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Archive Warning:
Part 70 of Criminal Minds After Series
Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

After What Happens in Mecklinberg...


small scene takes place after ep "What Happens in Mecklinberg..."

Work Text:

Derek was almost asleep, his head on Dave’s shoulder and face tilted towards Dave’s neck. The slight turbulence didn’t bother him. The small light from Dave’s Kindle didn’t bother him. The sound of Aaron’s pen scratching on paper didn’t bother him.

He was warm and Dave always smelled good. He sighed quietly in contentment. He was ready to let go.

Then JJ dropped into the other seat across from them, next to Aaron. She held a finger to her lips and motioned for Spencer and Alex to take the seats across the isle. She grinned widely at all of them. She set an open laptop on the table at the far end of the table by the window, screen facing out towards them.

“Hello, my lovelies,” Penelope crowed.

Dave and Aaron both looked up towards the computer screen. The two men exchanged amused glances. JJ, Alex, and Spencer just smiled at each other and her. Derek just groaned and tried to burrow closer to Dave.

“I see everyone’s smiling face, except for my Chocolicious,” Penelope chirped.

Dave nudged Derek. “Derek,” he whispered.

“No,” Derek whined. “Whatever it is, I don’t care.”

A second voice came from the computer. It would’ve been stern if not for the teasing edge to it. “Derek, don’t you dare ignore Penny.”

Derek jerked upright. His eyes got wide. “Auntie Minerva.”

Minerva and Penelope were sitting together in Penelope’s sanctum. Minerva wore a bright leopard print top. Penelope wore a neon pink and white snakeskin pattern shirt. Penelope’s hair was in braids (one of Minerva’s favorite styles) and Minerva’s glasses looked identical to one of Penelope’s pairs.

“Auntie,” Derek squeaked. He cleared his throat. “You didn’t tell me that you were coming. What are you doing in town?”

“We thought it would be fun to surprise you.” Minerva smiled warmly. “Why wouldn’t I want to see my favorite nephew?”

“I…” Derek trailed off at a loss. He darted glances at the others but none of them seemed the least sympathetic.

“I can’t wait for you to meet my Jacob,” Minerva gushed. “One of the reasons we came here is so he can meet up with all his old war buddies.”

Derek fought the urge to bury his face in Dave’s shoulder. He plastered a fake smile on his face. “That would be great.”

Minerva pointed to Penelope’s head. “What do you think of her hair? I keep telling her that the braids work.”

Penelope turned her head to the side to give their audience a better view of her new hair style. There was a new pink streak in her blonde hair. “What do you think? Do I rock this look?”

“Ummm,” Derek stuttered.

JJ grinned. “It’s great, Pen.”

“It’s you,” Alex added.

Spencer glared at Alex. “I was going to say that.” He turned his attention back to the screen. “It looks nice.”

“Beautiful, Garcia,” Aaron put in.

Dave slid an arm around Derek. He started rubbing the tense spot at the base of Derek’s neck. “Very becoming, Garcia.”

“Thanks,” Penelope squealed. “You’re all so sweet.”

“Derek,” Minerva prompted.

Derek jumped but managed not to stutter when he answered. “You rock it, Baby Girl.”

Penelope laughed. “Why are you looking at us like that? I’ll have you know that your Auntie is fun to shop with.”

Derek just couldn’t stop gaping at them: the evil twins sent to destroy him in the guise of his Baby Girl and his Auntie.

Penelope’s eyes sparked mischievously. “Plus, she’s got lots of fun stories about little Derek Morgan.”

“Oh, God,” Derek groaned while everyone else laughed. He leaned into Dave, who had the sense to at least cover his mouth.

Minerva sat up straighter and regarded Derek solemnly. “You were an adorable boy, Derek. There’s no need to be embarrassed.”

Derek sighed heavily and found that he couldn’t find it within himself to be mad. He gave a small smile. “Thanks, Auntie.”

Minerva smiled in return. “You’re welcome.”

Penelope gave Minerva a one armed hug. “I’m taking Minerva and Jacob out to my favorite restaurant this evening and then I’ll make sure they get back to their hotel safe.”

Derek looked to Dave and Dave just nodded. “You could stay with us,” Derek tentatively offered.

Minerva waved that off. She got a dreamy look on her face. “No thanks. Jacob and I got a luxury suite for a reason. I love that man and all his talents. We can be loud and…”

“Enough said,” Derek interrupted. He grimaced and gave into the urge to bury his face in Dave’s shoulder.

Series this work belongs to: