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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Monthly Second Week Celebrations


THis is a multi-fandom sseries of once a month holidays and each one will be for a different fandom.

Chapter 1: January-Almost Human

Chapter Text

January-Almost Human
Monthly Second Week Celebrations
Holiday: Letter Writing Week

Warnings: Another yearly celebrations series.
Genre: Slash
Characters: John Kennex and Dorian, also a small part with Rudy in it.
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 1701
Summary: Rudy tells Dorian something about something and Dorian can't let it go. He has to try it out for himself.

 photo Dorian1_zpsb96a3070.jpg

"So, Rudy, what do you use this nice pen for?" Dorian was looking at that pen like it was the strangest thing in the world.

"It was long before we all used computers and even before typewriters. People used to write letters to one another with a pen. Pens are hard to come by. I have an extra one if you'd like it?" Rudy asked.

"And where would I find the paper, if you gave me a pen?" Dorian wondered.

"I have a case of stationary from way back. I could share some with you. It's a lost art form, Dorian. Were you thinking about writing a letter to someone?"

"Rudy, that's exactly what I'm thinking about. I would appreciate some of the paper and a pen and then you must promise not to tell John about it."

Rudy smiled. So this was for John. Does he know, Dorian?"

"Know what?"

"That you have fallen in love." Rudy sat down next to his friend and patted his hand in reassurance.

"I think he knows, but we don't talk about it yet. It might be the right time to bring things out into the open," Dorian guessed.

"You couldn't have picked a better week to do it, because this is a celebration week and January ‘s holiday is Letter Writing Week. He doesn't have to know that, but I wanted you to know that."

Rudy got up and got some paper and the pen and put it in a case for Dorian. "He's going to ask you what the case is for. Just tell him that it's from me and it has to do with your memories. He won't wonder after that. John doesn't like to question things about your matrix."

"Thank you, Rudy. I better get back upstairs," Dorian said on his way out the door. The android was never so happy in his life. He was finally going to tell John exactly how he felt and with a letter. John would be shocked, but Dorian thought, happy.


John watched television that night and remarked about different things and didn't comment on how quiet Dorian was. He seemed to know that Dorian had things on his mind. At ten o'clock, Dorian stood up and said, "I'm going to go into the spare room and charge."

"Good night, Dorian. You can call it your room, you know?"

"Okay, I'm going to my room and rest for the evening. I hope you sleep well, John."

"Thank you," John said as he shut off the television and went to rinse out his beer bottle in the kitchen. He had had three beers that would help him sleep. He needed something these days. For some reason, he couldn't seem to sleep well. Nightmares plagued his normally quiet soul. It had been awhile since he had these dreams. What was bringing them on?

Both men were in their bedroom and Dorian could hear John moving around getting ready for bed. He also knew that John would no doubt have more dreams that woke him up and Dorian wished he could help with that. Maybe if he spoke correctly in this letter, he would be able to share John's bed, life and bad dreams. This was Dorian's hope. This was his silent prayer. Dorian had read about prayer and decided that he believed in a higher being, too. So, why not pray to him like everyone seemed to?

Dorian pulled a sheet of the lovely paper out and set it on the desk in his room. His room, had a nice ring to it, but their room would have an even better ring to it.

He saw the pen and smiled. To think that people used to write letters like this all the time made him feel like he was suddenly almost human.

He began to settle into writing.

Dear John,

I wanted to write to you like this, so it would be something new and different for you. I want to ask you some important questions. How would you feel about a relationship with me? Could you get past the fact that I'm not human? I have done one of the most idiotic things a droid could ever do. I've fallen in love with a human and don't know what to do about it. If you can't see this between us, I hope you won't be uncomfortable and make me move in with Rudy. That would be my biggest fear right now. My second fear would be total rejection. But, I can live with it, John, if you're not comfortable with this situation. I've never been in love before and I find it most frightening and exciting at the same time. I've done all the research on love, sex and anything else that would come up. I seem to like the idea of all of them. I find myself watching you and thinking sexual thoughts now. I never used to. I'm very fond of you, John. I hope you understand that I wouldn't do this with just anyone. You seem to be the ‘one' for me and it's because you're so special. I know you're thinking that you're not that special, because you say things like that all the time, but you are. In my eyes, you will always be special. I'm deeply in love with you and hope you could return those feelings, but I will always remain your friend if you don't return them. I'm going to leave this out for you to read in private and then you can take your time in thinking about it. I know it's a big step for both of us, and you might not want to take that step. Which I would totally understand. As I said before, we'll always be best friends. You mean the world to me no matter what. I will patiently wait for your reply.

I find myself torn on how to sign this, John. Because after all, I love you, but I don't want to push myself on you either, so instead I will close like this.

With love,


Dorian folded the paper and put it inside one of the beautiful envelopes that matched the paper. He then wrote JOHN on it and listened to see if John was sleeping. He could hear the soft snores coming from next door and knew that it was safe to leave it in the bathroom where he would see it first thing in the morning. Dorian took it in there and set it near the mirror, where he couldn't miss seeing it and walked out of the room. If he would have been human, he would have been sweating from anxiety, but instead, he just decided to plug himself in and calm down. What would be, would be.


John woke up after a night filled with odd dreams about Dorian. Some of them with naked Dorian. What is up with you, your life isn't complicated enough, already?

John put his leg on and walked into the bathroom to begin his routine and saw the envelope sitting on the counter with his name on it. John panicked for a moment thinking that Dorian had left him, but then realized, Dorian would have said goodbye if he was leaving. So, instead of worrying about it, he opened the letter and began to read. He leaned against the counter top and found himself smiling like crazy. So, Dorian felt the same way he did. John was happy. He finished his routine and once he was dressed he walked into the other room and saw Dorian staring at him, while charging. John jumped, he expected to see Dorian asleep not awake.

"Geeze, you scared me."

"I didn't mean to, John."

"Are you done charging? I would like to speak to you in the living room, Dorian."

Dorian asked, "Do I have time to pack?"

John smiled at him and Dorian realized things weren't as bleak as Dorian had thought they were.

"Just get your butt into the living room and sit with me. I want to discuss this before we get to work."

Dorian unplugged himself quickly and walked in the living room and sat next to John. John put his hand over Dorian's and said, "Thank you for the letter. I've never gotten one from anyone. So, this was a nice change."

"You're very welcome, John." Dorian waited for the rest to come.

"I'm in love with you, too. I haven't done any type of research, so, you'll be in charge of telling me what's right and wrong. I'm on board about this, Dorian. You can relax now."

"I'm so happy you love me, too. That makes things much easier, doesn't it?"

"I'm going to save that letter, forever, Dorian. I really loved getting it. Thank you."

Dorian took a chance and leaned in and kissed John. John was ready for it and kissed Dorian with much desire and longing. John finally pushed Dorian away and said, "We'll discuss this tonight after work."

"Can't we be late, this once?" Dorian asked, seductively.

"No, I don't want people to guess this at work. We have to keep it private, Dorian."

"Okay, I understand, John. Then we'll discuss it tonight."

John stood up with a bulge in his pants and Dorian smiled. "Let me just call the captain and ask her if anything is going on right now. I'll tell her we're going to breakfast."

"She'll know something is up then. She knows I don't eat."

"Well, fuck. I'm going to say that my leg isn't charged all the way. How does that sound, Dorian?"

"Sounds like a winner."

Dorian handed John's phone to him wearing a big ‘fuck me' smile and waited patiently.

And then, John did just that.

The end