretched out on his stomach groaning slightly as his stiff muscles protested. Alex grabbed the bottle of oil they used for massage, and straddled him, careful not to touch the still scarlet rear.

His fingers glided across the smooth flesh of Mulder's back, and the groan this time was one of pleasure.

"Feel good?"

"God, yes! Oh, yeah, right there...ummm."

Alex continued his massage until Mulder was nearly asleep, and the last of the tension had left his body.

"Thank you." The voice was a warm rumble, and Alex kissed Mulder's neck, before sliding into bed beside him.

"You're welcome. I love giving you a massage, you know that."

"I wasn't thanking you for that. I was thanking you for spanking me. But thanks for the massage, too. G'night, Alex."

"Goodnight, Fox." Alex looked at the man, now genuinely asleep beside him, and shook his head. If he lived to be a hundred, and Mulder lived every day of it with him, Alex would still never understand that man. Giving up trying, for the billionth time since they'd met, Alex simply blew out the candle and went to sleep, clutching his enigma close to his chest.


The next day, Mulder began by posting a letter of apology on the camp board. He then made his way to the holding cell, wishing Alex was going to be with him again for the next three days. Mulder obediently stepped into the cell, watching with acceptance as Skinner turned the lock.

Once secure, Skinner asked him softly, "You okay?"

"Except for a bruised backside and ego, yes. I'm fine, Walter. And again, thank you for everything. And while I'm at it, I'm sorry for running off on you all those times when you were my boss. I knew it pissed you off, but I never realized it hurt you, too."

"That's in the past, Mulder. I've officially forgiven you for everything you did when you were my agent."


"Well, except the Block case. Until I get to spank you myself, I'll never forgive you for that fiasco."

"Oh, come on, sir, it wasn't that bad." Mulder was teasing, the 'sir' was a dead give away, and Skinner lapsed into full A.D. mode, despite the smile in his own eyes.

"Agent, you crucified a stuffed Easter bunny on the lawn of a synagogue and then set it on fire, while secretly videotaping the confessional booth in the local Catholic church after, of course, dumping red food coloring into the baptismal font. And that was just day one."

"Alright, alright. It was that bad." Skinner couldn't hold back his amusement any longer, and Mulder laughed with him. Skinner reached through the slit, holding out his hand. Mulder took it, and they managed a shake, before Skinner set the timer, placing it on the food tray and sending it in to Mulder. It would count off the hours until he was free.

The time passed easily enough, with Mulder working on the paper for Alex, and taking the time to really, for the first time, work a profile on himself, with brutal honesty. When he sent for more paper a fifth time, he was pleased to see Alex brought it to him. This wasn't a bending of the rules, everyone in isolation was allowed one ten-minute visitation from the person of their choice per day.

"Hey, Angel, I'm glad to see you."

"Me, too, Fox. I miss you, damn it."

"I know. But we've only got..." He leaned back to look at the timer, then straightened back up, "...fifty-six hours left until we can be together again."

"That's fifty-five hours and fifty-nine minutes too long." Alex reached through the barred slit, taking Mulder's hand as best he could. "Sweetheart, what are you writing in there? You keep sending out for paper."

"I'm working on a profile for you, Alex. A profile of me. In depth, and brutally honest."

"Babe, are you sure? I mean, isolation's not the best place to go digging through your psyche."

"Normally, no. But see, I'm not alone. This place, it's not a prison for me. It's one of the safest places I can think of, and it's full of nothing but wonderful memories. You surround me in here, Alex. I can think and look inside myself in safety and comfort, because I'm overwhelmed by your presence in here."

"You're a hopeless romantic, you know that?" Alex's glistening eyes belied the sarcasm, and Mulder shot him a beaming smile.

"Yep. Page forty-seven."

Alex laughed then, and his watch beeped. "I have to go, time's up. I love you, Fox."

"I love you, too, Alex."

The paper ended up being some three hundred pages long. Alex had it typed up and bound, then gave a copy to Skinner and to Scully, keeping one for himself. Mulder finished out his punishments, and never went rogue again.


Six months later, Alex proposed.



Title: Fire—Burned
Author: Raven
Email: raven@aeneas.net
Pairing: M/K
Author's Notes:
Takes place in the "Fire" Universe, though it's not a sequel, just a story set within that world. Still, reading the story "Fire" first is recommended, since I tend to take a lot of liberties with the boys.
Additional Author's Notes:
For Gaby, because she asked, and because I owed her one, for many reasons. And a thank you and idea credit to Ruth, for taking care of my Muse and planting the seed for this fic.
Disciplinary spanking is the only real caution. If you've already read "Fire" and "Fire Christmas", then nothing else here will shock you. [g]
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Because true love aside, this is still Mulder and Krycek.
Disclaimer: The characters within these stories belong to Fox, 1013, CC et al. There is no profit made or intended from these stories, and they should be considered as being for entertainment purposes only.

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