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Bizarre and Unique Holidays Monthly


Blair introduces Jim to January, via celebrations for the month.

Chapter 1: January-The Sentinel


This is a new series being kicked off today for multi-fandom stories. Tria Kane gave me the idea for writing a monthly story about monthly holiday’s and it seemed a little easier than every day for a year. This would only be 12 stories a year. I can handle that. The first story is from The Sentinel and Lord only knows who will be next.

Chapter Text

January-The Sentinel
Bizarre and Unique Holidays Monthly
By PattRose and Guest Authors
Multi-fandom Series

This is a new series being kicked off today for multi-fandom stories. Tria Kane gave me the idea for writing a monthly story about monthly holiday's and it seemed a little easier than every day for a year. This would only be 12 stories a year. I can handle that. The first story is from The Sentinel and Lord only knows who will be next.

Fandom: The Sentinel
Pairings: Jim/Blair
Warnings: none
Genre: Slash
Author: PattRose
Summary: Blair introduces Jim to January, via celebrations for the month.
Word Count: 592
Notes: January Monthly Holiday's
National Bath Safety Month
National Hot Tea Month
National Oatmeal Month
National Soup Month
Yes, I'm going to use all four of them in one little story.


Jim came walking down the stairs, bed-head all over the place and smiled at his lover making breakfast and coffee in the kitchen. "Morning, Chief. Do I have time for a shower?"

Blair smiled at the man he was in love with and answered, "Hurry it up."

Jim walked into the bathroom and was in there about ten minutes when he called out, "Chief, you want to come in here for a moment?"

Blair opened up the bathroom door and asked, "What?"

"What's with the rubber ducky sticker's in the tub?"

"Jim, January is National Bath Safety Month. I noticed you almost slipped last week on the slick surface and decided I would remedy that situation."

"But, Blair does it have to be rubber duckies?"

"Hurry up, breakfast is getting cold," Blair said as he walked out of the room, shutting the door behind him.

About ten minutes later, Jim came walking out, wearing his robe and sat down at the table, after seeing that breakfast was already on the table. "Chief, you know I don't really like oatmeal, right?"

"It's National Oatmeal month, and we're celebrating at least one day. One day isn't going to kill you, Jim."

"Fine." Jim started moving the cereal around, not really eating it and Blair finally said, "Either eat it, or I don't talk to you for the month. Take your pick."

Jim actually thought about it before he started eating his oatmeal, which pissed Blair off to no end. He had to think about the choice?

"So, what's up with the National Monthly things?" Jim wondered.

"I just found out that there were some cool things to celebrate for the month of January. Some of them could be celebrated more than once, too," Blair explained.

Jim finished his oatmeal and slid the bowl to the middle of the table. He acted like the oatmeal was going to reproduce in the bowl or something. He then looked down at his coffee and realized it wasn't coffee at all. "Blair, what is this?"

Blair looked at him like he was an idiot and replied, "It's hot tea, Mr. Sentinel Man. This is National Hot Tea Month, too."

"I don't really care for hot tea and you know that."

Blair glared at him and said, "Tough. Now, drink it and be done with it. You only have to celebrate once."

"Please tell me that's it and there aren't any more celebrations for this month," Jim hoped.

"One more, Jim and you're going to like it."

"What? I don't like the way you're smiling. That usually means you're up to something."

"I got up early today and made homemade potato soup. I know how much you like it and it's…"

"Don't tell me, it's National Soup Month?" Jim asked, very cleverly.

"Exactly… Was that so bad, man?"

"No, it wasn't that bad. Well, except for the rubber duckies and the oatmeal. Other then that, it was fine."

"Jim, you didn't mind the hot tea?"

"Oh yeah, I forgot about the tea. Not my favorite. But the soup sounds wonderful and I'm glad it's National Soup Month."

"Me too, Jim. Happy January."

Jim pulled Blair in for a kiss and said, "Happy January to you, too."