RATales Archive

Born To Darkness

by Anne Phoenix

Born to Darkness, again a rather strange fic.... You need to like it to understand it *wink*

Author: Anne Phoenix (AnnePhoenix@yahoo.com)
Title: Born to Darkness
Spoilers: none
Classification: sort of crossover, sort of vignette
Summary: a confusing piece about Alex's first night and nightmare as a... well you'll see!
Archiving: SPAK
Disclaimer: characters belong to higher authorities than myself ... they have more money too...

Mulder stared down at the sleeping figure. As though sensing his presence, Alex shifted slightly, moving his mouth in a deep-sleep mumble. The FBI agent couldn't help but admire the perfect face, fine and almost white. Alex's hair was eyebrow length and tousled, he was wearing jeans and a black t-shirt...in bed!!

Mulder thought wryly that his thoughts had a mind of their own tonight, they'd take his imagination anywhere!

But he'd dreamt of this moment long enough and all of a sudden, he pounced. Alex was instantly awake as his arms were twisted behind his back, he writhed until he heard the snap of the metal cuffs, then he lay still, as yet unsure of his attacker's identity.

"You have the right to remain silent..."

Mulder?! He said nothing but didn't resist as the strong arms turned him round and pulled him up.

"What do you want, Agent Muld-"

"Anything you say can and will be used as evidence against you..."

His dark eyes flickered and Mulder wanted to hit his soft lips, draw... Blood...

He shook his head back to normal

"That means you're under arrest, asshole!"

He smiled at the irritation on the killer's face.

"Didn't think I'd ever catch you asleep. Didn't even think you did sleep!"

He smirked, making Alex scowl delightfully. He admired the man, strong build yet lean and even slightly too slim, yet not lanky. Full of contradictions as always.

"Let me go, you get nothing by bringing me in!"

Mulder glared at this interruption before resuming his study of Alex's body. Powerful arms, flat stomach visible under the t-shirt... strong strong strong... and oh so beautiful. All round Alex, all round perfect. The man in question stirred awkwardly.


Snapping out of his reverie, Mulder got up and locked the door.

"We talk."

he ordered, taking his gun out unhurriedly.


Alex sat on his bed, cross-legged, one arm shackled to the brass railing. Security, he thought with a bitter glower.

"So how did you find me, Agent Mulder?"

he suddenly broke the tense silence. The use of his title infuriated Mulder deeply, surely they should be on a first-name basis by now? Surely they knew each other better than this! He wanted to bite himself, draw... Blood...

Instead, he let he barrel of the gun slide gently down the side of Alex's angelic face. The cold metal made the skin shiver and Alex eyed him with apprehension.

"I ask the questions today, Ratboy!"

He let the weapon rest in the tender skin where head and neck meet. The muscles there tightened in instinctive defence. Alex straightened his back and said nothing. He waited for the vanquisher to speak.

"I want to know about **him**. Tell me how you came to be with **him**"

Mulder continued after a while, then looked away as Alex's emerald green eyes emanated an expression of pure innocence and persecution.

"If you let me go...?"

The green eyes filled with pain as Mulder's free hand slapped his cheek sharply. He didn't hit him, no... this was a real slap!

How effeminate, Mulder scolded himself. All the same, he couldn't help but take pleasure in seeing Alex jerk back in surprise and pull at his restraint.

"Why should I? When I can define the rules?"

Mulder moved his hand a little and Alex's flinch made him laugh quietly. He placed his palm on the offended cheek, enjoying the stinging heat of the skin.

"So... What's **his** real name?"

Intensely burning eyes locked with his:

"I don't know."

Sure, he looked honest, but so does anyone who makes a living of lying.

"No shit."

Mulder said softly, he sounded menacing and starting moving his gun around again, drawing it this time to the base of Alex's neck. Again the skin quivered at the touch.

"What do you really want Agent Mulder?"

Less sure of himself now, yes -shaking! Alex Krycek actually sounded nervous!

"Call me Fox."

Mulder loosened his tie a little and suddenly leant forward to kiss the powerless Alex. With a yelp he jumped back; the hot lips he had dreamt of were ice cold! Yet, he had to, draw... Blood!

He needed it and this beautiful angel tied before him like a sacrifice was full of sweet copper pumping deliciously through a network of arteries and veins. He wanted, he needed, he licked his lips and leant forwards again, playing with his tongue along the protruding jugular of the petrified man, nibbling it a little before abruptly-


Alex bolted up, panting profusely; he was wet with the red sweat of fear.

"You okay?"

His lover asked, peeking out from the mass of covers next to him. Alex managed a faint nod. He felt his hand fill with warmth as it was gently taken and kissed with a tender amorous mouth.

"Sleep. I'll look after you!"

The firm voice promised and Alex sank back into the blankets, ragged breathing slowing back to the norm. Armand sighed deeply and laid a protective hand into Alex's silky hair.

This boy would be fine, so much he knew...

It was just a matter of time.
