RATales Archive

Frequently Asked Questions

How To Join The RATales Mailing List

What is the RATales mailing list? It's a fan fiction list dedicated to any and all stories about the character Alex Krycek. The list allows the posting of NC-17 fanfic and you must be at least 17 years of age to join.

To join the RATales Mailing List go to http://tv.groups.yahoo.com/group/RATales/

The RATales FAQ
Last updated by Rhymephile on 20 Feb 2006

Q: How do I post messages to RATales?
A: Send your messages to ratales@yahoogroups.com, or go to http://groups.yahoo.com/, log in, and you can post to RATales from the web.

Q: How long has RATales been around and where can I read fic by listmembers?
A: Rachel A. (who also originally wrote this FAQ) started RATales back in 1999. You can read all of the list's old posts on the YahooGroups archive, found on the RATales YahooGroups home page, and you can read our members' stories on the RATales Archive (maintained by Muridae) at: https://www.squidge.org/ratales/

Q: I'm kind of new to this fanfic thing. Where do I start?
A: There is fanfic out there for just about every TV show, character, movie, cartoon, or anything else people can think up. For The X-Files, the Numero Uno place to start is the Gossamer Archive, http://krycek.gossamer.org/. There are thousands (and perhaps hundreds of thousands) of stories there to read. Then, feel free to check out the Links section of RATales at YahooGroups. There are links to Krycek fanfic archives, author webpages, and other creative pursuits that deal specifically with our beloved Rat.

If you have a LiveJournal, there are also places there you can go to read Krycek fic. The RATales Links section has a few LJs to check out, or simply type "Krycek" into the Interests search engine at LJ.

Q: Hey, that's pretty cool. I think I can write a story...how do I find out how to do it?
A: Check out Gossamer's Author FAQ at: http://krycek.gossamer.org/gossamer/local/author.html. Of course, there is information there that pertains only to sending fic to Gossamer, but overall it's a good place to read about how to do this writin' thang. There are also plenty of sites out there that can assist you in writing a fic for the first time. All it takes is a little Googling.

Q: Okay, I've done my research all about fanfic and I've written my first Krycek story. How do I label my story for posting here to RATales?
A: Congrats on your first story. The first thing you want to do is spell check that puppy. Misspellings and awkward grammar are a prime indication that you haven't taken the time to thoroughly read your work over, and may cause some readers to avoid your story.

After you've read this FAQ, check out Gossamer's Submissions Template at: http://krycek.gossamer.org/gossamer/local/template.html. You don't have to include everything that's in the template, but it's a good guideline to use when labeling your stories.

Ratings labels, as well as content labels, are required at RATales. If you have an NC-17 fic that is all about S&M (perfectly fine by us) you must be sure to include a rating and content warning in the header for those who may not want to read such fic. See below for more information on what kinds of fanfic may be posted at RATales.

Q: What kind of fanfic can I post to the list?
A: Any kind of fanfic featuring Krycek as a character. Pair him with anyone you like: Mulder, Scully, Marita, Spender, Mulder's fish, Monica's hairdresser -- whomever. Or don't pair him with anyone. Just make sure he's in it. Stories about Nick Lea's other characters are also permitted, though they aren't the focus of the list. Stories about Nick Lea himself are not permitted, because, ick. There are no exceptions to this rule. No Real Life fanfic, EVER.

Also, please feel free to post links to new stories if you'd rather not post the whole story to the list. Links to LJs (please be sure that the story is *not* Friends-locked) and websites are encouraged.

IMPORTANT NOTE on stories and links: To make life easier on our archivist, everything posted to the RATales mailing list (including links to stories) will be posted to the RATales Archive. If you do not wish to have your story archived, please mark that plainly in your story headers.

Q: What kind of other stuff can I post to the list?
A: You can post feedback, which we'll discuss in more detail below. You can also post RELEVANT discussion topics, questions, fanfic (of course), fanfic challenges, and links.

Q: What's relevant?
A: Anything related to The X-Files universe, Krycek and/or fanfic.

Q: What isn't relevant?
A: Everything else. Occasionally an Off Topic thread will develop of its own accord, and we're not ready to outlaw all OT conversation because we want this to be a friendly, sociable environment, but there is a limit. There are over 500 people on this list and we're willing to bet most of them don't want to hear about your political views, your sex life, your childhood traumas, your pets, or your favorite CDs. If you feel the need to vent that kind of thing in a public forum, there is such a thing as a blog or a LiveJournal. But for a specialized mailing list such as this, there really is such a thing as TMI.

If you're responding to a single person, and you don't think everyone on the list needs to see what you've got to say, then just send your message to that one person. One line back-and-forths between two or three individuals have a way of clogging up the list and annoying the hell out of anyone not involved. Please do not post "Me too" messages to the entire list.

Q: What's the spoiler policy?
A: Although our beloved show is now off the air, there are many out there who haven't seen every single episode of The X-Files. Incredible as that may be, when sending stories please be sure to attach a spoiler note (when applicable). If you were writing a story that basically covered everything that happened in Season 2, then you would mention that in your note. If you're writing a post-ep story or only need to mention a few episodes, PLEASE do your homework and list the episode names. There are plenty of excellent XF season guides out there to assist you.

Q: I'm offended by homosexuality, bad language, violence, and men in leather pants. Should I be on RATales?
A: Good Lord, no! What are you doing on a Krycek list, you crazy person?

Seriously. This is an *adult* list. Membership is restricted to adults 17 and up. If you aren't an adult or if you're an easily offended adult, you shouldn't be here.

The stories posted are frequently of the NC-17 variety.

This list is also slash-friendly. What does that mean exactly? It means there are stories where men are loving (and kissing, hugging, smooching...) other men, and may be doing things of a sexual nature which could offend some readers. RATales is not exclusively a slash list -- Krycek has been paired with many people in our fics -- but please be aware that we encourage and support the posting of slash.

If you want to post something and you're not sure if it's appropriate, by all means e-mail one of the RATales mods and simply ask if it's okay. We don't bite. How do you do this? Simply log in at the YahooGroups RATales home page, and click on Members in the left-hand nav bar. From there click on Moderators, and you'll be able to contact either Vanzetti or RhymePhile.

If there are underage people sharing your email account, get a new email account that's strictly for your adult lists. There are lots of free ones available.

Q: Is it okay to post public feedback?
A: Yes. Feedback is okay any day of the week, public or private. If you've received public feedback and want to reply to it, please be aware that the whole list can read your comments. Keep your replies brief and to the point, and if you'd like to continue discussing the fic, please do it off-list so we're not bogged down in a private conversation.

Q: I like using Internet abbreviations. Is that okay?
A: No. Please keep posts, feedback, or questions easily readable. This list is comprised of writers and readers who use proper punctuation, spelling, and grammar. Comments such as, "w00t! This iz teh best fic evah!11!!1!!" says nothing about the story, is difficult to read as well as understand, and isn't conducive feedback. Posts of this nature will most likely be deleted.

Q: I live somewhere other than the United States or Canada, and English isn't my first language. I love to write, but sometimes my English isn't perfect.
A: Don't let that bother you. Foreign writers shouldn't feel hesitant to post stories even if their English is less than stellar. We are very supportive here, and appreciate any effort of those Krycek fans across the world who choose to share their creative talents.

Q: What will get me kicked off this list?
A: 1. Personal attacks on any real individual. That includes actors, writers, and your fellow listsibs.
2. Repeatedly posting OT messages after being asked to stop.
3. Posting a private e-mail you've received to the entire list.
4. Forwarding things to the list from other individuals or lists without permission from said individuals or lists.
5. Spamming the list with ads, chain letters or other forms of nuisance.
6. Distributing anything posted on this list without the express permission of the poster.

If you commit any of the above offenses you will first be given a warning. If you repeat the offense you will be placed on moderated status. Three times and you will be unsubscribed.

Q: You suck. How do I get the hell outta here?
A: If you want to unsub, please go to YahooGroups.com, log in, go to your Groups and unsub from RATales. It's a very simple process. Please do not send messages to the group moderator or the list asking to be unsubbed. That's your responsibility.

The RATales Mods

RATales Archive