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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import



Pairing: Nick/Warrick ER, Gil/Greg preslash
Rating: FRT
Category: Drama
Status: Completed November 18, 2004
Archive: Yes to WWOMB/Peja. All others please ask
Feedback: Yes, please. All constructive criticism will be graciously accepted
Disclaimers: CSI and its characters belong to Anthony Zuiker and CBS broadcasting company. The author makes no profit and no infringement is intended.
Authors Notes: This story was inspired by and is set in the Vampire universe created by BJ Jones. Her stories, Kiss Of Death, Bonding and Transitions can be found at Makebelieve under BJ Jones and at under the name Lexi Jones. You really should read them first. One so you understand what's going on and Two because they are wonderfully fantastic stories.
This story takes place after BJ's story, Transitions.
Oh, and it would help if you were a little familiar with the Highlander fandom.
Summary: Gil thinks about secrets revealed and still concealed.
Warnings: character death. Sort of. (Come on folks, this is a Vampire Universe story.)

Work Text:

by Tayla


He was thinking about all that had been revealed that day. It had been a lot to take in. Sara still didn't believe it. He had slipped away while Nick and Greg were trying to explain it to her. Sometimes that girl was just too contrary for her own good. He didn't know anyone that could have witnessed what they all had this morning and not believe in vampires.

He knew that Nick and Warrick had expected that he would be the hard one to convince. But he found that, under the circumstances, it was not so difficult to believe.

He supposed that Nick would be upset with him. The change in the man's demeanor had been astonishing. From a mild mannered investigator that had always seemed to be seeking his approval, he had transformed into a warrior, a vampire clan chief that seemed to expect obedience. Nick had decided that they were all going to New Orleans, and that was that. There had been no objections, no discussion. Grissom had been too independent for too long to meekly start taking orders from someone else with no consideration. So he had slipped out. He figured he would go to his place and pack a bag. Just in case he decided that he would follow Nick. He really just needed a few moments alone to think.

He was thinking about secrets.

You never really know people. You never know what secrets they might be keeping.

It had been a lot to take in. Nick and Warrick were vampires. And lovers. Nick was almost sixteen hundred years old, and Warrick was almost three hundred. They had been lovers for almost three hundred years.

And Gil hadn't noticed a thing.

He didn't feel too bad that he hadn't known they were vampires. The two men had had plenty of practice at hiding what they were. And it's not something that would occur to a person. You don't sit across the lunch table from one of you co workers and say to yourself, "Gee, I wonder if Nick is a vampire."

But not knowing that they were lovers, that bothered him. He should have been able to pick up on that. He had been observing people for a long time. Longer than anyone would suspect.

And then there was young Greg. apparently, Greg's family had been associated with Nick's clan for generations. Greg had probably known Nick and Warrick his entire life. He had kept their secrets for them.

Greg also had a secret of his own. That one hadn't been difficult to figure out. And the young man's actions today had only confirmed Grissom's suspicions. Grissom had suspected before today that Greg was attracted to him. Possibly had a crush on him. But his actions today had proved to Gil that Greg's feelings were quite a bit more involved than just a crush.

Greg had gotten between Gil and a lunatic bearing a sword. You don't do that for someone unless you love them.

Grissom smiled to himself. Thoughts of the young lab tech usually made him smile. He had always been attracted to Greg, but he was never willing to risk his position by starting anything with the young man. Now that he knew that Greg retunred his feelings, and they were probably all going to be fired anyway, he might just do something about it.

Of course, that would also entail Grissom reavealing his own secrets. He probably should have said something already, when Nick and Warrick had revealed themselves.

As he pulled into his own driveway, he decided that he would tell them. He would pack a bag and then go back to Nicks apartment and tell them his own secret. And he would do something about Greg, too. Hopefully something involving a bed.

He got out of his SUV and went to open his front door, his mind still on all that he had learned that day and what he was going to do about it. As soon as he entered his home, he really really wished that he hadn't left Nick's apartment all by himself. He hoped that they would realize he had left and come after him.

There were two Vampires waiting for him in his entry hall. He assumed they were vampires. One of them was an inch or two taller than him, and appeared to be in his mid thirties. The other was shorter and slighter, and couldn't have been more than 15 when he was turned. Of course Grissom had no way of telling how old they really were.

The larger one took hold of the front of his shirt and casually threw him across the room. He felt ribs break as he landed on his dining room table with a thud. But he thanked his lucky stars that the vampire had thrown him in this direction, instead of further into the kitchen. Or finishing him at the front door.

As he rolled off the far side of the table and onto the floor, he caught a glimpse of the older vampire lazily leaning against the door. "Go finish off that Sylum bitch, so we can get out of here."

He heard the younger one reply, "I'm getting hungry. Can I feed on him first?"

"You can drain him dry for all I care. Just get it done."

The young one chuckled evilly as he moved around the table stalking his prey.

He laugh broke off in a surprised gasp as Grissom, on his knees on the floor, ran him through the gut with the broadsword he had taken from it's place of concealment under the table. Grissom quickly got to his feet. He yanked the blade out of the vampires belly, and quickly brought it up and across, severing the head, leaving a pile of dust on the floor.

He turned to find the larger vampire advancing on him, blade held low. He had no illusions that the second battle would be as easy as the first. He would be very lucky to survive the next few minutes with his head attached.

The vampire hissed began to swing at him wildly, driving him back across room. Grissom desperately tried to parry the vampire's strong blows, but he was out of practice, and he was no match for the other's enhanced strength.

He did have the small advantage of knowing the layout of the house, so he was able to avoid being pinned up against the kitchen counter, and butchered. He slipped away from his opponent, trying to put the dining room table between them. The vampire simply swung a vast two handed blow that split the table down the middle. Before Grissom could dodge again, the vampire had him pinned up against his bookcase.

Even as he heard the squealing of tires and the slamming of car doors from outside, the vampire knocked his broadsword out of his hands, and ran him through.

Grissom fell to his knees. He tried to keep a hold of the enemy's blade, so he could not withdraw it and take his head. The vampire lashed out with his foot practically kicking Grissom off his blade. Then he raised the weapon for the killing blow.

The blow never fell. Nick was there, easily sweeping the Vampires head from his shoulders.

And then Greg was there too, cradling Grissom to his chest, easing the older man to the floor.

Nick dropped his sword and knelt beside the distraught young man.

" him."

Nick laid a hand on Grissom's neck, feeling his pulse. It was very weak. "Grissom. Griss, look at me."

Gil roused himself to look up into the dark eyes.

"Grissom, you're dying."

"No kidding." He tried to laugh, but it came out as a gurgle, and Greg began to cry.

"Grissom I can save you. I can turn you, but I need your permission."

Grissom shook his head, and a whispered "No" passed his blood flecked lips.

"Gil, please." Greg begged him.

Grissom turned his attention to Greg who was weeping openly. "Let him turn you. Don't leave me."

Gil reached up a shaky hand and stroked the young man's cheek, as again he said no. With the last of his breath he whispered, "It's going to be all right Greg. You'll see..."

And his heart stopped beating.

Greg laid Grissom flat on the floor and knelt over him, beginning CPR. He breathed into the older man's mouth a few times. "Help me." He snapped at Nick, as he shifted positions and began chest compressions.

"Greg, stop."

"It's not too late." The young man said, as he continued pounding on Grissom's chest. "We can revive him, and then you can turn him."

"He said no."

"I don't care." Greg cried. "Warrick didn't give you permission and you turned him."

"That was different. Warrick's my mate."

"And Grissom is mine. Please Nick, save him for me."

The Vampire pulled his distraught young friend off his would-be lover's body. He held him tightly as Greg began to struggle, trying to get back to Grissom. Abruptly, the fight went out of him and he slumped in Nick's arms, crying into the vampire's shoulder.

"I never even told him..."

"He knew, Greg. I'm sure he knew."

"Then why didn't he want to stay? Why wouldn't he let you turn him?"

"I can't answer that. But I do know you'll be together again. Things like this go in cycles. You will live another life with him."

"But who knows how long I'll have to wait?"

Both men started as Grissom took in a deep gasping breath and sat up. They looked on in dazed confusion as Grissom lifted his shirt, checking his wound and finding only a faint pink scar. He gingerly rubbed the tender spot. "Damn, I hate getting stabbed in the liver. It always hurts for at least a week."

Greg continued to stare at the previously dead man. Then he turned and punched Nick on the arm. "Why didn't you tell me he was already turned?"

"He's not." Nick protested. "He's not a vampire. I can hear his heart beating.

"Yes." Gil grinned up at the two men. "Heart beating, blood pumping, lungs breathing. Although that part is a little painful, as I still have some broken ribs."

And as Nick and Greg continued to stare at him in astonishment, he said "What, you thought Vampires were the only Immortals around?"


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