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by Beth

Jesus Christ! What the fuck just happened? Shots fired, I repeat...

Shots have been fired within the building. It is not yet known whether anyone has been injured...




Breathe, Alex. Just focus. I'm staying right here, I'm not going anywhere, so for Christ's sake stay with me. Focus, Alex. Look at me. I'm here with you, Alex. You're going to be okay.

"Agent Krycek... Where the fuck is Agent Krycek? You get him here now or I'm gonna kill my daughter. Would you like that, Agent Krycek?"

Alex, you have to stand up, now. I know you don't want to, I know and I'm sorry, but you have to. We can't let him win. Pick up the phone.

"You have a pretty voice, Agent Krycek. Are you a pretty boy, Agent Krycek? You little cocksucker, are you listening to me?! Someone get him here or I'm gonna shoot the little girl."

"I'm... I'm here."

I'm here with you. I'll get you through this. You have to trust me.

"Well hello there, Agent Krycek. I hope you're enjoying yourself because me and Lisa here, we're having a ball. Aren't we, Lisa?"

He shot Sarah, he...
Jesus Christ, who the fuck is...
Sarah, shot my dolly...

"What do you want?"

~ Sweat running down a pale face, green eyes blinking the salty water (sweat, tears) away, a hundred years older than he was before... ~

"I just want you to go away, to leave me the fuck alone with my daughter, she's mine and the bitch can't have her, can't buy her with dolls, can't bring her up without her daddy and if I can't have her no one can have her, are you hearing me?! Agent Krycek, are you fucking listening to me?!"

Don't let him get to you. This is not your fault.

"We woulda been fine if you'd just left us alone, but you had to screw it up, had to... Lisa, you come back here! Where the hell do you think you're..."

More shots have been fired within the house...

"Oh Jesus oh Jesus oh fuck it's all my fault I couldn't..."




~ Green eyes closed now, no longer disguising the tears... white knuckles as he holds the phone tight to his ear, holds the hand painfully tight but the other man doesn't make a sound, doesn't pull away...~

We're going in...

Alex, it wasn't your...


~ And all movements stop. The room is silent as they all stare at the man/child who is pale and beautiful and unmoving as a statue. ~

"I can hear her."

Is she okay?

"I can hear her..."

Alex, is she okay?

"He's shot her and I can hear her, I can fucking hear her, no please God fucking no I never wanted this I never..."

~ The phone drops away as his arm (head, shoulders, knees and toes brain heart) goes numb but something inside his head is screaming and screaming and screaming and it doesn't stop.

It doesn't ever stop.

Not that night, when he begs to forget with hot kisses and relentless pounding and painful satisfaction; not when he falls in love; not when he fucks up and becomes Krycek again, when he betrays the man who asked for his trust but shouldn't have given his own in return.

It never stops. ~

Just breathe, Alex, breathe.

A parking garage, three shots.

Focus on me. Look at me.

The last thing I see.

You're going to get through this. You're going to be okay.

I love you.

Trust me.



Disclaimer: They're not mine. They belong to the AntiCChrist.
This is unbetad, and it's pretty nasty darkfic. I was watching the Negotiator last night, and this is what came from that. Deathfic and general nastiness, so don't read if you want a happy ending. What can I say? I'm having a bad week.
Feedback to Banjo_skunk@hotmail.com, please? Put me in a better mood so I can go write something about... um... more ice? :)

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