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Too Much to Think About
by Jayde

"I feel fear. Anxiety. Loneliness. Darkness. And perhaps, even... hope."
—Major Kusanagi, "Ghost in the Shell"

The bed I'm in is soft and smells like flowers and fabric softener, different than the antiseptic sterility of the lab in my blurry memories and nothing like the oily reek of concrete and dark I remember far too well. I'm almost afraid to open my eyes in case this isn't real, but I'm beginning to think it might be. Even my mind isn't twisted enough to include Black Sabbath as background music in my fantasies of safety and peace.

It's almost a disappointment when I do get the nerve up to look around and recognize my little sister's apartment. It would be nice to know how I got here, but right now things are still surreal enough for me to be satisfied with being anywhere other than the places I've been lately. There are clean clothes folded on the chair next to the closet and one of my spare guns is balanced neatly on top. No jacket, but I doubt it would be salvageable even if it made it this far. I've already found my favorite Glock, one I didn't want to chance losing to Hong Kong security, underneath the pillow like a gift from some demented tooth fairy. Lord, now I have a mental image of Nika waving a gun and wearing a tutu. I take back what I said about not being that twisted.

Speak of the devil and she shall appear. In jeans and a sweater, thankfully. I wonder if Mulder would still put so much effort into his search for his sister if he knew how much of a headache it gives you to watch them flit around while you can barely work up the energy to talk. I want vodka, the entire bottle, not hot tea and ibuprofen. Nice to see you again too. No, I don't know how I got here. I was hoping you did. All right, next time I'll ask my kidnappers to dump me in the landfill instead of on your couch.

Wait— if I've been comatose in her bed for two days, what day is it? I ran into Mulder on the 14th, but I lost track of time after that.... It's Wednesday the eighth. Of fucking November. I was in Hong Kong in September. That's almost two months of my life lost to aliens, scientists, and God only knows what else. No, Nika, I have not been taking drugs. What makes you- oh. Those are some nice track marks. I guess large quantities of sedatives could explain where those months went. Now will you bring me the vodka? I'm trying really hard not to concentrate on whatever's happened to me, but being drunk would make it a lot easier.

New CD coming up on the stereo. Knowing Nika, it's anything from more Sabbath to Enya. Hmmm... no, don't know it, but the music is way too upbeat for me right now.

Here we go again!
You know I like to watch you sleep
No I don't wanna touch you, you'll get mad at me
No I don't wanna think about the bad times
Anyone could have a bad year

Bad year. Shit, what an understatement. In one year I've slept with Mulder, lied to Mulder, nearly killed Mulder, stabbed Mulder in the back (not literally, although he probably could have taken that better than he took Scully's abduction), drugged Mulder, killed Mulder's father, been beaten and nearly shot by Mulder, beaten Mulder's boss, stolen Mulder's Holy Grail, and now apparently been taken for a joyride by one of Mulder's precious aliens. Some of those more than once, but not the one I wish I'd had a chance to repeat. I could probably come up with more if I didn't have this damned headache. Yes, thank you, go get me soup or something. Just leave for a while.

Yeah, you know I like the way you slide
Yeah, yes I like it when you do that slow glide
Now, please don't badtalk all those good times
Don't ask for answers, baby, that you do not wanna hear

I do not need to be listening to this right now. Deep breaths, Alexei, deep breaths. Think about anything except Mulder... slow glide in and out while he holds himself up with his hands on my shoulder and his face flushes as his breath catches and he comes—

NO! The Smoker ice aliens cold showers vomiting oil on my knees in the dark. Anything except Mulder.

Oh baby can't you see there ain't no place I'd rather be
Then watching dirty movies
In that happy room with you
Sleeping on a mattress in the corner
Eating Chinese food
I hear that voice in my head
Say here we go again

Nika, if you planned this I'll have to hurt you. There's no way this is just a song you happened to have. I do not need relationship counseling now. Hell, I have no relationship to counsel. Even if what happened between Mulder and I was more than just a convenient fuck, the whole "Scully's abduction and Barry's death and my betrayal" thing ended whatever there might have been. If there was any doubt about that, his trying to kill me was a pretty good indicator. I can't even begin to imagine what he'll do to get back for whatever the alien did in my body.

Yes I know you got some doubts
I know you don't believe
I know you think I'm crazy
Yeah but I know you're just like me

Oh, Mulder believes all right. He believes a bullet in my head would solve most of the problems in his life right now. Hell, he might even be right. He gets revenge, he gets rid of his guilt, and he gets to burn some of that negative energy and feel like he's made a difference.

I am crazy. The only things Mulder and I have in common are a one night stand and an intense desire to strangle a certain chain- smoking bastard. It was just a one night stand. I might have been able to trip him into bed again if I'd stayed, but it wouldn't have meant anything. It couldn't have. It didn't. Sure, Alex, just keep telling yourself that.

Let's go watch some dirty movies
Yes in that nasty little room
Sit right on the mattress while we eat that greasy Chinese food
I hear that voice in my head
Say here we go again

Canned chicken noodle soup. This actually smells good, but of course now I have this irrational craving for fried rice. And certain other things that I just wish I could get delivered. Okay, Alex, time to start planning again. You can have your nervous breakdown later. I need to find out what's been happening while I was out if it. The locker key could be anywhere, but I can pick it. I'll be seriously amazed if the tape's still there, but it's worth a check. I have contacts of my own beyond the Smoker's other errand boys. Maybe I can track wherever I was after Hong Kong, find out about the concrete darkness and blurry lab I remember. Find out what actually happened to me, find out how to get back whatever I've lost and find out how to get even. I just need to get myself back in the game.

Baby, here we go again



Title: Too Much to Think About
Author: Jayde
Feedback: Tell me where to sign my soul over. dreamin@notme.com
Rating: R for language and a little M/K slashiness
Archive: Please. Just let me know.
Spoilers: Krycek eps through Apocrypha
Disclaimer: Except for Nika they aren't mine, and after this they probably won't want to be
Summary: After the oilien and the silo Krycek has too much on his mind
Notes: My first dive into X-Files fic and my first slash... have

mercy. Not beta'd. "Here We Go Again" is an Everclear song that made me think of Mulder instantly. Nika is from another story I'm trying to write that isn't really going, so she came to visit

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