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Love on the High Seas: Stand By Your Family


Salem's men, and women, are determined to stand by him, regardless of the consequences.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

Love on the High Seas: Stand By Your Family
by Pirate Turner

        "Okay, JD," Salem coaxed, his emerald orbs gazing up into the boy's big, brown eyes. Salem knew that JD was over two hundred years old, but, to him, he would always be a scared child who needed his father. "Out with it. What's bothering you?"

        "I'm scared, Salem," JD whispered. He'd never lie to the great Wizard he loved. "The guys and I . . . We got away last time, but what if we don't this time? All the curses have been so horrible! What will they do to us?"

        "Nothing," Salem purred reassurance, "because you're not going to be here."

        "You know our options."

        "I'm stayin' right here," Vin drawled.

        "Me too," Nathan agreed. "Salem's the only father I got."

        Josiah spoke, "I didn't want to leave him the first time."

        "None of us did, pard."

        "I ain't going anywhere this time."

        Ezra nodded. "He saved us all. It is past time we did the same for him."

        Buck's eyes met Chris'. "Ya stand by your family."

        Chris nodded. He'd never abandon Salem. "JD?"

        "I don't wanna lose you guys," JD whispered, looking tearfully at Buck.

        Buck placed a hand on his shoulder. "Ya won't lose us, kid. We're all in this together no matter what."

        JD nodded.

        "Salem, we need to talk." Two pairs of green eyes met.

        "Chris," Salem acknowledged from Faith's arms. A smile twisted his lips. "You always have been stubborn." His tail whisked as his gaze encompassed all seven men. "You all have."


        "We're staying."

        "Are you certain?" Salem asked, trying not to let his hope show.

        "Yes, sir," JD spoke, coming forward. "We all love you." Six men blushed. "We should have been with you the first time."

        "You didn't know . . . "


        "But we do now."

        JD smiled. "And we're not going anywhere except right by your side." The men took turns petting Salem.

        "Isn't it wrong of me?" Salem asked Faith after the Magnificos crew had danced away to the tunes of Captain Hook, Lorne, and the other musicians.

        "I wouldn't be the one to ask." Faith scratched his head.

        "These old ears still hear pretty good, thanks to you." They looked up into Josiah's kind face. "And the answer is no, Salem. We're all still alive because of you. You've saved hundreds, and this is the only way you'll still get to save the world."

        "You still believe in me?" Salem questioned in amazement.

        "Of course. We wouldn't be here if we didn't."

        "Ye've made a believer out of every one o' us," Jack spoke as he stepped from the shadows with Will.

        Sean came forward with Emma still in his arms. "We lost everythin', Salem, but we'd di it again in a heartbeat."

        "Aye," Hook agreed, his good hand in Smee's. "Only we wouldn't get caught this time."

        "Nor will we be entrapped when we attempt again," Ezra affirmed.

        Katrina and Faith shared a wink. "You're gonna save the world, Salem." Faith kissed his head. "And we're gonna be right there by you." His family continued to assure and pet Salem until he purred.

The End


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