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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

The Scariest Thing Ever


Archive: Not that it deserves it, but feel free ...
Feedback: Always welcome
On another list I'm on there was a Halloween challenge to take a pairing and have one of the guys try to scare the other. Challenges and me aren't the best of friends, but I gave it a try.
Submitted through the NavyNCISslash mailing list. This list can no longer approve new members posts, please join us at NavyNCISslash2

Work Text:

The Scariest Thing Ever
by lila_Blue



"Clowns?" Kate wrinkled her nose. "Abby, we're doing 'the scariest thing ever' and you say ... 'clowns'?"

"It," put in Tony.

"It?" echoed Kate.

"Tim Curry. Steven King?" Tony offered. "That was scary. Clownhouse. Killer Klowns from Outer Space. Camp Blood."

This time Kate echoed "Camp Blood?"

"See?" Abby stabbed the air with her fork to make her point. "Clowns are scary. Those painted-on smiles? How they can all fit into those teeny cars? Seriously gives me the creeps."

Kate blinked at the skull and crossbones t-shirt and spiked collar Abby was wearing and decided to look elsewhere for an opinion. "McGee, what about you? Scariest thing ever."

McGee considered this a minute before pressing his lips together determinedly. "Gibbs," he finally said.

This time it was Tony who gaped. "Gibbs?"

"Well apart from all the existential angst, the possible meaninglessness of life, the scariest thing I can think of is ... Gibbs," conceded their youngest member.

"You could ask me, Kate," offered Tony again, stuffing the point of his fourth piece of pizza in his mouth.

"The scariest thing I can think of," replied Kate, "is to ask you what you're scared of Tony."

Tony offered a tomato-paste-streaked smirk in her direction.

Kate sighed. At least the ME was dissecting his slice with a fork and knife. "What about you, Ducky? I mean you spend your work day with dead bodies. What scares you?"

"Gerald's replacement ..." mused Ducky. "The boy..." he finally just shook his head.

"Me," Tony waved his hand at her as Ducky trailed off. "I'm the only one left."

Kate ignored him. "What about Gibbs? What do you think scares him?"

Tony put his hands behind his neck and tipped the chair on two legs. "Wife number two with a golf club?"

He realized the whole table was grinning at him at exactly the same moment that a hand put a vise-like grip on his shoulder and he hung there, precariously balanced against the press of the familiar palm.

"Hi, boss," he managed, voice only quavering slightly. "Want some pizza?"

The offered half-eaten piece was removed from his hand then returned a Gibbs-sized bite short.

"Anchovies, DiNozzo?"

The chair swayed ever so slightly on the edge of it legs.

"You said you had a meeting with the Director," protested Tony.

"Got done."

"Kate's got ham and pineapple."

Tony's arms pinwheeled as the hand unceremoniously released and the chair clattered back on all fours.

Kate returned the smirk, handing over her chair. "Got to get back to work anyway. McGee?"

Giving even a now seated-and-happily-chewing Gibbs a wide berth, McGee took Kate's lead. "Me too, boss."

"I need to return to work as well," admitted Ducky. "I don't want to leave ... Jimmy down there too long alone. Last time he rearranged the instrument tray so it was in reverse alphabetical order. Although it was only an assumption on my part that he knew it was reversed."

"Same with me, bossman." Abby grabbed a last slice for the road. "Got a gas chrom running."

Which left Tony, alone, studying the object of their 'scary' speculation. He took another bite out of his anchovy-laden triangle of sauce and dough.

"So what does scare you, Gibbs?"

Gibbs frowned as Tony grinned a tomato-laced toothy smile. He looked down at his lap.

"At the moment? That I let those teeth anywhere near..."

