RATales Archive

The Rat And Alanna Sue

by RhymePhile

Title: "The Rat and Alanna Sue" (1/1)
by: RhymePhile (a RATales exclusive!) (That means it will *only* show up here unless otherwise specifically requested)
Rated: "Sexy" for Mind!Smut (meaning you don't see anything, but if you use your imagination, you're sooooo there)

This story is based on some comments Alanna made during RATchat this past Tuesday. Please note that Alanna knows I'm doing this, but she doesn't know what I've written (tee hee!) Also, all I had to work with was the fact that Alanna is a seventh grade teacher, and the website to her school, which didn't tell me much! Ergo, there are bound to be some inconsistencies, so please suspend disbelief.

The warm wind of a late Texas evening blew across the parking lot, ruffling her dress.

"Well shiiiiiit," she cursed out loud.

She really didn't want to be here this time of night, but it was difficult to prepare the next day's lesson plan without her Lesson Plan Book. Her seventh graders would eat her alive if she came to class and tried to teach unprepared.

Of course, she realized she was missing the book at 8 p.m., right in the middle of Must See Thursday, dammit. The stress of the TAAS testing over the last few weeks must have been worse than she thought.

So she had set the VCR, thrown on a wrinkled cotton dress, and driven back to Dean Junior High. Hell, she didn't even bother with a bra. Make Earth Day Every Day, she thought to herself, smiling.

She let herself into the school, silently padding through the darkened hallways. Normally, she would have let someone know she was there, but this was just a quick trip to her classroom and out again. She didn't even need to turn on a light.

The moonlight crossed the classroom in eerie beams, illuminating the offending lesson planner sitting on her desk.

"I'm not letting you out of my sight again," she said wearily.

"Nor am I," came a husky voice from behind her.

She spun around, finding herself face to face with the new school security guard. He had caused quite a stir, especially among the eighth grade girls. Alanna Sue found herself staring at him more than once.

"Jesus, you scared me," she gasped.

She watched as his eyes swept over the length of her dress, pausing a moment at her bustline, until they came back to meet her own.

"I would have said the same thing," he said, "except burglars don't usually wear cotton dresses when they break into schools."

He walked closer and touched the light fabric. Leaning close to her ear, he whispered, "And most burglars would probably wear a bra."

The moonlight bounced across his features, bathing his green eyes in the soft light. He smiled at his own joke, and the sight of his wry half-grin made her lose a breath. He was even better looking up close.

"You...you're the new security guard. I've seen you before."

She stood there, entranced, as he circled her, grinning and running a hand along the fabric of her dress.

"Perhaps," he said. "I've only been here a few days, though."

"Well," she said, trying in vain to concentrate, "I...I...may have noticed you..."

"I've noticed *you*, Alanna Sue," he said, his voice deep and throaty. He sat on top of her desk, releasing his grip on her dress by letting it slide slowly through his fingertips.

"Um, you have?"

"Yes," he answered, his legs sliding apart on the desk as he shifted to a comfortable position.

Don't look, she urged herself. Don't look. Don't look.

Oh God, his Gap khakis were bulging.

"You teach seventh grade, don't you?"

"Uh-huh," she nodded absently, mesmerized by the fine quality pants Gap was making these days.

"That's a tough age. I'm sure they're all evil little bastards, aren't they?"

"Uh-huh," she nodded again, until she realized what he had said. "I mean, uh, no..."

He laughed at her, and ran a palm over his leg. "Hot tonight, isn't it?"


Now he ran his fingers down his throat, wiping away the sweat. "Early Texas heat, I guess."

"You'll get used to it, uh...what is your name?"

"Alex," he whispered. "Do you like it, Alanna Sue?"

Her breaths were coming more infrequently, and she was almost sure he could hear her heart pounding in her chest.

"It's nice...it suits you."

"And I like yours," he answered, brushing a stray strand of hair from his forehead. His hooded eyes passed over her again. "I'm sure it sounds beautiful when someone whispers it to you in the middle of the night...Alanna Sue."

Suddenly she turned to the window and cracked it slightly. She motioned to it, not turning around. "This...uh...early spring heat. It's a little warm in here," she muttered.

Alex got up, walking to where she stood by the window. He pressed up behind her, using a fingertip to trace the lace around the neckline of her dress.

"What do you do to cool off, Alanna Sue?" he asked, breathing the question into her ear. "Would you shed that pretty dress to go swimming? Would you slide it up your thighs and wade into a brook? Or would it be as simple as teasing an ice cube across your hot skin?"

Ohh, she could feel him against her...feel the slight scratch of his fingernail against her neck...feel his hot breath against her ear. God, he smelled amazing.

"But I guess you can't do any of that until you get that lesson plan done, now can you?"

She turned around, glancing at her Lesson Plan Book he held in his hand.

"No," she said, watching the moonlight dancing in those green eyes, "I guess I can't."

"And you also can't do any of that until you leave this room."


"That's going to be a problem, then," he said, tossing the book on the desk.

Alex backed up towards the door and twisted a key in the lock. Then he walked back to her desk and sat on top of it again.

Keeping his eyes on hers, he slowly slid his hands down to the top button of his Gap khakis. He gently unhooked the button and began to ease the zipper down.

But instead of unzipping the fly all the way, he picked up the key, showed it to her, and dropped it into his pants.

Then the zipper slid to its original position, and the button was replaced.

Alanna Sue released a breath she didn't know she was holding, her eyes returning to the bulging khakis.

"So, any thoughts as to the lesson plan for tomorrow?" he asked slyly.

She gasped when his hand went searching for the hidden key, his fingers prodding.

Alanna Sue walked over to her desk and shoved the lesson plan book across its top. Looking into his eyes, she said with a smile, "I have a feeling I may be calling in sick tomorrow."



(and kisses to Alanna for being a good sport)
Okay, who's next? <wink wink>