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Dier Meester ( Beast Master )




        Justin  doesn't  mind  growing  up   after  all  . 

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  Disclaimer  -    This is  WWE fiction  .     I   only  own  my  OCs  and  nobody  else  .     I  know  nobody  and  own  nobody   from  WWE  ,  TNA  ,  ROH  , etc  written  about  in  my  stories  .  I  make   zero  profit   from  my  stories 



 One light brown hand drifted north and rearranged the jet black bangs above his oval shaped reading glasses .

He straightened , sitting in his rolling office chair and glanced out the window .

His wife had taken the children out and about , giving him a longed for rest and break from their playful noise and unending questions .

Justin rose from the swiveling black leather seat and laughed at the sight of the bright green family vehicle in his driveway .

He placed the thick book of medical photos back on the shelf between stacks of papers scribbled nearly full with notes he'd made and goofy smiley face drawings .

Smiled happily seeing his baby sister carrying her child and being embraced protectively around the shoulders by her husband , the man raised with them and had grown up being their brother .

Justin jogged to the foyer and turned the doorknob before waving cheerfully at the couple holding their sleeping tiny bundle .

' Hallo ! Both of you look great ! ' Justin shook his bru - in - law's hand rapidly and reconsidered hugging his sister so as not to upset her sleeping offspring .

' Leok always does but I have leftover stretch marks . ' Kamaria complained , walking from doorway to living area with a tired smile on her face .

The man with the longest hair , a length of below the shoulders ponytail his wife couldn't bring herself to hold scissors against , grinned with his being a provider pride .

' Belly lines are happy lines ! '

' They make me ashamed , not happy . ' Kamaria replied .

' They are nice reminders for me that you had my son and I love you for doing so . ' Leo continued , assisting her into a seat while her cheeks crimsoned visibly .

' As you can tell , the babies left a mess before their Mommy took them to town . ' Justin pointed out the clutter of toys scattered on the floor , relaxing after his sister lounged in the recliner . ' I should've cleaned ... '

' It's not a bother . ' the short statured mother commented . ' I'm used to a home decorated with toys . And somebody draws on the walls with crayons too . '

Her spouse used his tresses for a curtain to hide behind and cackle his creepy , intriguing laughter .

' Trio and another not born yet . Two little men and one lady now . Slater , McIntyre and Sky . Sky is the girl . ' he recited from memory .

' Lekker , Leok ! ' Justin exclaimed proudly . ' You're remembering much better than years ago . '

' No one's more astounding . ' Kamaria agreed , using her free hand to pat her husband's back . ' Fact , not opinion . '

' I know two better . ' Leo commented , glancing at his little family . ' You and the tiny Dad . The smallest Da Ta . '

' Tiny ... dad ? ! ' Justin questioned , perplexed as possible .

' This is Jennings Paul . ' Kamaria informed him , holding the infant closer to her brother's eyes . ' We chose to continue the Jay Paul name with a twist , of course . '

Her husband beamed giddily and leaned to whisper something under her black locks .

' ' Leok nicknamed him Shatner . ' The woman in her mid thirties added .

Her blood brother chortled . ' That's extremely suitable , very fitting . '

' Your childrens ' names are also fitting . The initials especially . ' Kamaria quipped while her big brother held his bright pink skinned nephew very carefully . ' S and M and S and ... ? '

' I really didn't mean that intentionally despite how it sounds . That lifestyle I left behind . ' Justin said and kept a grip on the baby . Infants still made his nerves walk a tightrope , anxious and terrified he'd drop one accidently . Even with his own three , holding a baby made him sweat and gave him fear he'd never had in his youth , not from falling or crashing either .

' All of it ? ' his sister lifted her dark brunette eyebrows and saw from the corner of one dirt brown hued eye , her husband now sitting with legs crossed in a past C M Punk style .

' Okay , okay . Not ALL . ' Justin gave in to the smug yet soft smile . ' Parts of those ... er , things are how my kids were conceived . '

Kamaria giggled and rescued her brother from his panic of infant carrying . ' That's not used in our lifestyle but we've done wonders from keeping those bright colored fake fur coats . '

' Yargh ! ' Justin yelped , heat rushing into his cheeks . ' Ew , don't describe your love life to me , baby sister ! '

' Pirate sounds ! ' Leo commented , his attention fully focused on his family . ' Yaaaaaaaarrrrrrrgh ! '

' Correct . ' His wife flashed another satisfied , pleasant smile before re - entering the conversation with her related sibling . ' So has there been a name picked for the new little one or ? ... "

' If it was up to me , I'd choose Nomi Malone but my Lady L won't allow it . She says as sexist as it is , she's the one giving birth so I , the man , get to name our sons and she names our daughters . ' Justin informed the couple .

' Equality . ' Leo declared and frowned when his son began crying . ' He's standing outside the buffet resturant waiting for the place to open . '

' Please excuse me gentleman , including my brother . ' Kamaria carried her child and Justin grabbed the diaper bag . ' One of your bathrooms shall wear the No Vacancy but briefly . '

' Take the time you need . ' her brother stammered while heading down the hallway , pointing out the closest room to his female sibling . ' I'll warm a bottle for you if - '

' I don't use bottles often except when my dear love offers his help overnight . ' Kamaria interrupted . ' Thank you for the thoughtful offer . '

' Oh ... I ... okay . ' Justin faltered , much more flustered now . Learning that was as disturbing as the intimacy talk earlier .

He went back to sit with his adopted brother who repeated the hand brushing of his flowing mane .

' How's the temporary zoo career ? ' Justin asked , glancing once in awhile down the hallway now that the squalling had dissipated .

' The animal friends are happier when I'm there . ' Leo answered . ' They talk to me and tell me if they're in pain or sick . I know all their favorite foods , sleeping places and dislikes . Along with allergies . '

' You've had that talent most of , maybe all of your life . ' Justin stated , squirmed nervously in his chair . ' I don't deserve to see my nephew , let alone hold him after how I've acted and treated you and my sister back years ago . '

' The past was years ago and we're not upset from it . ' Leo tilted his head , still flipping long hairs through his fingers .

' I was hateful , selfish and very immature . I used to be childishly insulting and horrible online especially with some of the things I told people . ' Justin blurted . ' But the worst in my mind , my heart , my soul even was being a jerk , bitchy , snotty and horrid to both of you . Objecting to your relationship and marriage , refusing to attend your wedding , being estranged from the two of you . I'm genuinely ashamed and truthfully apologetic . '

' You've grown up , become somewhat mature . We've all matured . ' Kamaria told her brother as she made her re - entrance into the cozy family room , cuddling her well fed small boy . ' Even the love of my life is an adult and he marks the walls weekly with crayon . '

Leo 's grin of pride never faded and he snuggled his son close until the smell made itself known to the six biggest nostrils .

' Woah ! ' Justin wheezed , laughing while his eyes watered . ' Jennings definitely competes with my kids in the potency category . '

' I should breathe in an entire air freshener ! ' His adopted brother yelped , fingers on the oversized diaper bag 's handle .

' I can - . ' his wife stood , her petite hands already in motion .

' I like to help . I WANT to . Your part is over . Sit and rest and talk with your brother . I'll return to you with a gas mask on . ' Leo kidded .

' Don't play magic tricks and disappear , okay ? ' Kamaria asked in good humor .

' He can't without pulling me out his hat first . ' Justin joined in the joking .

' No covering your face either ! ' Kamaria called to her husband when he stepped from view . ' You're too beautiful to hide . '

' I owe you for saving his life . ' Kamaria proclaimed after the whooping cackle that sounded similiar to monkeys ' chattering laughter had died down . ' If your medical studies didn't exist , my love would be locked away in a padded room and not with me , living as who he is , a wonderful , caring father and husband . '

' He's my brother and you're my baby sister . ' Justin shrugged aside the praise . ' We've always known about and understood his eccentric ... his unique personality . I have no problem defending him from people that judge and want to hurt him . You're the same way I am . '

' He was attacked , captured and held hostage . I HAD to rescue him from getting a violent lobotomy . He's done the same for me , came to my aid ' Kamaria explained , rather nonchalantly .

' You made Bray look like a pin cushion , shooting so many arrows into his body . '

' Yes and I was shocked when those odd workers of his threw him into the swamp . '

' I can't blame them . Rowan and Harper wanted a life of their own , to live normally and raise a family and he robbed them , deprived them , kept them miserable and placed in several traumatizing abusive situations . '

' The other man was the biggest surprise . Ryder ? '

' Yeah , Z Ryd . Zack . '

' ' That horrible Bray must of did something cruel to him once , to have Zack assault him and beat him bruised and knocked out with a baseball bat . '

' Must have . There's a kind hearted , friendly guy that can gloat truthfully he murdered a Wyatt . ' Justin grinned .

' I don't really believe he died . ' Kamaria said , un - nerved and her brother had no chance to confess his personal terrors now that father and son were back in the room .

' Here is the star ! Clean , burped and no longer smelly ! And myself , carrying him . ' Leo announced merrily , cradling his boy and sliding into the seat cautiously .

' Superb work as always , beautiful . ' Kamaria said thankfully . ' I'm grateful for the astounding help and you're a star too , one in denial . '

Leo shook his head and his brown curls drifted around his face . ' Not a star but you're the hero . '

Kamaria moved to squish side to side with her husband .

' We've stayed beyond our welcome and should think about going . '

' Not yet . ' Justin told his sister . ' You're always welcome . Don't rush off now , not when my lady and the pack of itty bits haven't got to spend time with either of you today . '

' I suppose we could linger another hour . ' Kamaria looked to her spouse questiongly , hope in her expression and their infant in her arms .

Leo nodded rapidly , keeping his face tilted back to not swat his son with the longer strands .

' I'd like to see the son and daughter and second son and the not born yet daughter and the Mommy of all of them . '

' I would as well . ' Kamaria had a softer laugh . ' The women can chat and compare stretch marks , if your wife even has any . I've always envied her model looks . '

' So have I . ' Justin confessed , chuckling . ' Ironically my lady is texting me right now , so excuse me a sec . '

' Excuse you ! ' Leo told his brother in law's back to them .

' Silly . ' Kamaria held the free hand and curled up closer .

' Most gorgeous woman of all . ' her spouse replied .

' My brother's wife is . '

' Not brother , only my wife . ' Leo proclaimed and was rewarded with a face smooch that made his feet thump .

' Silly . Silly rabbit . ' Kamaria beamed , cuddled affectionately while keeping her baby held to her chest .

' Runs in the family . ' Justin kidded , glancing away from his phone briefly . ' Stop making out on my furniture or I'll have to get it dry cleaned . '

' You'll not make me self conscious , adult Jay Paul . ' his sister informed him . ' We both enjoy the physical fun that people get from loving another . '

' That's how the tiny Shatner came to be . ' Leo added .

' Yeah , I've been through that four times over . ' Justin chortled , realized what he was discussing with his sibling and his ears heated .

Yelling , talking and laughter outside gave Jennings reason to blink from snoozing , his little wrinkled face eyeing his parents in puzzlement .

' It's only noise , no fear . ' Leo took his boy and sang ' Bobbejaan klim die berg

So haastig en so lasting

Bobbejaan klim die berg

So haastig en so lastig

Bobbejaan klim die berg

Om die Boere te vererg

Hooraa vir die jollie bobbejaan ' to him , making ridiculous faces in between lyrics so the mini Jay Paul would feel safe , amused and entertained .

' My lady and my four Pack . ' Justin grinned joyfully and opened the front door to an attack on his legs by six small hands grabbing his jeans .

' You can tell we've missed you , Doctor ? ' Lust asked , smiling sweetly and waddling her swollen body over for a welcoming kiss .

' Yes indeed . ' her husband answered once his mouth could move again and his eyes refocused after being crossed .

' Great because you have a lot of takeout cartons to carry . '

' Cool beans , my queen . ' Justin stated . ' In bags ? '

' Lots of bags . I went crazy with sixty dollars and loaded up on Russian take away . Plenty of meat , seafood and potatoes . Dessert too . That's what our little monsters were fighting over , who gets to help carry them inside . ' Lust said proudly .

Justin looked at the trio of light tanned faces , three clean white toothed grins , six dark brown eyes and half dozen tiny hands pulling his denim .

' I'm outnumbered . ' he snickered . ' I love it ! '

' I'll lend two helping paws of my own . ' his children ' s   Aunt ' Kammy ' offered and strolled to the car .

He and both of his families shared the celebration of the sunset meal , talkative yet peaceful .

The night's darkened , star filled sky always cleared Justin's mind and helped him think positively , no focusing on the latest grey hairs on his scalp and facial hair , no worries over his sister's mild amount of celluite , no night terrors about Bray returning to haunt them and get revenge ...

Justin whimpered when nobody heard , looked away from the thin crescent moon in a panic while his heart leapt and distracted his brain from fear as he halted Sky from climbing atop and bounding off the table , Slater from getting into the mini dessert display without permission and McIntyre doing what his namesake had been famous for - stripping down to his underwear , in this case , little white pull up drawers for the older toddler age group .

He smiled at his sister's couldn't be happier expression and her tiny son she'd finally had after having so many complications year after year to become a mother .

He laughed kindly at his brother in law's scarfing down a plateful of warm food then reciting all the Russian pro wrestlers names he remembered , including those billed from but not in their bloodline .

Finally he settled in on the outdoor room's smallest sofa , across from the other happy couple and their micro Jay Paul and watched his own offspring , his little Pack run around and play beneath stars and moonlight .

' Tamed at last . ' his wife said , smiling against one of her guy's earlobes . ' I thought you never wanted to be . '

Justin beamed back at Lust , touched her rounded stomach and felt the dance routine of his second daughter .

' No regrets . ' he admitted truthfully in the dark .