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Snippet: What about Scully?
by Gwendolen

Mulder pulled his lover close, pressed his face against the smooth skin of his back and tried to relax but his thoughts were racing. "What about Scully?" he finally asked.

"Huh?" came the sleepy answer of the man in his arms.

"Well, if I'm going to run away with you, what about Scully? She'll miss me, probably." Mulder hesitated, "She'll be lonely," he added after a moment.

"Get her a dog." Alex murmured, already half-asleep, not really caring about Scully, as long as he got Mulder.

"A dog?"

"Yeah, she likes dogs, doesn't she?" Alex forced himself to wake up a bit more, wondering what Mulder's problem was. Scully would do fine without Mulder. "Scully's a dog-person," he said.

"A dog-person? Hm, yeah, guess you're right." Mulder admitted reluctantly. "A dog, might be a good idea. Could keep her company and protect her." The enthusiasm in his voice made it obvious that he was beginning to like the idea. "Now, what kind of a dog? A dachshund? Small, fierce and protective? Or a German Shepherd? A good guardian. A Doberman? Scully with a Doberman?" He giggled slightly at the image. "A collie? Or maybe an Alsatian?

"A bulldog?" Alex ventured.

Mulder snorted. "What about a Yorkshire terrier?" he poked his lover in the ribs. "Did you know that they were originally bred to hunt rats?"

"How fitting." Alex murmured, exhausted already by simply listening to Mulder. "Why don't we simply go to the dog-pound and pick a nice lonely one for her, one who needs a home and someone who cares for it."

"A sweet little crossbreed? Yes, that's a good idea." He leaned down to kiss the soft skin between Alex shoulders.

"Does that mean you'll run away with me?" Alex asked, wondering if he dared to hope.

"If we get Scully a dog." Mulder insisted.

"Okay, first stop tomorrow—the dog-pound." That settled, the two men cuddled together and finally fell asleep.

July 1998



Disclaimer: Not mine but I promise to give them back once I'm done
Rating: well, it's m/m but nothing really happens, so PG
Feedback: draigon@gmx.net

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