RATales Archive

Broken Promises, Hockey Teams, Hell And Krycek Too

by Amber M. Howard

For Jasmin

Room 4 of the Newark, NJ Motel 6 stood alone, a tiny square monument to budget inns everywhere, a shining cheap oasis in the smoldering wreckage. After all, a Motel 6 can only take so much. First a sewer monster using it as his own personal buffet, then the Anaheim Mighty Ducks team bus crashing into it. The bus driver simply should have kept his mind on driving not fidding with the tiny needle on the inside of his wedding ring. <A virtual card to whoever remembers what episode that was from without visiting the XF timeline or Tiny Dancer's>

Inside Room 4, Krycek stared in horror at Sunny. "You want me to do WHAT??!?"

"Well," she sighed, "I simply don't have any more XF characters for you to screw. They've all been killed off and went to heaven, where you are banned from."


"He was going through Mulder's files and slipped on an empty bag of David sunflower seeds. Fractured his skull. They let him in because he could play the lute and looked real strapping in that little white toga..."

"Marita?" He whimpered, getting really desperate.

"They figured she atoned for it in the lab. Spends all her time on a cloud looking into a mirror."

"I bet Mr. X isn't in heaven."

"Got in on a martyr technicality. So to hell with you, honey. And bring your lube. The entire Anaheim Mighty Ducks team is waiting, and I think Satan has asked for a round himself."

Round Two, complete with smut, shall be forthcoming.