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Just You and Me
by Isagel

The rain was pouring down hard on the freeway in front of him, the water on the windscreen becoming more difficult to see through by the minute, despite the even swooshing of the wipers. The traffic was thick and he knew he ought to keep his concentration on the road, but there were far more pressing things racing through his mind. Thoughts that wouldn't be put off. Thoughts about why the hell he was doing this.

The phonecall had reached him at the office just the day before. He'd been alone, working late as usual, Scully having gone out of town to visit her brother. The moment he answered he realized that this was not going to be a routine errand.

"Doing your paper-work, Mulder? That's one thing I don't miss from my Bureau days."

A faint chuckle in his ear. Teasing.

"Do you know who this is?"


Alex Krycek. No other man had a voice like that.

"What do you want?"

"Don't sound so angry, Mulder. I know you're curious. I have a proposition for you that I'm sure you'll like. 7 p.m. tomorrow. Wingfield's Hotel in Arlington. Room 209. Don't tell anyone. Come alone or not at all."

"Krycek, what the..."

"Patience, Mulder, patience! You'll find out when you get there. And remember—just you and me."


But the bastard had already hung up.

His first thought had been that it was a set-up. A plan to get him out of the way or even killed. He knew only too well that Krycek was capable of that. Of far worse. He had no reason to trust him. So why was he going? Curiosity, he told himself. After all, he was famous for always wanting to find things out, for always doing the strangest things to uncover the truth. This rendez-vous with Krycek was just one more on the list of all the stupid risks he'd taken in the last few years. Nothing special.

But deep down he knew that there was another reason, one that scared him more than any trap that could be waiting for him. One that he didn't know how to deal with.

There was an intensity in his relationship to Krycek that almost made him frightened of himself. He'd never thought he was capable of the kind of anger that that man brought out in him by just existing. Had never hated anyone with such passion. Had never felt such an irresistible urge to hurt another person, as he felt every time he laid eyes on that rat. He wanted to tear his lungs out with his bare hands, hearing him scream for mercy. Blow his brains out at point-blank range, feeling the warm blood sprinkle over his own skin. Would have, if Scully hadn't stopped him. Had every reason to. And yet, that was far from all.

Lately, he'd been having these dreams. Rarely at first, but more frequently as time went by. Dreams that were turning his world upside down.

He would dream of Alex Krycek. As so often in real life they would be fighting. One on one. A desperate struggle for life or death where nothing was held back. He'd see himself beating his enemy up, feel the impact of his knuckles on his jaw, of his boots in the small of his back, and he'd enjoy every second of it, revel in every gasp of pain from his lips. But sometimes—and this was more frightening still, because the pleasure of these dreams would be more intense than anything he'd ever known—the roles would be reversed. He would be on the receiving end, wrestled to the ground, lying helpless with Krycek on top of him, unable to break free, feeling the younger man's blows in his face, his hardening grip on his wrists, experiencing excruciating pain, expecting no mercy, soaring with bliss.

And then, as if either of these scenarios wasn't screwed up enough, the dreams would change. They would become openly erotic, his own body meeting Krycek's not in hatred but in desire. Lips and hands touching, exploring, arousing and satisfying needs that in his waking hours he would never have guessed at. Needs so shameful that when he awoke, as he always did, panting with lust and longing, he would curse his own mind for making him feel like this.

He'd had sexual experiences with men before, though that was long ago by now. He had turned out to be more of a ladies' man in the end, and what little sex he got nowadays was always with women. Even so, he saw nothing to worry about in having dreams about another man. That was okay. But Alex Krycek! The bastard had killed his father, for God's sake! Scully's sister and probably innumerable other people. He was a cold-blooded murderer and one of the most loathsome people to walk the face of the earth. How could he possibly want anything from him other than to watch him die in the gutter like the scum that he was?

And still the dream-images haunted him. Waking up on his couch in the middle of the night he'd be so hard, so aching for relief that he had to touch himself, had to give himself at least the shadow of what those dreams had promised. He would try to block the images out, fantasizing instead of beautiful women, of having them in every delightful position he could think of. But as he slid his hand gently down his body towards the burning bulge in his shorts and began to firmly stroke the hardness of his cock, every effort to keep the dreams out of his mind would prove futile. As the waves of pleasure went through him with each new stroke, making him twist and moan, he'd see no one but Krycek. That face... Those piercing looks... That slim body moving with catlike silent ease against his own... And as he closed his eyes, nearing the climax, pumping his erection harder, faster, needing to come, he would see not his own hand there but Alex Krycek's. Or Alex Krycek's mouth. Or even...

He had done his best to pretend that the dreams never happened, or that they didn't matter. That all this had nothing to do with reality. But how could it not, when at the height of orgasm he had even screamed his name. The name of his father's killer.

Since the dreams began he had only seen Krycek once face to face, and then only for a moment. But that moment had seemed endless, as if frozen in time. No words, no violence. Just a meeting of eyes across the void between them. They'd held each other at gun-point, knowing that the situation was a dead-lock they would both survive. And as he'd stared into the sparkling cold of those deep green eyes he'd felt a bolt of electricity running through his body, through his mind. Wiping out everything but the memory of those dreams and the sound of his pulse rushing headlong through his veins.

And then it was over. Krycek backed away and disappeared. Other people came. Things to do, problems to deal with. But afterwards, in his apartment late at night, he had replayed the scene over and over again, searching for a sign that he wasn't the only one who had been struck by lightning.

Not that it made any difference whether he was or not. After all, he had no desire to act on the crazy impulses that possessed him in those nightly visions. He didn't want to fuck Alex Krycek! The mere thought was insane, ridiculous, sickening. Or was it?

What if all that uncontrollable rage he felt towards Krycek was really a defence mechanism, a trick of the mind to protect him from... what? The fact that he secretly lusted after the man he despised more than anyone else he'd ever met? After a man who could put a bullet through an innocent person's head without even blinking? That was ridiculous! But still...

When he'd first got to know Krycek he'd liked and respected him. He was highly intelligent, gifted, full of determination and courage. Certainly not without a sharp sense of humour. And—though putting that thought into words sent unpleasant shivers down his spine—he was a beautiful man. None of those qualities had been lost in the years gone past. But something had been added. Or perhaps it was always there beneath the surface. A calculating cruelty that made him ready to do what ever it took, sacrifice anyone or anything, to assure his own survival. He might once have been fond of the enthusiastic young FBI-agent, but surely he couldn't be attracted to a man like that?

That wasn't true, though. He'd never felt any sexual attraction to Krycek when they were partners. Those feelings had appeared now, in the face of everything he knew about the other man's crimes, after all the times they'd tried to kill each other. So... could that mean that it was somehow the cruelty itself, that cold, relentless heart, that made him...

No, he couldn't go further with that train of thought. He didn't want Alex Krycek and that was the end of it! Dreams didn't mean a thing! There was nothing to worry about.

"Pull yourself together, Mulder," he said out loud, and with sheer effort of will managed to focus his attention on the wet road in front of him. He was almost there now, at the meeting place, where practically anything might be waiting for him. He needed to be alert, ready to deal with whatever reality came along. He couldn't let himself be distracted by something as absurd as what he'd just been thinking. That would be a surefire way to get oneself killed.

"A proposition I'm sure you'll like," Krycek had said. Did he mean that, or was it a trap or a sick joke? No way to tell. He would just have to wait and see. Which was all the more reason not to go there at all, and certainly not to go there alone, without telling anyone. And yet he was doing exactly that. Perfect proof that he was as mad as everyone said. But he was curious, and Krycek's words had been "Just you and me". He was prepared to take the risk.

Just you and me. For some reason that made his body stir in the strangest way, caused a tingling deep inside him that was almost... And hadn't there been something in Krycek's voice? Something... Well, there was no time to think about that now. It was nearly seven o'clock, and there the hotel lay before him, respectable-looking and peaceful, giving no clue to what was going on.

As he stepped out of the car and walked across the parking-lot in the rain he looked carefully around him, but all was quiet and still. Nothing out of the ordinary. In the lobby the receptionist was talking to a grey-haired old lady, while a young woman sat in an armchair rocking a baby in her arms. They all struck him as perfectly harmless, regular people. He decided not to stop and ask questions. Instead he went directly up the stairs, taking two steps at a time but forcing himself to move slowly, despite the nervous beating of his heart. When he got to the second floor entrance he pulled his gun out and released the safety, while he pushed the door open a little at a time.

The corridor was empty. Not a soul in sight. He went in, moving warily forward, his weapon discreetly ready by his side. As he reached room 209 he looked round again, still seeing no one. He put his hand out and felt the door. It was unlocked. With a swift movement he threw it open, aiming his Sig at whoever was waiting behind it. But the room was deserted. And just as his mind began to sense the meaning of that, he heard an unmistakable metallic sound immediately behind him.

He'd walked straight into the trap.

"Glad you could make it, Mulder. Would you mind stepping into the room for me?"

Krycek. Where the hell did he come from?

"Don't try anything. That would be very stupid, seeing that I have a 9 mm automatic pointed at the back of your head and won't hesitate to use it."

Of course. The room on the other side of the corridor. Why hadn't he thought of that? Too late now. He followed the order and went into the room.

"That's right. Keep going. You seem very quiet tonight. Haven't you got any smart comments for me? Or are you too busy wondering what I'll do to you later on?"

Confident bastard.

"I was only thinking how natural it must be for a spineless rat like you to shoot someone in the back."

"That's more like it! You can stop right there and put your gun on the table, and then we can get down to business."

"What business are we here for, Krycek? Assuming it's not to exchange wisecracks and insults over a cup of coffee."

"Oh, you'll see. Don't worry. It will be right in your line of taste."

Sure. Then how come he had a gun to his head and had to fight not to let his rage and fear break down his calm exterior? He had a bad feeling about this night. A feeling that it would change everything. As he heard the door close and lock behind him he clenched his teeth and made ready to face whatever was coming his way.

Alex Krycek locked the door and looked at the man standing in front of him, hands raised over his head. Fox Mulder. He had dreamt of this moment since the day he first met him, never daring to take the step, but now the time had come.

His heart was already racing in his breast, but he had no doubt he appeared perfectly calm. He was used to hiding his emotions. He could sense the uncertainty of his antagonist, though, and that was good. That was exactly the way he wanted it to be. Untouchable, unbreakable Agent Mulder, inwardly trembling at the thought of what he might choose to do to him.

"Take off your coat."

Mulder obeyed without protest, and with one fluent motion of his body the heavy, silklined cashmere fell to the floor.

"Now your jacket."

"Are you sure you didn't make a mistake yesterday? Shouldn't you have called a stripper?"

He was glad Mulder had his back turned, because he felt the corner of his mouth twitch into a smile. Not because the joke was any good, but because it was so typical. This dry wit always held up in defiance as a shield against a hostile world. On another day it might have aroused his anger and made him knock Mulder to the floor with a single blow to the nape of his neck, just to hear that little cry of pain that couldn't be withheld. But tonight he had something better planned. Much better.

"No, I've got the right man. Do as I say!"

The dark-blue suit-jacket came off with a reluctant shrug.

"Now I'll check you for weapons. Keep still and you won't get hurt."

He went closer, pressing the muzzle of the gun into Mulder's back to give force to the warning. He could smell him now, feel the heat of his blood, sense the silent rhythm of his breathing. He ran his left hand quickly over his body, forcing himself not to dwell anywhere for more than a fraction of a second. Then he knelt down by Mulder's ankle and swiftly removed the back-up .22 that he'd known would be there.

"You're getting predictable, Mulder. No weapons that I didn't expect to find. No hidden transmitters. And I know you haven't told anyone where you are. You're simply too afraid of not finding out why I asked you here."

"You don't seem in a hurry to tell me that, though. Could we get on with this?"

"My pleasure. You may have noticed that I've let you keep your handcuffs. See those curtains in front of you? I want you to go over there and cuff yourself to the rod they're hanging from. And don't worry. I've done my research. There's no way you'll be able to break free. Get going!"

He gave him a hard puff in the back with his gun and forced him forward towards the curtains that separated the bed from the rest of the room. Then he watched closely as he pulled the handcuffs out of his belt, locked one bracelet round his left wrist and raised his hands to pull the chain over the iron rod that ran from one wall to the other. It was all going surprisingly smoothly, but then Mulder was smart enough to realize when there was nothing to do but wait till the right moment to strike back presented itself. Then he would go for it with the speed and exactness of an attacking cobra. He always did. That was a lesson he'd learnt during all these years of fighting—never count Fox Mulder out.

The curtains were completely drawn apart, so there was nothing in the way, but the rod ran high up under the ceiling so that even a man as tall as Mulder had some slight trouble cuffing himself to it. When he'd done he turned around, facing Krycek for the first time, standing steadily on the floor, but with his hands raised so that his body was forced into an absolutely straight position. Now, there was nowhere he could go.

Krycek went up to his prisoner and pulled at the handcuffs to make sure they were properly fastened. And of course that triggered another ironic remark.

"Don't you trust me to do a good job? That really hurts my feelings, you know."

This time he didn't reply. Instead he grabbed hold of Mulder's hair and yanked his head back with a sharp pull. The hair was soft between his fingers, still moist and glistening with rain. He felt an impulse to pull harder and harder, making his victim scream in agony, but he'd caused him to scream like that before. This time he would have something different.

He looked down into his face, drinking his beauty in deep draughts, trying to quench his thirst the way he always did every time they met. Stocking up for the long, lonely nights when all he'd have to keep him company would be the memory of this... perfection. He would lie there in the dark, going over every movement of this man's body, every word from his mouth, remembering the strange, exquisite pain of every blow received, the tearing pleasure of every blow given, slowly letting the thoughts of those intense real life confrontations transform themselves into fantasies almost unbearably sweet of touching and being touched, not with hard knuckles and boot-heels, but with soft lips and searching fingertips.

Those dreams of Mulder filled his every waking and sleeping hour, his need to have him growing with every new encounter. But never had he expected to achieve fulfilment. Not until that last run-in when their eyes had met and he'd seen deep inside Mulder something that had never been there before. Something that had triggered an explosion of fire within him and finally given him the guts to take what he wanted.

Now, as he held the FBI-agents head in his grasp he scanned those green, hazel-streaked eyes for it, fearing, as he had done ever since that day, that he'd been wrong, that it had been nothing but a figment of his own imagination, or that it had gone forever as suddenly as it had appeared. He knew how bitterly he was hated, knew that he deserved to be, and knew that there could never be forgiveness or reconciliation. So how could these breathtaking eyes, glittering as if their Creator in a playful whim had seen fit to sprinkle them with gold dust, possibly contain anything like that? But beneath the defiance, beneath the hatred and the loathing and the need to hurt, it was there. He could see it clearly now, he had made no mistake. There was desire. Desire for him. Veiled, certainly, by all those other emotions, not allowed to surface. But it was there. And tonight he would bring it out and savour it, make every inch of this beautiful body tremble with it, ache with it, beg of him to satisfy it. Tonight he was in control.

He let his eyes wander over the older man's face, exulting in every line. And then, as always, his attention was caught by that mouth, that unbelievable mouth, unlike any other. The fullness of that lower lip—as if swollen, bee-stung, bursting to be kissed. How he longed to just run the tip of his tongue along that curve, and then lean in and... But not yet. That was too sudden, too intimate. If he did that now he would get nothing but bites and kicks in return. He would save that for later, when that mouth would be ready and willing to yield, to melt into his own with unthinking eagerness. With another seemingly insensitive tug he let go of Mulder's hair and stepped away from him, put his gun on the table, pulled up a chair and sat down. It was time to talk.

As he watched how Krycek sat down some five feet in front of him, straddling the chair and leaning his arms on its back, Mulder did his best to clear his head. He needed to think straight, get a grip on the situation, but those green eyes, staring so intensely into his a moment ago, that hand almost pulling his hair out with the roots, seemed to have clouded his mind completely. For a second there he could have sworn that Krycek was going to kiss him, and he'd felt almost... No. That belonged to those nightly dreams. Had nothing to do with reality. He had to think about the important things. Why was he tied up? Why had Krycek sat down, looking so relaxed? Perhaps...

"Who are we waiting for?"

The shadow of a smile flitted across the younger man's face.

"We're not waiting for anyone, Mulder. I thought I told you that. Tonight it will be just you and me."

A real smile now. Wicked. Accompanied by a hard sparkle in those incredible eyes. A flash of lightning reflected in an emerald.

"Just you and me."

Those words might turn out to mean almost anything, but inexplicably they seemed to cause a fever in his veins that burnt him in a way that... No! He had to focus, had to listen to what Krycek was saying. But his voice was so soft, filled with undercurrents that pulled him in every direction at once. Made him want to slap him. Made him want to...

"You see, Mulder, I've brought you here tonight to take our relationship where it inevitably had to go."

While he was talking he dipped his hand in the back-pocket of his black jeans and pulled out a small object. What was it?

"We've fought each other for so long now. Hated each other so passionately. Crossed each other's plans more times than I can count. Caused each other so much pain."

With an almost imperceptible movement he made a thin strip of shining metal spring from the thing between his fingers. A switch-blade.

"It wouldn't surprise me, Mulder, if there was no person in your life you felt more strongly about than me. Sometimes one's enemies come to mean more even than one's closest friends. I, on the other hand, don't have any friends. So there is no one who matters more than you. And sometimes, like tonight, I get so tired of repeating the same eternal pattern. Of hurting and being hurt back. Beating and being beaten. I want to break the circle. I want to bring about the release that I know we've both been longing for."

The knife was swirling in his hand, catching the lamplight, reflecting it, the blade folding in and reappearing with every delicate turn of his wrist. Mulder just couldn't take his eyes off it. He worried about it, feared that it was the end Krycek had reserved for him. A swift, silent death, terrifying but merciful. The kindest use a knife, because the dead so soon grow cold. But he felt something different, too. Fascination. No, more than that. Admiration for the other man's skill, for the way he made the sharp edge dance between his fingers without even appearing to know it was there. That elegant, effortless virtuosity. The fusing of the man with the knife into one lethal being. It was so... beautiful.

This was insane! Here he was—unarmed and handcuffed—watching his worst enemy playing with the weapon he was in all likelihood going to use to kill him with, and he thought it beautiful! He must be losing his mind!

"What I'm saying, Mulder, is that the time has come for us to consummate our relationship."

That smile again. Teasing him.

"Is that a nice way of saying that you've finally had enough of me and intend to slash my throat?"

A different smile. Softer. Somehow more unsettling.

"No. It's a nice way of saying that tonight you won't get hurt, you'll get fucked. And yes, I do mean that literally."


Mulder's thoughts raced as he desperately tried to grasp what Krycek was saying. Surely he couldn't mean that! There was no way in hell that he...

"You're just playing mind games, Krycek. We both know that. So cut to the chase. Why are we here?"

Had to struggle to keep his voice steady, but that came out alright. Mustn't let him know he was getting to him.

"This isn't a game, Mulder. I've wanted you for so long that I can't remember a night when you weren't in my dreams. Tonight I'll make those dreams come true. For both of us. Because I know you feel the same way. I saw it in your eyes only a moment ago. No matter how much hate you put into those angry looks you're sending me you can't hide the desire underneath. But don't worry—I will give you everything you need. Everything."

At the sound of those words the unwanted images from his own dreams came flooding into his mind. And with them a longing that seemed to fill his whole being, take control of him. But it wasn't real! It couldn't be! He couldn't feel like this! And besides, Krycek had to be lying. The bastard had to have something else in mind.

"If that's the way you think things are, then why am I cuffed to a bloody railing here, huh? And what the fuck do you need the knife for? Tell me that!"

"Well, you're just too pig-headed to let me come near you otherwise, aren't you? Even if you do want it so bad you can taste it. If you weren't tied up you'd have beaten me to a pulp by now for saying what I just did. And as much as I enjoy your beatings, I think it's time we tried something else."

One last flick of the blade and in a single smooth motion he was out of the chair, coming towards him.

"And as for this little darling..."

He looked down at the object in his hand for the first time, thoughtfully drawing his thumb along the razor-sharp edge.

"Let's just say that I have a thing for knives."

As he raised his eyes to his victim's face again they seemed to burn with a cold fire that was pure evil.

Suddenly Mulder was acutely aware of the helplessness of his position. He couldn't move more than a few inches to either side of the curtain rod, and though he could slide his hands down its length that would only bring him up against the wall. Sure, his legs were untied—he could kick to defend himself. But even if he managed to keep Krycek at a distance, what good would that do? There was still no way he could break loose. And if he cried for help, what might not that cold-blooded murderer do to whoever answered the call? He didn't want to find out.

As Krycek approached, knife in hand, he instinctively backed away from him, his heart pounding with fear. Then he felt the bunched up curtain behind him, and the solid wall underneath. He was trapped. Fine. He would have to do his best right here. Mustn't let Krycek see how upset he was. Had to seem indifferent, in control. Force himself to speak, keep his voice in check.

"So you like knives? I should have known you'd be a sexual pervert."

The other man was close now. So close he could feel the warmth of his body, the heat of his breath.

"I promise you, Fox, before this night is through you'll have a taste for them too."

Before he could open his mouth to object to the use of his name he felt the cold, sharp metal against his cheek. An electric surge went through him, made every cell in his body alive with fear and anticipation. He was almost trembling now, but he willed himself to stand still, while the tip of the knife slowly travelled over his face, caressing it with featherlight touches. He closed his eyes and swallowed hard, tried to block out the tingling in his skin, the thrill that was spreading, spreading...

A violent tug to his throat brought him abruptly back. Krycek was holding on to the knot of his tie, pulling him forward, almost lifting him from the floor. He stuck the knife inside the noose and with one swift cut ripped the fabric apart, causing Mulder to fall backwards, the handcuffs for a second digging painfully into his wrists.


"Oh, don't be mad. That tie was a disgrace anyway. The world will be a better place without it. It's a pity about the shirt, though."

He cut away the uppermost button on the agent's shirt, and then let the blade gently circle the shallow pit at the base of his throat. Mulder felt his pulse beat harder and harder against it and barely dared to breathe, fearing that the least bit of pressure would make the sharp edge penetrate his skin. So this was it. Krycek did mean to slash his throat after all. Then...

But just as he was making up his mind to start fighting back, the knife left his throat. Instead he felt how all the buttons on his shirt were slowly cut off, one by one, each falling with a light tap to the floor at his feet, the hard metal softly touching every newly uncovered patch of skin before moving on to the next one. He was being undressed, carefully, in the most frightening and erotic way he'd ever experienced. And as the final button came off and the cloth was lifted apart to bare his chest he felt his body respond, fill with a warmth that welcomed the sharp coolness of the blade as it returned to draw complicated patterns across his breast.

Through it all he held his eyes closed, tried to appear unmoved, silently enduring, but with every new caress this became more difficult. When the blade reached his nipples, gently playing with them, licking them like a deadly tongue of dry steel, he felt his body begin to give him away, his nipples contracting with desire, screaming for more.

And then the knife was gone, folded together with a distinctive click and put away. He took a deep breath and dared to open his eyes.

What he saw was of course Krycek. Smiling at him, raising his hand to touch his face.

"That's right, Fox. Look at me. You know you want to, and the things I'm gonna do to you will certainly be worth seeing."

His fingers on his cheek now, moving down his throat, down his chest, so hot after the coldness of the steel, feeling so good. And as if that wasn't enough to take away every last bit of self-control he still possessed he leaned in and gently licked the lobe of his ear, leaving a trail of burning kisses from there all the way to his nipple. Mulder had to bite his lip to keep himself from moaning with pleasure as Krycek's tongue worked that nipple, incessantly, hungrily, as if he could never get enough. And his hands, sliding under the open shirt, firmly stroking his back, driving him out of his mind.

He was growing hard now, his stiff cock straining against the front of his pants, aching to be touched, making it impossible for him to resist... No! He couldn't be feeling this. He was still in control. Krycek mustn't discover... This wasn't real!

With a desperate kick he managed to push the other man away from him. But he immediately realized that that wouldn't be enough. There was a fire burning in those green eyes now that told him Krycek wouldn't give up. He would have his way no matter what. With violent strength he was shoved back into the wall, pressed up against it, held there, knowing that the rage and desire of his enemy was too much for him to fight, that he couldn't possibly escape this. And then he saw the anger subside and something that looked like amusement take its place.

"Is this what you were trying to hide from me?"

A hand lightly placed on his groin, sending a tidal wave of fire through his body.

"Why do you bother, Fox, when you know that I can take care of it for you better than anyone has ever done before? All you have to do is trust me."

"Go to hell, Krycek!"

"I'm sure I will. But not just yet, my friend. Not just yet."

He went down on his knees in front of his prisoner, with both hands holding his hips locked against the wall, in case he'd try to break free again, his lips kissing the sensitive skin on his stomach.

Mulder leaned back and let the kisses carry him away. They felt so wonderful, and right now he simply didn't have the strength to make himself resist them. He just wanted to give in, wanted to feel that warm mouth do all those things he'd dreamt of, fill all those needs he'd tried so hard to repress. As Krycek unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants he tried to protest, told him to stop, but he knew his voice lacked conviction, and he didn't even get a response. He could kick him away again, of course, but somehow his legs wouldn't obey him. While every piece of clothing on his lower body was removed he just stood there. Waiting, hoping, dreading.

And then it was there. Oh God yes, it was there. Alex Krycek's tongue, gently, teasingly licking the tip of his cock, making it harder still, making it ache with desire. He clenched his teeth, but this time he couldn't hold back the involuntary gasp that tore from his throat. Immediately the fire down there disappeared and was replaced by Krycek's voice, curiously hoarse now, but cold, cutting like a knife.

"Do you still want me to stop?"

Every atom of his being screamed no, don't stop, don't ever stop, but with an incredible effort of will he forced himself to look down, to look Krycek steadily in the eye and say:


Those eyes—so filled with amusement, so cruel, so beautiful. All of him so beautiful, kneeling there on the floor, his face tilted upwards, his mouth only an inch from the begging hardness in front of him.

"Nice try, Fox. But I don't believe you."

He bent his head and with excruciating slowness trailed his tongue along the swollen vein on the underside of Mulder's erection, making him tremble like a leaf from head to foot. And of course the bastard had been right. It was certainly worth seeing. It was the most mind-blowing sight he'd seen in all his life. And as he reached the tip with one last swirl and let go, there the green jewels were again, looking up at him, mocking him.

"I believe you like that. Don't you?"

Another swirl of the tongue, taunting him.

" Don't you?"

And this time, when those lips closed around the head of his rock-hard shaft, sucking it, wiping out everything but that glorious feeling, he couldn't hold back, couldn't lie anymore, couldn't keep himself from moaning:


Instantly, as if it were a reward, he was sucked deeper into that soft heat, swallowed whole, then released and drawn in again. Helplessly lost now, wanting nothing but what that mouth was giving, he finally let himself go, let his hatred and his rage give way to the desire and the need that grew with every new movement of his lover's head. Breathing hard, barely able to stand upright, he grabbed hold of the curtain rod and squeezed it till his fingers turned white. He was so close now, so close. Couldn't take anymore. Had to come. He began bucking his hips, thrusting himself deeper into Krycek's mouth, trying to speed things along. But then he was held in an iron grip, forced to stand still, not allowed to move. He was almost there, though. Almost there. He just needed...

"Alex... please... so good... feels so good... want you to take me there... please... I'm so near...please!"

Suddenly the warmth around his cock was gone, leaving him aching for more.

"No, Alex... don't stop! Please don't! I need it so bad. Please!"

But Alex was rising from the floor now, standing beside him, a look of triumph on his face. And then his fingers, gently stroking his cheek, calming him down.

"Shsh, it's alright. I'll give you everything you need. I promise. It's so good to hear you beg. But I want this to last. I want it to last as long as it possibly can. Now, I'm going to unlock the handcuffs. When I've done that I want you to take off your shirt and go lie down on the bed, on your back, and then handcuff yourself to it. Do you understand?"

He nodded quietly, not trusting his voice.

"And remember—I still have the knife, and I'm still prepared to use it."

As he heard the key turn in the lock some last remnant of reason told him that this was it, this was his chance to knock Krycek down and take control of the situation. Stop this madness. But he was too far gone for reason, unable to think of anything but what this man would do to him on that bed. There was no need for a knife to keep him in check. His own irresistible longing for satisfaction was more than enough to make him do whatever Alex told him. So he stretched himself out naked on the bed, locked his hands to the metal bars at its head and waited, willing to submit to his enemy's every whim.

Krycek stood by the bed and watched as Mulder tied himself to it. His arms had to be numb by now, hurting, and yet he didn't complain, didn't say a word. Perhaps there was no need for handcuffs anymore, perhaps if he let him loose... But he wasn't taking any chances with this. He couldn't bear the thought of Mulder stopping him now, of not being allowed to fulfil the desire that had him so completely in its grasp. And besides, Fox was breathtaking like this.

For a while he just stood there, admiring the loveliness of the man lying before him. His eyelids were closed, the golden-brown lashes resting lightly on his cheeks, his face almost peaceful. His chest was heaving rapidly, though, revealing the tension, the longing that was tearing him apart. A thin film of sweat covered his body, made the whiteness of his skin shimmer in the soft lamplight, glow as if with a radiance from another world. There was no one like him.

He stretched out his hand and ever so gently touched that velvet skin. Let his hand slide down across the strong torso, down towards what seemed to cry out for his attention. He could still feel the taste of that amazing hard-on in his mouth, the sight of it now making his own erection threaten to burst through his pants. With the lightest of caresses he stroked the length of his lover's cock, feeling its heat under his fingertips.

He had thought that during all those years of yearning he had imagined every possible delight that this man could give him, every possible expression of passion. But now he knew that he had been wrong. As his fingers grazed his shaft Mulder's body arched upwards, every single muscle contracting in a quake of pleasure that made him strain at the handcuffs and forced a sound through his lips that no words could hope to describe. It was a reaction of such intense unexpected beauty that no dreams could ever have been deep enough to fathom it. So beautiful that it actually hurt, almost brought tears to his eyes.

When the trembling subsided he saw Fox open his eyes and look at him. There was no veil now to separate him from the desire burning in that greenness, no hatred or loathing to keep him away. This was the moment he had waited for. He sat down on the edge of the bed and cupped Mulder's face in his hand. As he bent down towards him he saw those exquisite lips part to receive him, felt his head eagerly lift from the pillow to meet him. And then, as he let his own lips finally touch the splendour of that sensuous mouth, his lover's tongue was there to welcome him, to lead him into a kiss beyond what any fantasy could have envisioned, and he knew that if such a thing as paradise existed it could be no different from this.

But he couldn't wait any longer now. He had to have it all or his sanity would shatter like glass under the pressure of his overwhelming need. Gently breaking away he got up and undressed himself quickly. Then, lying down beside Mulder, savouring the feeling of his naked skin against his own, he softly kissed his way down his body, enjoying every strange little sound elicited from his throat. With firm hands he parted Fox's legs, marvelling at the willingness with which they were opened for him, ardently stroking and licking the sensitive insides of his thighs.

Seized by a sudden impulse he reached down among his clothes on the floor and took the switch-blade out of his pocket. As he sat back on his feet and let the knife unfold in his hand he saw a gleam of fear in Fox's eyes that gave him a thrill unlike any he had ever known. Carefully he placed the cold

metal on his hot thigh where his lips had been only a second before, and felt a shiver run through Mulder's body at the touch of the blade. Lightly he made it caress him, tease him, and then, with uttermost precision, he let the sharp edge penetrate the skin. The short scream that followed, and the thin line of blood against that delicate whiteness, turned him wild with lust. Hungrily he leant down and licked the wound, lapped up every last ruby-coloured drop, tasted the life of his lover in his mouth, heard him whisper his name in a breath of sweetest agony.

Certain now that Mulder would be with him till the end he threw away the knife and brought out a tube of lubrication. Pulling Fox's knees up for easy access he coated his fingers with it and gently inserted one of them in his warm opening. He was so tight, and the movement inside him made him twist and turn from side to side, but there was no resistance. No resistance anymore, only graceful submission. Slowly he added another finger, drawing a gasp from the man beneath him that warned him not to rush this, to take his time. Had to make Fox relax, prepare him. But as he spoke, his voice muffled and hoarse with desire, he heard something different.

"Alex... no more fingers... please... I want you... all of you... want you to fuck me... Won't you fuck me, Alex? Please?"

This was almost too much. Fox Mulder lying there, radiant with beauty and longing, begging to be fucked. Begging him to do it. It was too much. He wanted it so badly himself, knew that if he didn't hurry he could come right here, just from this. But he had to hear those words again, had to be certain they were real, not part of his dreamworld. Provokingly, he let his fingers sink deeper into the warmth.

"You're not ready yet, Fox."

"But I am, Alex... I am... I can't stand this anymore... need you inside me... right now... please, Alex... take me... take me now!"

Those eyes, that pleading voice... How could he deny him anything? With trembling fingers he lubed the hardness of his cock and guided it in, feeling the muscles yield and then close around him, embracing him. As he buried his entire length inside that burning heat a low moan issued from Mulder and he saw his hands desperately clutch the bars of the bed. In this moment in time he was his, completely and utterly, through force and free will given over into his power, his to satisfy and enjoy, no matter what had gone before or what was to come. In this moment they were one, and no future horrors would ever be able to take that bliss away from him. This moment was his forever.

Over and over again he pulled almost all the way out, then thrust back in, turning his lover's moans into cries of pleasure, rising and blending with his own. He tried to hold on, move slowly, make it last, but it was too good, too wonderful. As he felt his climax drawing closer he wrapped his hand round Mulder's swollen cock and began to firmly stroke it, in perfect rhythm with the movements of his hips. He felt Fox rise to new levels of rapture and was intent on taking him as far as he was able to go.

He was so close now, almost there, unable to keep himself from moving faster with each new thrust. But it was alright. He knew Fox was right there with him on the edge. He could let himself go.

As his mind and body exploded in a blaze of red hot light he heard Mulder scream his name in ecstasy, felt him coming in his hand, pressing against him like a wave of heaven.

And then all was quiet. Gently he withdrew and collapsed onto his back next to his lover. For a long time he could do nothing but lie there, catching his breath, letting the last shivers of unadulterated bliss run through him and melt away. Then he turned on his side and looked at Fox.

He was lying motionless, so still that if it hadn't been for his shallow breathing he would have taken him for dead. He looked so peaceful, so perfectly at rest, a smile on his face like that of a reclining Buddha, as if he'd seen the uttermost secrets of the universe and knew the way to paradise. A joy rose within Alex as he realized that he had done that, that he had transported this paranoid man into such a state of tranquil happiness, given him this. It was more than he would ever have dared to ask for. And then, as though he felt he was being watched, Mulder opened his eyes and looked directly at him, and for a second, before his eyelids dropped languidly down again, the smile broadened on his lips, seemed to beam with gratitude, made his heart so full it started singing in his breast.

It was time to leave. This was so beautiful, so perfect. He didn't want to be here when Fox came to himself again and destroyed it with hatred and anger. He slid off the bed and dressed himself quietly, put the knife in his pocket and stuck the gun in his belt. Then he sat down on the bed and stroked his lover's cheek one last time, looked into those eyes still clouded with pleasure.

"Tonight you were everything I ever dreamt of and more. If you should feel like doing this again I won't be hard to persuade."

He unlocked one of Mulder's hands and fastened the bracelet round one of the bars, then placed the keys on the nightstand, just barely within his reach.

"I'm putting the keys here so you can uncuff yourself after I am gone... Well then, if nothing else I'm sure I'll see you around."

Reluctantly he tore himself away and walked out the door. Leaving him was harder than he'd thought it would be. But he could do this. He had fuel now for an eternity of loneliness, enough to keep him going even if he had to spend the rest of his life locked in an underground silo. As he stepped out into the parking-lot he saw that the rain had stopped falling and stars were shining down on him from a clear sky. He smiled. Tonight he had been happy for the first time in more years than he could remember. Whatever happened he was going to be okay.

Alone in the hotel-room Mulder got up and uncuffed himself, then sank back down onto the bed. He held out his hands and looked at them, saw the heavy bruising starting to form around his wrists. But he hadn't even noticed any pain, or rather, the pain had become part of the pleasure, of the unbelievable ecstasy that had seized him and...

What the hell had he done? How could he let this happen? It wasn't enough that Alex Krycek had fucked him. No, he'd actually begged him to do it. Begged him. One touch of that man's tongue and every ounce of pride and self-control had gone out the window. He was weak. Spineless. He had even allowed himself to be cut with a knife, for God's sake! Worse—he had enjoyed it. He was sick. Twisted. A pervert who got his kicks being tied up and fucked by his father's murderer.

But it had been so good. So beautiful. No one had ever made him feel like that before. When he had come in Alex's hand, his hard cock deep inside him, it was as if he had died and gone to heaven. He had never known such a state of bliss in all his life. The memory made him want to go after Alex, take him in his arms and hold him there forever, lose himself again and again in his irresistible embrace. But at the same time he wanted to hunt him down and kill him, shoot him like a dog, wipe out once and for all the source of all this confusion, all this madness. God, he hated him so much...

In complete exhaustion he buried his face in his hands and gave in to the tears of desperation that were burning in his eyes, let them shake his body in convulsion after convulsion of unbearable anguish, crying himself into a restless sleep.



Author: Isagel
Fandom: XF
Pairing: M/K
Rating: NC-17
Date: 08/02/00
Archive: Yes, but please tell me where.
Series: Yes, this is part one of at least two.
Disclaimer: They do belong to 1013 Productions, but while Chris Carter calls the shots they'll never get to face their innermost desires.
Feedback: Yes, please. I'd be happy to hear what you think. mqr660-@tninet.se
Summary: Mulder gets a phonecall from Krycek that forces him to confront his true feelings for his enemy.
Warnings: Softcore BDSM and knifeplay. Nothing heavy.
Huge hugs to Eva for making me write this (as if I needed convincing G ) and for wonderful help and advice. All for you, sis.

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