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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Voltron Knights


Fandom: Mystic Knights of Tir na nog/ Voltron
Pairing: mild Keith/Lance, and if you don't blink Angus/Rohan in Introduction.
Rating: FRC
Summary: Voltron plays Mystic Knights. A druid apprentice starts a journey to find a warrior who will save his land.
Warnings: Slash, meaning m/m relationships. Mild language, mutilation of not one but two fandoms (I'm now into multi-tasking. ^.^)
Archive: Yes
Feedback: Yes
Spoilers: First two episodes of Mystic Knights of Tir na Nog.
Disclaimer: I don't own Mystic Knights or Voltron. They are the property of Saban Entertainment and WEP respectively. There is also a guest appearance from an Alien owned by Twentieth Century Fox. 'Neverending Song' isn't mine and because of my bad memory and the fact that Mystic Knights has been off the air for so long, I got references from 'The Legend of the Ancient Scroll' by Michael Teitelbaum.

Chapter 1: *Introduction* (aka: tacky dialogue and fun with smilies)

Chapter Text

Voltron Knights
by scalin55


Rohan = Keith
Angus = Lance
Aideen = Pidge
King Fin Varra = Hunk
Deirdre = Allura
Ivar = Sven
Cathbad = Coran
King Conchobar = King Alfor
Torc = Lotor
Queen Maeve = Haggar
Mider = King Zarcon


*Introduction* (aka: tacky dialogue and fun with smilies)


Pidge: "Oh look, the roles have been posted."

Allura: "Ooh, what role do I have?"

Hunk: "Deirdre, whoever that is. Hey I get to be a King."

Lance: "Does anybody know who these people are? I mean I've never heard of the Mystic Knights, and now we have to play them. Where's my motivation?"

Sven: "The Mystic Knights of Tir na Nog was a show on Fox that only lasted for a season. The author of this fanfic liked it, so they decided to blend it with another of their favourite shows. That should be obvious. As for your motivation, well we don't get paid and really have no choice but to do this, so who cares."

Pidge: "Wait a minute. Isn't Aideen a fairy and a girl?!"

Lance: "Well you are the smallest here, and there are more girl roles than girls."

Pidge: "I don't care. I am NOT a GIRL!! And all because I'm small doesn't mean I should be type-casted as a little person. It's insulting."

Aideen: "How do you think I feel?"

Pidge: "AHHHH!! A talking butterfly!"

Hunk: "You really need to lay off the caffeine little buddy. If it makes you feel any better, I'm a fairy also. The KING of fairies."

Lance: "Someone likes their role. I wonder who Angus is and why I got his role?"

Keith: "Probably because you have so many things in common. He doesn't listen to authority either and jumps head first into most things."

Lance: "Hey!"

Sven: "Where have you been? I wasn't sure you were even going to be in this part of the fic."

Keith: "I was looking up the Mystic Knights on the Web to get some background. Kind of disappointing that I was the only one there from our side, besides Coran. All three of the bad guys were there."

Voltron Force except Keith: " : p "

Keith: "Oh that was real mature."

Voltron Force except Keith: " ^__^ "

Allura: "Since we knew you would look up the background on the show, we decided there wasn't any reason for all of us to go to the computer room and crowd the place. We know you'll share with us, won't you Keithie." ~ - ~ ( bat, bat)

Keith: " - __ - "

Voltron Force except Keith: " Please Keithie......" " ~ - ~ ( bat, bat )"

Keith: "O o O" "Eeep!!! Okay, okay. Just don't ever bat your eyelashes at me again." (shiver)

Voltron Force except Keith: " YES "

Lance: "Wait a minute. Does that include me?" (pout)

Keith: "Err..Anyway, going down the role list seems the easiest. Rohan is Cathbad's apprentice and the future leader of the Mystic Knights. He is an orphan and best friends with Angus. Angus is also an orphan and a thief. Aideen is a fairy who helps them on their journey, and who later becomes their friend. King Fin Varra is the king of the fairies who helps them become the Mystic Knights. Deirdre is the princess of Kells and King Conchobar's daughter. Ivar is a prince from a foreign land.
(Deep Breath)
Cathbad is King Conchobar advisor and a druid. King Conchobar is the king of Kells. Queen Maeve is the evil queen of Temra who wants to rule Kells as well. Mider is the evil fairy helping her, with hopes of ruling Tir na Nog and Torc is the traitor who joined Maeve and is now leader of her army."

Voltron Force except Keith and now including Lotor: "ZZZZZZZ...."

Keith: "-_____- " " Sigh , Why do I bother? WAKE UP! "

Voltron Force except Keith and now including Lotor: "OoO" " We're up, We're up!"

Keith: " Good, and know I'm not repeating myself so if you missed your character's sum-up, then too bad."

Sven: "Lotor? What are you doing here?"

Lotor: "Yawn. I finished checking out my character's background and didn't see any reason to stay in the computer room. Besides, my father's bragging about being more powerful than Haggar, and I did NOT want to be there when she lost her temper."

Pidge: "Your father does know that it's only a role and that right now Haggar is the one with powerful magic , right?"

Suddenly there is a bright flash of light from the computer room and a loud crashing sound.

Zarcon: "AHHHHH!"

Lotor: "Apparently not."

Keith: "Aren't you a little upset about not being royalty, or having any magic."

Lotor: "Hardly. Out of the bad guys Torc is the best one to be. I feel like there is a connection between us. Not to mention all the walking I'd have to do if I were one of the Mystic Knights."

Lance: "What do you mean?"

Lotor: "The only transportation is by horse or foot, and there are only a few times when the Mystic Knights are shown riding a horse during the whole season. That leaves them, meaning _you_ , on foot most of the time. Torc on the other hand is usually astride a horse."

Lance: "Damn, I knew I wasn't going to like this."

Keith: "Stop complaining. If you actually came running with me in the morning ,or exercised on your own without me forcing you, then this wouldn't even bother you."

Lance: "Well excuse me for having a life outside of Voltron. Not everyone can give themselves to one thing twenty-four/seven like you do. I happen to find that there are more things to life than work."

Keith: "Work?!! Do you even know what that word means?"

Sven: "Enough. We have more things to do now then argue, especially over something so foolish."

Allura, Pidge, Hunk, and Lotor: "Aww... But it was just getting interesting."

Sven: (glares)

Allura, Pidge, Hunk, and Lotor: "Eeep! Alright, alright, we're going.. Sheesh."

Sven, Keith, and Lance follow them to the dressing rooms. Once they are gone two figures emerge from the shadows.

Angus: "I hope that they don't actually think those losers are anything like us. We have much more class."

Rohan: "You don't even know them. You should give them a chance."

Angus: " Sigh. Alright if you say so. I suppose that they're not that bad looking. (mischievous grin) Not as good-looking as you though."

Rohan: " *^.^* " ( blush )

Aideen: " Stop flirting with him! He's mine!"

Rohan: " *O.O* " ( major blush )

Angus: "Not likely Tinkerbell. He'd risk the chance of swallowing you every time he tried to kiss you."

Rohan: " *OoO* " ( blushing so badly he feels as if he's on fire)

Aideen: "Why you arrogant, lewd, callous little pric....."
Rohan: "Enough! Can we change the subject now?"

Angus: "Sure. How about the subject of fairy girl there almost giving away the fact that we're here."

Aideen: "Well I couldn't just sit by while that elf-wanna-be made fun of me. Him being insulted playing my part! Yeah that's real rich. As far as I am concerned I'm the one being insulted.

Rohan: "No one will ever be able to play your role as well as you do."

Aideen: "Oh, you're so sweet!"

Angus: (GAG)

Rohan: "Now let's go find Ivar and Deirdre, okay."

Aideen: "Okay!"

Angus: (grumble)