RATales Archive

Hunter's Reach

by Kim M. Graves

Title: Hunter's Reach
Author: Kim M Graves
Rating: R
Summary: A touch of torture.
Copyright notice: Nick Lea and Alex Krycek do not belong to me, neither does Mulder. Marcus, the Fixer, Kali, And Most Especially Erin Danica Mc'Allyn all belong to me. If you want to use any of them other than Erin, please ask me before hand. BTW Chris Carter, don't worry, Alex and Fox will be returned to you in perfect condition.

December 19, 1998 9:40 pm

A tall young woman, with waist length red hair and emerald green eyes, stood calmly watching Alex Krycek beat a man chained to the wall. Realizing that he was not going to get any information in this way she spoke up. "Krycek you're not going to get anywhere with him if you continue beating him. Beatings may work on children and teenagers, but it won't get anything out of a hardened mercenary like Marcus here. Now I know several torture techniques that will make him talk." She said coldly. "If you think you can get anything out of him Erin, then by all means have a go." He snarled.

She stepped over to Marcus and knelt on the floor. She took his left hand and said "I really suggest you tell this man what he wants to know, or else it will get very painful for you." All this time holding a pair of pliers in a candle.

Krycek pulled a chair over and sat, calmly watching them.

"Like I would tell you or that bastard anything. I would rather die than break to a bit--" His last words cut out by the sounds of his thumbnail being ripped out and him screaming in pain. She quickly clapped her hand over his mouth, silencing him so he could not scream himself hoarse. She quietly took his second finger. "You gonna talk or do I get the pleasure of ripping out the next one?" she replied coldly.

"Go to hell" another nail and a shriek. "That's two. Anything to say?"

"Why would I reveal what I know to him?" Marcus gasped through the pain. "Because I am ripping your fingernails out one by one and asking you nicely. Better talk or I break your fingers and stop asking." She replied smartly.

Its gonna take a lot more than ripped out fingernails to make me talk." "Suit yourself. Just remember your words when I break your fingers." As she calmly ripped his last three fingernails out. "Now talk or you get hurt even more." Silence, followed by a loud crack and scream as his finger is broken "That's one. Talk or it just gets worse." Clenching his teeth to keep from saying anything he shook his head. Three more fingers break "Two, Three, and four. Do I go to five or does Alex here get his info?"

"Go to hell!" Another finger breaks. "That's five. I think its time to start degloving your hand." She pulled out a large knife and started cutting the skin around his wrist.

"All Right, I'll talk. Just stop, please." He shrieked. She stepped away calmly and motioned Krycek forward. "See, I told you he would break. Now get the information and lets get going." She said.

Begin Flashback

December 12, 1998 12:40 am
Washington D.C.

Erin stepped into the abandoned building her fixer had asked her to meet him at, and looked around at the sad state it had fallen into. Crates were strewn around the room in no apparent order, rats ran around her feet, and glass lay on the dust-covered floor, from where the windows had been broken by the local kids. She continued deeper into the pitch-black factory, appalled at the state the city had allowed its buildings to get into.

"Erin, in here." A voice called quietly from the darkness. She gently placed her hand against the blade strapped to her thigh, and followed the voice into the room. A light came on, and she quickly shielded her eyes, hissing in pain. "Erin Mc'Allyn, meet Alex Krycek. That job I was tellin you about, it requires two people workin on it. There are two marks, and the client wants em both taken out at the same moment. So you are having a partner this time Erin. Now I don't know where the two guys are, but I know three people that do, and they were not to cooperative at revealing the location. One you already know of, Marcus the merc. He refused to tell me anything. Number two, I believe you met during your time in the FBI. His name is Fox Mulder, and I didn't even approach him, cause I would probly get arrested. And Three is a teenage punk gang member named Kali. She tried to shoot me when I asked. Thas all I know bout it though. The deal was fifty grand for you both, payment on delivery of the two guys wedding rings."

She looked up and noticed the young man leaning against the crates. He was about six feet tall with short brown hair, and intense green eyes. All in all he was a very handsome man. She felt her breath catch momentarily. She gained control of herself, and held out her hand to him.

'Erin Mc'Allyn. Nice to meet you." She said politely

He took it gently and kissed her hand. "A pleasure to meet you miss Erin. I'm Alex Krycek."

The fixer spoke up at that moment "Now that you two have met, I better get going, and let you earn the large amount of money ya'll are both getting. Bye" he said, slipping deeper into the shadow of the warehouse.

"Lets get a few things straight, I don't trust you, or anybody else for that matter. So don't expect me to automatically work well with you. And I don't get into relationships other than professional with anyone or anything. So don't get any ideas."

End Flashback