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True Love
by Torra

I f he leaves me, I'll kill him.

It's not a promise, or a threat, it is simply a fact. And he knows this. He understands that my need for him is so great, I would not hesitate to slice him from iliac to carotid should he seek the physical embrace of another lover.

And I know he would not hesitate do the same to me.

Because that is love.

That is not to say our relationship flows perfectly smoothly, simply because we are in love, however. I grow angry to no end when he borrows my paring knives for work purpose and forgets to clean them properly, but that, however, is not a death worthy offence in our relationship. Should he ever use my paring knives to cook diner for another person whom he wished to sleep with, that would be.

As he well knows.

Because that is how love works, I've found. You are more than willing to let your partner get away with murder (and in our business, this is quite the common occurrence) of the house rules, but as long as they do not emotionally intend to hurt you, or murder you, then you are happy to let them. And you are willing to let them get away with only minor cuts and or broken bones as punishment for violating said rules.

And willing to let them get away with only minor cuts and or broken bones as punishment for violating said house rules.

They are very nice paring knives, after all. Victor gave them to me a year ago. Quite a nice chap, that.

He has, of course, sworn many times never to leave my side (my partner, that is, not Victor Mansfield), and I am want to believe him. His word has always been good, I've found.

That, and he knows I'd kill him if he tried.

And so it balances out. Because we love each other, we will never leave each other, and because we'll never leave each other, we shall both live forever.

It really is a nice system.

True Love truly is a wondrous thing.



Title: "True Love"
Author: Torra (torra_k@yahoo.com)
Fandom: Once A Thief
Pairing: Murphy/Camier
Rating: G
Summary: Even assassins have love in their lives.
Disclaimer: Look, do you really think I own them? Well I don't.
Author's Notes: A quick little snippet inspired by a RatBoat discussion. This was written from Murphy's (Greg Kramer) POV.

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