Kaleidoscope Eyes

What colour are his eyes? Yeah, ask me the hard ones. I've seen them so many times in so many moods that I could never settle on just one word to describe them. I've seen them outdoors, reflecting the green of the pines all around us; I've seen them by the sickly orange of streetlights, as bleached of colour as everything else, but still as alive as he is. I've seen them big and brown and filled with wonder. I've seen them grey and drained and indifferent, when the world had been pushing against him for so long that he'd lost the will to push back.

And I've seen them black with desire, when all the walls between us have tumbled and there is just us, just that moment when everything fades but the pulse of flesh and blood.

What colour are his eyes? All the colours of the rainbow. I couldn't pick just one.



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