Ze Von and Only I

Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner
by Nonie Rider

"Come back here, Mulder."


"God, I don't believe I'm ready again. You're hot enough to raise the dead."

"Is that what you call it? The Dead? I'm sure Jerry Garcia would be thrilled."

"And what do you call yours, The Truth? 'Hey lady, the truth is in my pants.' "

"Very funny."

"Just don't get it shot off—well, you can shoot it off in me, lisitsa. But don't you DARE add this to the list of ruined equipment after one of your failed missions."

"God, you're a cheerful sort. Do you also brood in your vodka?"

"No, listen, Mulder, I know a guy it happened to once. A Norwegian hitman."

"I don't want to hear about it."

"Actually, he only lost the last inch; they got him to the hospital on time. They call him Stubby."

"Bullshit. I'll stubby you, you son of a bitch."

(A low chuckle, abruptly broken off.)

"All right, Alex, that should shut you up. But watch those teeth."

The End


Ze Von V


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