RATales Archive

The Big Meeting

by Amber M. Howard

Here's a RATales only sequel to "The Big Ditch."

Title: The Big Meeting
Author: Amber M. Howard
Rating: R
Keywords: Krycek/Scully. Listfic.
Spoilers: None
Summary: Scully meets the rest of the girls.
Disclaimer: Krycek and Scully belong to Chris, 1013, Fox, and their gentle, educated and understanding lawyers. The RATales girls belong to themselves and to their passion for the green-eyed one. :)

After he left, she just sat there shocked, the heat flowing through her body, eight words circulating over and over in her mind:

Alex Krycek screwed me, and I liked it.

"Oh, hell." she moaned aloud. Mulder would kill her if he knew.

She heard the car engine approaching then, and her heart jumped into overdrive again. She jumped and scrambled back into her clothes. She peered outside and was shocked to see that he was back.

"Mulder's coming..." was all she could say.

"No, he's not." Krycek replied. " I told him, Dana. He's lying on the floor of a warehouse two miles from here, shocked and unconscious. You're mine now."


The rental car stopped in front of a gold building with "The Turkish Bath" painted in tiny silver letters on the door.

"Why are we here?" she asked.

"I told you, you're mine now. That means you now stay with the rest of my girls."

<His girls? From Agent Scully, FBI to Dana, harem girl in two hours. This must be a dream. Oh, please let this be a dream.>

He led her in the building by the hand and whistled. Suddenly they were surrounded by women.

"Let me introduce you."

So she met the girls: The quiet but imaginative harem mothers Rachel and Laura, the tiny but adventuresome Tyen, the active and vivacious RhymePhile, her apprentice Fox's Gal---

"Fox's Gal?" she interrupted.

"I was originally in one of the Mulder harems." she said with a smile. Scully stared at her, shook her head, and didn't say anything more.

---the glowing and caring Jasmin, the shy but opinionated Geri, the quiet Cathi, the intelligent and descriptive Mare, the gentle Campbell, the other new girl, Kristen, and the shameless Sunny, who all shared an undisguised look of lust as they gazed at their master.

"Take care of her, girls. I have errands to run. And when I return, you'll have tonight's play roster done, right?"

"Don't worry about anything, Alex." said Laura, whose organizational skills were revered among List women.

Then they carried off the two new girls and dumped them in the huge Turkish-style bath for a long scrubbing.


Welcome to the list, Kristen!

The Shameless Sunny

If I missed anyone, I apologize....