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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

UFO Challenge Fic


FANDOM: Harry Potter
PAIRING: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy
DISCLAIMER: Draco Malfoy is the property of J.K. Rowl...
DRACO: Hey! I'm *nobody's* property! Do I make myself clear? I'm a Wizard! I don't belong to....
DISCLAIMER (TAKE 2): Draco Malfoy originally appears in the Harry Potter series created by J.K. Rowling.
DRACO: That's better.
SUMMARY: In this fic, Draco, who has just celebrated his 21st birthday...
DRACO: Why don't I like where this is going...?
SUMMARY (RESUMED): is abducted by aliens for experimentation.

DRACO: It's going to be the Pepsi Challenge, isn't it?
ME: No.
DRACO: I was afraid of that.

Anyway... on with the fic!


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

"But why not?" Harry asked. "You do love me, don't you? And you know that I love you, Draco."

"I know," Draco noded, leaning against Harry. "I love more than you could ever know. That's why I want to wait. We've waited this long."

"I can't wait any longer," Harry breathed, pushing Draco down to the soft grass and working off his shirt. He began to undo Draco's pants, but was quickly shoved off by the pale wizard. "Besides. It's not as if this were your first time."

"I said *no*, Potter," Draco glared. "I can't believe this! When I got away from my father, I thought the manipulation and cruelty were over. I joined you because I thought I found someone who truly cared for me. No. You're just like everyone else I've dated. You act like you care. But all you want is my body. Well, I *didn't* give it to them, and I am *not* giving it to you, either. Oh, by the way. Thank you for the worst birthday of my life!"

Draco stood up and mounted his broom, brushed a tear from his face, and flew off into the clouds.

Harry drew a small box from his pocket. "Draco! Wait!" he called, flying up into the clouds after the other wizard. There was no sign of the other boy anywhere.

~He must have apparated back to Hogwarts," he decided. "I doubt he'll accept this from me, now." he let the ring fall through the clouds, not caring where it landed, and flew back to the castle. He had an apology to make.


Draco Malfoy carefully studied the room around him as his currently paralyzed form spun, slowly, like a car in a showroom. His broom was being fussed over by spindly hand creatures, who seemed to be confused by it. The aliens were grey in color, and each seemed to consist of two beings, male and female joined at the hips. Draco wondered if the male was perpetually inside of the female. From the knee down, they shared a single pair of legs.

"Siiiii yak! Sii yak," they waved the broom at him, in a demanding tone.

"I don't understand your language," Draco told him.

One of them seemed to consider this for a moment. Then, the creature spoke. "They wish to know where the motor is."

"It doesn't have a motor," Draco explained. "It is a broom. It flies by what we call magic."

"Magic..." the alien took a moment to parse this information, then passed it on to its colleagues. They seemed to get excited about this concept.

"Tiyira! Tiyira!" They insisted.

"We must perform the test," the alien who'd been speaking with Draco decided, carefully pulling down Draco's pants. He slid a long, slender, metal probe toward Draco's opening. Just as he started to push it in, it crumpled to dust, the silvery powder sparkling as it fell, vanishing just short of the floor.

"Nothing goes into me unless I wish it to," Draco told him.

"Tiyira," the alien backed away, humbly handing Draco his clothes and releasing him from the paralysis.

"I don't understand," Draco said, as he pulled on his clothes, glad they weren't going to force whatever issue had them probing around his backside.

The aliens fell to their knees at Draco's feet, and would not say anything more.

"What does Tiyira mean?" he asked.

"It means Virgin," a voice from behind him said, as a door appeared in the wall. The alien standing there was, like the others, both male and female. It removed the covering from is crotch and Draco saw that the alien was indeed trapped within itself.

After letting Draco observe this for a moment, the alien closed its robes. "Now, you undersand why you are so special to us," it said. "we have never known the pleasure of clothing against our manhood. Our female genitals have never known the sweet joy of emptiness. We wish to know what it is like to sleep each night, without the constant thrust of sex. To spend each year without facing the surgeries and pains of childbearing. Tell us these things."

"Very well," Draco sat down amidst the cluster of aliens and began to speak...


"There you are!" Harry called, as Draco rounded the corner. "Look, Draco. I wanted to apologize. I was a real jerk back at that clearing. I never should have.. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to ruin your birthday."

Draco smiled. "I'm glad to hear that Harry Potter can admit his mistakes."

"Then, I am forgiven?" Harry was hopeful, but also crushed as he remembered throwing away the ring, he'd been meaning to give to Draco.

"Mr. Potter," Snape approached, looking a little irritated. "I was wondering if you might explain this ring which fell on my head while I was gathering items for class?"

Harry moved to grab it, but Snape held it up, studying it carefully.

"Sir," Harry, pleaded. "it's for Draco."

"This looks like an engagement ring," Snape observed. "Now why would a Gryffindor such as yourself be giving an engagement ring to a member of Slytherin house?"

"Because, " Harry said in a panicked tone. He took a deep breath andcomposed himself. "because I love him and I want him to marry me."

Snape tossed the ring to Harry. "I suggest you be more careful about where you drop your engagement rings next time. Had you not been planning to give this to my favorite student, I might not have returned it."

Harry placed the ring on Draco's finger, then kissed him, soflty. He didn't care about the whispers of the passers-by, nor did he seem to notice the soft, faraway humming sound which faded into the distance.

"Where did you go earlier?" he asked as he and Draco walked to class, arm-in-arm.

"You'd never believe me."



This orphaned work was originally on Pejas WWOMB posted by author Laguna.
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