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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Secrets Undone


--Crossover with Harry Potter--
Jack has a secret past, and it puts his team in danger when they find out.

Feedback is always appreciated :-)

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Chapter Text


An owl screeched from the treetops above them as they ran through the cold night. His heart was racing as he pushed himself forward. It was already too late; in his heart he was sure of it. There was no way he could stop what had happened, and no one had been willing to believe him when he tried to warn them. Silently he cursed them all, if only they had listened. None of this would have happened. Lily and James would still be alive, and their son wouldn't be in danger.

Another screech and he look over at his companion as they made it to the edge of the small village. It was almost midnight and every witch and wizard in the country would be looking for them by now. He was certain that it was only a matter of time before they caught up with them. Splitting up was their only option now. Slowing to a stop both men rested themselves against a tree stump and tried to catch their breath. It was only then that he noticed the burning sensation on his skin, and he carefully lifted his robe away and looked at the glowing mark on his forearm. The dark mark was still burning fiercely, but some of the pain was beginning to fade. Shaking himself back to reality he turned to his companion.

"Sirius we have no choice. They'll be looking for both of us. We have to get as far away from here as possible." Sirius Black looked up from his seat on the tree stump and furiously shook his head at the man beside him.

"No Jack! I won't leave until Peter is dead."

"Peter can wait. Every witch and wizard in this part of world will be looking for you. They think you're responsible. Albus and the others will find you if you go back. No one but us knows that Peter betrayed them." Jack rested his left hand on Sirius' shoulder and the other man sighed.

"I can't just let this go. He has to pay for what he's done. James and Lily are dead because of him! He has to pay for it."

There were tears forming in both men's eyes, and Jack nodded. "I know, and he will, but now isn't the time. First we have to get you safe and then we'll come back for that sniveling little rat. I promise you. He'll pay for what he's done. I swear it."

Sirius shook his head as the tears began to fall. "How could we let this happen? It's all my fault. If I had just stayed their secret keeper, none of this would have happened. They'd still be alive, and Harry would be safe. It shouldn't have happened this way. They should have lived."

Jack pulled the other man into his arms as he wept. The pain was great for both of them, and Jack knew how deeply this had affected Sirius. He felt for the man in his arms, but he also knew that if they didn't start moving again, they'd never outrun those that were hunting them.

"Don't blame yourself, Padfoot. You did what you thought was best. James knew that or he and Lily would never have agreed to it. We had no way of knowing that Peter was working with Voldemort."

At the mention of the name, Sirius cringed and grit his teeth in pure anger. "At least one good thing did come of all this...Voldemort is gone."

"Hopefully for good, but if we don't get moving we'll soon be caught."

Sirius sighed and shook his head in agreement. "You're right. We'll have to split up. I have friends in Paris. If I can make it there, I'll be safe. Where will you go?"

"Don't worry about me. I'll probably head back to the States. It's the safest place for a wizard like me. Anyway, no one will look for me there. Once you get to Paris, you should make your way there too. I know plenty of places you can hide."

Sirius smiled and nodded. "I'll think about it. I just hope Harry will be alright."

"He will be. Albus will make sure of it. I get the feeling that man knows something the rest of us don't about that child."

"You may be right." Sirius paused and lowered his trying to find the words to tell his friend goodbye. "I can't thank you enough for helping me."

"Don't mention it. You and James were my friends. Two of the only friends I've had here."

"We should have listened to you. No one believed you when you warned us all those years ago. No one believed you had the gift."

Jack laughed softly. "I didn't believe I had the gift, but that's all in the past. We have to move on. It's time to start over. Hopefully we'll all be able to."

"I pray you're right, my friend."

With that both men parted ways and headed into the night. It was the last night they would see one another for many years.


With a jolt Jack O'Neill launched himself out of bed and tussled with the sheets as he hit the floor. It took a moment to gather himself and realize where he was. Once he did, he looked around the room, and his eyes settled on the window on the far right of the room. Tapping at the glass he could see the small frame of a spotted owl. In its beak was an envelope and Jack slowly stood up and walked towards the window. Before opening the window he checked to see if anyone was watching outside and then quickly opened the window to let the creature inside.

"What have you got there, fella?" Cautiously, he ran his hand over the owl's back feathers and plucked the envelope from its beak.

The playful creature nipped at his fingers and Jack let it climb on his arm and he walked with it down the steps to the kitchen. He placed the envelope on the counter and reached into the cabinet for a bowl. He left a bowl of water and some cereal for the owl to eat and curiously went back to find out what was in the envelope.


I hope this letter finds you well. If you haven't heard, the boy is about to begin his second term at Hogwarts. I had truly hoped that he would not be as insufferable as his father was. But I was wrong; I fear that he may actually be worse. He and the Weasley boy are quite the pair. If last year is any indication, we may yet have to close the school down for their tomfoolery. Nevertheless, I wish you well in whatever you may be up to. Knowing you it is probably something our Slytherin brethren will be proud of. You always were the one that everyone looked up to, even Lucius. Well, I must be off. Must ready my lessons for the coming term. Take care, my brother.


It had been months since he last heard from anyone in the wizard in world, but he was surprised that Severus was able to find him. In addition to being the best he'd ever seen at potion making, he also been a smash at finding anything that others couldn't.

Smiling he quickly reached for a pen and small piece of parchment he kept in a drawer by the counter and began to scribble a reply. Once he was finished he carefully placed it in the owl's beak and set the bird into the night sky.

A few hours later he was seated on his couch as memories of his past began to flood through him. A sense of regret and longing passed over him, and a tear rolled down his cheek. He'd given up everything he had, and lost so much more, and in the end he'd gained a knowledge he could hardly imagine. Part of him wasn't sure if any of it was really worth, but a bigger part of him knew it was for things he'd seen and learned. He only wished that those he cared about could know the truth one day.

The next morning came quickly and Jack was hard pressed to make it to the mountain on time. He'd barely gotten to the gate when the airman there told him that General Hammond about to send a search party out looking for him. With a groan he thanked the soldier for the warning and did his best to slip into the base unnoticed. Unfortunately, that wasn't to be the case. Before he reached his office, the General caught him on the elevator.

"Where have you been, Colonel? You were supposed to be here for a meeting with Selmak and members of the Tok'ra high council over an hour ago."

"I'm sorry sir. My alarm clock broke and I got here as fast as I could."

"That's no excuse, son. I expect more from my second in command."

"Yes sir." O'Neill lowered his head like a school boy about to receive punishment from his principal and the General just shook his head as the elevator stopped.

"We'll talk about this later. Right now I want you in that conference room."

With a crisp salute Jack stepped out of the elevator and headed down the hall towards the conference room. When he entered the rest of his team along with five members of the Tok'ra high council were waiting for him with rather perturbed looks on their faces.

"It's good of you to join us, Jack." Selmak smirked and Jack tried hard not to roll his eyes as he eased his way towards the table and took a seat.

"Sorry about my tardiness. Rain messed up my electricity last night." The others just shook their heads curiously at him.

The meeting lasted for what seemed like hours and Jack was ready to pry his eyes out in order to keep them from closing from boredom. He listened to both Carters and Daniel go on and on about possibilities for their alliance and ways to go after the system lords, but his mind was still on the note he'd received and he was trying hard not to think of the past as listened to the others speak.

Without realizing it Jack began to mutter the words to an old spell and he watched as his pen began to roll across towards him and then slightly lift off the table. Surprised at his actions he slammed his fist down on the pen and the entire room turned to stare in his direction.

"Um, sorry. Continue." He tired to look as innocent as possible, but he was pretty sure no one in the room was buying his act.

Luckily his little distraction made the group realize they were in need of a short recess, and they adjourned for lunch. As they began to leave, Daniel reached for Jack's arm and pulled him aside.

"What's with you today, Jack?" Jack could see the concern in his friend's eyes and he sighed.

"I just have a lot on my mind. Let me get some food in me, and I'll be ready to go."

Daniel shook his head. "I really hope so, this is really important."

"I know. I know. Big bad snakes, we save the world...yadda, yadda, yadda...I got it." Rolling his eyes Jack stepped away from Daniel and walked out the door, leaving a very confused and concerned archeologist in his wake.


Back at Hogwarts, Severus Snape was sitting at his desk with quill in hand preparing his lessons for his second year potions class when a cooing sound caught his attention. He looked up and saw a familiar owl coming towards him. The creature stopped at the edge of his desk and dropped a piece of parchment there. Turning around he flapped his wings and few tail feathers flittered to the floor as he took off back to the owlery.

Curiously, the potion's master picked up the parchment and took a closer look. He smiled rather uncharacteristically as he read the contents.


It's good to hear from you. Leave it to a git like you to find me when I'm trying to hide from the rest of the world. You're right about Lucius looking up to me, but that was only because I was taller than him. That pompous windbag was too proud to give anyone credit for anything. I heard he went and married Narcissa. Those two were a match made in hell if I ever saw one. I honestly feel sorry for their son. He never had a chance. Oh well, thanks for the news. As for what I'm up to, you'd never believe me if I told you. You really should see some of the things I've seen. I have to admit I do miss the magic sometimes, but I've managed to keep myself in practice though. Hopefully the Ministry hasn't caught on. Well, I'll leave you to readying your lessons. I'm sure the boy won't give you too much trouble. Honestly, I can hardly believe anyone could be worse than James was. Here's hoping Slytherin wins the house cup this year. Take care, brother.


Carefully, he tucked the note in the pocket of his robes and shook his head. It had been years since he'd seen his friend, the man he thought of as a brother. He knew the reasons that he was in hiding and he wished desperately that there was someway he could undo the mess that had caused it all, but he knew there wasn't. Seeing the young Potter boy only served to remind of all that had been lost all those years before, and it left him with a sense of longing and disappointment. Shaking his head he looked back at the lesson plan on his desk and took his quill in hand again and slowly began the task he had started earlier.