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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Father's Day With William


Is Jim going to have to out himself to his Father on Father’s Day? One would hope not. But then again, I wrote it.

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Father's Day with William



William was so looking forward to spending this coming Sunday with Jimmy. He hadn't spent Father's Day with him in years. Steven was coming, too. Sally had planned a wonderful meal.

When the boys came, William couldn't help notice how quiet Jimmy was. More quiet than usual. "Jimmy, is there anything wrong?"


"No, Dad, everything's fine."


"Steven, feel your brother's forehead and see if he has a fever." William ordered.

"Dad, I'm fine. I don't have a fever."

"So tell us what's wrong." Steven said.

"Now you're in on this?" Jim sighed and tried to ignore them.

Sally called them to the table for dinner. Things went downhill from there. William watched as Jimmy scooted his food all over his plate but never took a bite of anything. Something was going on. William got up and went into the kitchen and called that nice Mr. Sandburg.

When William came out he seemed calmer and Jim felt like he might leave him alone now.

"Dinner is really good, Sally." Jim said quietly.

"You haven't eaten one bite, Jim." Steven seemed pissed off. "Sally did this to be nice and you're being an asshole."

"Steven, leave him alone. I don't think he's feeling well." William helped Jim up, as if he needed help. What was dumb is Jim was letting him.

"Dad, I'm really okay. I've got some things on my mind."

"Sit down in the recliner where it's more comfortable." William pushed Jim into the chair and leaned him back.

"Thanks, Dad. Now could you and Steven come in here?"

"Steven, your brother wants to speak to us." William sat down close to Jim and Steven sat on the sofa.

"I have some bad news. You won't want to see me anymore. I'll accept that, but I have to tell you." Jim was so anxious he was ready to throw up.

William took his hand and said, "Calm down, Jimmy. We're here for you."

"Not for long you won't be." Jim said sadly.

"Oh get a grip, bro. Tell us so we can go back and eat." Steven spat out.

"Fuck you, Steven." Jim jumped out of the chair and went into the bathroom. William could hear him vomiting and it worried him even more.

"I told you he was sick." William smacked Steven on the back of the head.

"Well, that's just great. He gets to sit in your chair and I get a smack on the head." Steven sat at the table and started eating again.

Jim walked out of the bathroom and even Steven had to admit that he looked really bad. "Jimmy, come and sit at the table with us."

"Steven, I'll just sit in the living room until you're done. Then I'd like to still talk to both of you." Jim went and laid on the sofa.

Ten minutes later William and Steven joined him. Steven pushed Jim's legs up and sat under them. Steven began rubbing Jim's shins to relax him.

"Jimmy, now tell us the news." William said it sternly.


"Dad, Steven, I don't know how to break this to you any other way. I'm gay. I'm sorry."

Steven threw Jim's legs off of his and said, "Did you get Dad a card that said, Happy Father's Day Dad. I'm gay?"


"Dad, I'm really sorry." Jim was sitting now and had his face in his hands.

"Jimmy, I think you could see someone to help you through this phase. Oh god, is it that Mr. Sandburg?" William had called him to come over.

"Yes, it's that nice Mr. Sandburg. Dad, he's wonderful. He loves me like no one else has. Please don't hate him."

"Jimmy, I blame you. He's young and you've gone and corrupted him. How dare you? And what was wrong with you all day today? Do you have Aids?"

"I didn't corrupt anyone. I was sick because I was worried about telling you. And no, we don't have Aids." Jim still hadn't lifted his head up.

"Jim, why would you do it today?" Steven asked honestly.

"Because he hasn't got a dad. I wanted to stay home with him, but he wouldn't hear of it. This whole thing was his idea, Dad. He would love to have known his Dad for one day. So I decided I was going to tell the two of you because you think he's nobody. And believe me, he's somebody. I love him with all of my heart. He's so precious and kind, it makes my heart hurt sometimes."

"Jesus, Jim, you do sound gay." Steven said almost in jest.

"Told ya." Jim said teasing him back.

"Well, you two might be able to get over this easily, but I can't. Jimmy, I'm sorry." William walked into the kitchen.

"Steven, it was nice seeing you again. Sorry about the dramatics. Come by and see us sometime." Jim got up and walked to the front door with a broken heart.

Blair was standing there when he opened up the door. "Babe, what's wrong?" Blair asked.

"I told my family about us and it didn't go well. My dad said that I corrupted you." Jim leaned down for a kiss.

"Hang on, tough guy; I want to say something to him." Blair walked into William's home.

He stormed into the kitchen and glared at William. "Mr. Sandburg, I want you to leave." William said threateningly.

"Not until I've had my say. He loves you. Why I don't know. You've always treated him like a freak. So now he is a freak. He's your poor gay son. Well guess what? At least he's alive. At least he loves you. At least he loves Steven. At least he loves, period. He's one of the best men I've ever met in my life, so I figure you had to have done something right. Why can't you love him just a little bit? This is Father's Day. I'll leave, but please spend it with your son. He's worth it. You must know that down deep." Blair had tears rolling down his face by this time.

William said, "So did you bring a Father's Day Card?"

Eyeing him causiously, he answered. "I did. Jim forgot it at the house."

"Does it say, Happy Father's Day, I'm gay?" William asked.

"No, it says Happy Fathers Day, I love you." Blair reached into his backpack and gave him the card.

William read the card and said, "Jimmy, come here."

im walked over and just stood in front of him. William put his arms around him and said, "I love you, too. I always have. I just have a hard time showing it."

"Thanks, Dad." Jim kissed him on the cheek.

They all talked for a short time and then Jim and Blair left. When they got in the truck Blair turned to Jim and said, "What the fuck were you thinking? Coming out on Fathers Day? Did you lose every bit of sense you had?"

"Well, Steven bought him this really cool present and mine didn't seem as good. So I decided to share something instead." Jim smiled over at Blair.

"I'm going to kick your ass when we get home."

"Chief, I want to tell our friends. I've been having trouble with my stomach. I want to let them all know."

"Okay, we'll tell them on Poker night. I love you, big man."

"And I love you, Chief."

"So this is how you spend Fathers Day with William, eh?" Blair laughed and pulled Jim into a kiss.

"My dad's watching from the window."

"Should we give him more of a present?"

"Very funny." Jim started the truck and they were off.


End Fathers Day with William