RATales Archive

The Deprived's Revenge

by Amber M. Howard

Title: The Deprived's Revenge
Author: Amber M. Howard
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Krycek/other. Slash.
Summary: Where the fuck has Krycek been? Literally.

Caught you in Tahiti, didn't I you little rat bastard?

Make you pay for screwing me over.

Krycek, sporting two black eyes, a broken nose, and 47 black n' blue marks, wiggled in his bonds and let out a froggy croak. His eyes glowed with hate.

Murdering shit.

And to think I loved you once.

And now the only thing I love is beating you to a bloody pulp.

I hate you.

I hate how you made me feel.

I hate how you caused the death of someone very close to me. The man who would have stood by me How different would the future have been?

You screwed me over.

Krycek stared above at the man above him disrobed.

This....is for my brainwashed SON!

And the smell of smoke hung in the air.

Krycek screamed.
